The next day.

This is the most tense day of the Canaan Inner Academy since its establishment.

In the middle of the valley of Inner Academy, a huge Black tower is buried deep in the ground, but a spire is exposed on the ground and a dark entrance is required.

Above the Black tower, several smashing void Powerhouses stand in suspension, all eyes are on the Black tower below.

"Deputy Headmaster, what's the matter with Jia Nan Academy recently? A few days ago, Magic Beast overlord Ancient Void Dragon came to our hospital, and they never came up from Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower. ."

"Why do so many strange Powerhouses appear today? Looking at their breath, they seem to be very powerful!"

The speaker is a roughly twenty four- A five-year-old woman in green, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at more and more people in the square in front of her, her pretty face with a look of surprise and incomprehension, it is her mentor Norin.

"It's more than powerful, it can be described as horror! Any one of them, the strength is far above me."

Hu Gan bronze's face, because The appearance of countless Powerhouses above is full of shock.

"Even the Headmaster is respectful and respectful to these guys. It seems that they are not small." An Elder looked at the warmly entertaining Mang Qianchi above, and sighed.

"Why do so many Powerhouses appear together in our hospital? And those Ancient Void Dragons, what is there at the bottom of the tower."

Ruo Lin looked away from the countless Powerhouses above. Open, I glanced at the Qi Refining Tower behind, and I became even more confused.

"According to the headed Ancient Void Dragon, their Dragon Emperor was trapped under the lava at the bottom of the tower. But I really can't figure it out. Who can be trapped if it exists." Hu Gan also Bewildered.

High in the sky, dozens of Powerhouses from smashing void can be roughly divided into six powers according to different robes. The leader of each power, the breath that faintly exudes makes them feel scared witless.

"Old Man Hu, look! It's Boss Chu!" Just as everyone was talking, Su Qian suddenly creded out in surprise.

I saw several silhouettes in front of the six forces above, and the person in the middle was the Boss Chu who had saved the Academy in distress before.

"Could it be that Boss Chu brought these guys here." Hu Gan muttered to himself.

High in the sky, as the headmaster of Jia Nan Academy, Mang Qianchi, when he saw a middle-aged man next to Chu Bei, he quickly stepped forward with a respectful expression.

"I have seen Clan Leader!"

Mang Qianchi moved towards Lei Ying bowed.

Lei Ying moved towards Mang Qianchi nodded after signaling, looked towards Chu Bei and said: "Boss Chu, the people are already there, can you go down?"

Chu Bei glanced at Chu Bei After passing Gu Yuan, Yan Jin and the others, after lightly complied, the silhouette disappeared first.

See it, Gu Yuan, Lei Ying and the others, follow closely from behind.

In an instant, Chu Bei entire group came to the lava underground below the Qi Refining Tower.

Who would have thought that there is such a space under this lava? The medicine pill let out a sigh.

Perhaps because it came to the source of lava, the lava of crimson has evolved into red black.

In their up ahead, it is an extremely large group of light.

In the light group is a stone gate, a huge stone gate of ten thousand zhang!

Before the stone gate, there are already several silhouettes.

"Boss Chu!"

As soon as Chu Bei entire group arrived, Ancient Void Dragons such as Zi Yan and Qing Shan cast their eyes and saw the appearance of the people, especially Zi Yan , With excitement on his face.

"Boss Chu, is the Dragon Emperor really inside? We tried many methods, but we couldn't open this stone gate at all." Qing Shan stepped forward immediately.

"Don't worry, you will see him soon." Chu Bei spoke lightly, his voice fell, and looked towards the front.

ten thousand zhang stone gate stands quietly in this vast space, like an eternal existence, an ancient and wild breath shrouded on it, rippling in this Small World.

Standing in front of the magnificent stone gate is better than Gu Yuan, medicine pill and the others. Unconsciously, there is a sense of awe in my heart.

"Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion!"

The eyes of a crowd swept across the stone gate, and finally stayed on the four ancient fonts on the top of the stone gate.

Looking at these four breathtaking characters, everyone's eyes suddenly tightened, and their hearts beat violently at this moment.

The ancient fonts are not too gorgeous, but in the ordinary, they have an endless majesty that surpasses Heaven and Earth!

"Prepare to open the door."

Looking at the four ancient fonts, Gu Yuan, medicine pill, Lei Ying and the others showed joy.

next moment, Chu Bei, Gu Yuan, Xiao Yan, medicine pill, Lei Ying, Yan Jin, Shi Tian and Ning Hao each took out a Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Jade.

When the eight jade pendants touched together, they immediately formed a bright light cluster.

The light group flew up and hovered in front of the simple gate, waiting for everyone, the light mist rippled in the light group, and finally turned into an illusory old silhouette.

With the appearance of that old silhouette, the energy of this space instantly boiled, and a pressure like Heaven and Earth Sovereign fell from the sky.

"Tuo...Ancient Emperor Tuo She!"

Looking at the old man with beautiful long hair, Gu Yuan, medicine pill and the others couldn't help exclaiming.

For nearly a thousand years, in addition to the Boss Chu of unknown origin that has recently emerged, Dou Qi Continent can have such an imposing manner, and I am afraid that there is only the last Dou Di in the legend. , Ancient Emperor Tuo She is here.

The old man with long hair seems to be just a consciousness and no soul, and he didn't even look at everyone in the field. He just slightly stiffened his right hand and pointed it at the simple door.


With a roar, the ancient leader door that had been closed for several years slowly squirmed, and a trace of cracks emerged.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger. After a few breaths, the ancient stone gate finally moved away from both sides in a quack.


At the moment when the ancient stone gate was opened, an ancient wave originating from ancient times suddenly emerged after the giant gate swept in a flash .

Under these fluctuations, medicine pill, Lei Ying and the others were directly shaken back several steps.

bang bang bang!

With the opening of the stone gate, the ancient fluctuations became more and more violent. Later, all the powerhouses involuntarily operated Dou Qi in the body.

When the ancient stone gate was completely opened, it was as if the wave from the ancient Great Desolate completely surged open, and the entire lava exploded into a stormy sea.

"Be careful! Something is coming!"

Suddenly, medicine pill felt a chill in his heart, and he could sense that there was a lot of cryptic breath at the door, and quickly moved towards them. Come.

"chi chi chi!"

Amid the weird neighs, densely packed red silhouettes gush out from the door, and finally surround the Chu Bei entire group.

"Cave Mansion of the trespassing emperor, die!"

This is a group of lizard-like creatures, headed by a dark green lizardman.

dark green lizardman stared at the crowd with cold pupils. As soon as the cold tone came out, the eyes of the surrounding lizardman suddenly revealed a brutal color, and the scales above the body became dull. .

After that, with killing intent from all directions to Chu Bei entire group,

I noticed the breath fluctuations of these lizardman, medicine pill, Lei Ying and the others have nothing to face. Variety. Even the strongest lizardman is worthy of 1-star Dou Sheng.

Gu Yuan, medicine pill, Lei Ying and the others are scattered and scattered, the stability is not moving, a vast wave of coercive pressure spreads rapidly from the body.

Boom, boom, bang!

Gu Yuan and the others shot one after another, the tyrannical Heaven Rank Dou Technique came out, the lava boiling instantly, and the crackling sound continued.

After a while, the lizardman army was shaken and flew away, exploding the flesh and blood.

"Humans, you trespass into the Emperor's Cave Mansion, and you will not end well!"

When I felt the breath fluctuations of Gu Yuan and the others, my original look was fierce. The dark green lizardman immediately took the clansman back away, and when he left, he did not forget to send out threatening words.

"Go in."

To repel the Lizardman army, Chu Bei took the lead through the gate, Gu Yuan, Lei Ying and the others follow closely from behind, one by one as fast as lightning.


But when a crowd of people just passed through the quaint gate, a magic sound resembling hell sounded inexplicably in the dead space, listening to this cold A syllable, everyone's scalp quietly exploded.

Looking at the source of the sound, when the scene below was clearly seen, the complexions of all the Powerhouses changed, and they could not help but browse knit.

It was an indescribably huge creature. It occupies this piece of Darkness in the sky behind this quaint gate, completely motionless.

Looking at it, this mysterious huge monster has the color of purple, with cold scales covering its body, and a vigorous, steel-like direct gaze emerges spontaneously.

"What kind of creature is this?"

"Is it possible that is the mount raised by the Ancient Emperor Tuo She?"

Look at the foot below When swallowing heaven devouring earth-like huge creatures, the Powerhouse of the Six Races that followed behind suddenly felt a sense of horror.

They didn't expect that there will be such a quiet space behind this quaint gate, and there are such huge creatures!

Gu Yuan, medicine pill, Lei Ying and other six Clan Leaders, looked at each other, and seemed to have some conjectures about this huge monster.

Look at Ziyan, Qing Shan, Qing Shui and other Ancient Void Dragons, and when they saw the huge monster below, their breathing began to become rapid.

"Dragon Emperor..."


Qing Shan's eyes flushed, but the trembling words in his mouth have not yet fallen. , The cold syllable that came from hell came from below again.

next moment, the body of the behemoth below trembled slightly. Darkness in the sky A pair of huge eyes closed for a long time suddenly opened!

These are a pair of scarlet eye pupils, the moment they opened, they locked everyone in the field.

Almost at the same time, an extremely terrifying coercion enveloped the entire void, making everyone feel a sense of crisis inexplicably.

It really is him!

Feeling the breath that is not weaker than Gu Yuan's released by the huge object below, medicine pill, Lei Ying and the others exclaimed, seeming to confirm their conjecture.

"Old Dragon Emperor, I didn't expect you to be like this. Is it because of Ancient Emperor Tuo She?"

Gu Yuan took a step forward and looked at the huge monster below A faint sigh. Afterwards, raised right hand, the Darkness world mixed with red light instantly became brighter.

At this brief moment, everyone in the field thoroughly saw the look of the huge monster.

Ancient Void Dragon!

That is an Ancient Void Dragon that is hundreds of times more than the ordinary Ancient Void Dragon!

With a sound of dragon roar, the entire space shook suddenly, and a bright purple beam of light burst out from below, passing through the moved towards of the void fiercely and everyone called.

"It’s fine if you don’t recognize me, don’t you even recognize your clansman and your daughter?"

Seeing Zhu Kun launching an attack, Gu Yuan’s eyes After a cold, the right hand flipped, and in an instant, a golden giant palm collided fiercely with the purple beam of light!

hong long!

In the loud noise, the terror storm tore the void.

"Its soul has been stripped, and now he is just a body without self-awareness that's all."

Just when Zhu Kun once again hit a more terrifying purple beam of light , Chu Bei's calm voice sounded.

The voice fell, a piece of talisman paper made of unknown material appeared in Chu Bei's palm. With a wave of his hand, the talisman paper carried a fierce wind, first crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. , And then attached it to Zhu Kun's head.

Suddenly, in the stern dragon roar, Zhu Kun's huge body rolled frantically and under the suppression of the weird talisman paper, his size kept getting smaller, and finally turned into a tall middle-aged man .

After that, the man seemed to be restraint by an invisible force and floated uncontrollably in front of Chu Bei.

The middle-aged man has hollow eyes, staring at the front sluggishly, and his struggling body twists and releases a monstrous killing intent.

"Boss Chu, you use Heavenspan, please save the old Dragon Emperor." Qing Shan and Qing Shui suddenly knelt down in front of Chu Bei.

"Don't worry."

After Chu Bei held up Qing Shan and Qingshui, he suddenly looked towards the void.

I saw his right hand moves, a huge seven-color palm print appeared, and the palm print was slightly bent and a horrible pulling force emerged in an instant.

Under the line of sight, a group of translucent souls wrapped in weird energy swept toward the seven-color palm prints like lightning.

chi chi chi!

The strange energy that acts as a seal disappears the moment it touches the seven-color palm print.


The syllable of the word Chu Bei fell, and the translucent soul body quickly sank into the tall man's body.

At the same time, the talisman paper pasted on Zhu Kun's head spontaneously burned into ashes. After a while, Zhu Kun's tall body trembled suddenly, and his hollow eyes gradually became clearer.

" child..."

Zhu Kun returned to his consciousness, his gaze first swept across Qing Shan Qingshui, and then landed on Zi Yan's body in a daze. Can't help but shiver slightly.

"Zi Yan, go."

Chu Bei lightly patted Zi Yan's shoulder blades.

"Boss, thank you."

Zi Yan raised his eyes and looked at Chu Bei, then went straight to Zhu Kun, his eyes gradually soaking.

From the other party's body, she felt an extremely familiar smell of blood. That is the bloodline of the same sect. Between Heaven and Earth, only her biological father and mother can have it.

"child …"

Zhu Kun was originally full of majestic Golden pupils, but the moment he saw Zi Yan softened, his heart that had been silent for countless years suddenly became violent beat.

"Imperial Father …"

Zi Yan lovable body was also trembling slightly, and the silver teeth biting the lips lightly extended the jade hand and let Zhu Kun clenched it.

Hearing this shout, Zhu Kun's body trembled more severely. A complex smile suddenly appeared on his resolute face, and finally he hugged Zi Yan and said, "My child, Imperial." Father, sorry for you..."

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