"Zi Yan Dragon Emperor!"

Hei Qing immediately flew to Zi Yan's side, and bowed respectfully moved towards Zi Yan.

However, Zi Yan directly ignored Hei Qing and quickly flew in front of Chu Bei.

"Boss, you can count on coming! Later, I won't be able to hold it anymore!"

Looking at Chu Bei who has finally arrived, the touch on Zi Yan's face The strength disappeared, and he threw himself into Chu Bei's arms, tears filled Shui Lingling's big eyes.

Feeling the fullness of the two balls in front of him, Chu Bei coughed a little awkwardly, seeming to remind Zi Yan that she is no longer the little girl who can sleep in the same bed with him.

No matter what, Zi Yan didn't seem to understand Chu Bei's coughing at all, and simply didn't mean to let go.

In the past seven days, she has had a hard time!

Let’s not talk about the pressure to suddenly become the Dragon Emperor, just watching those clansman who died in the fierce battle to protect her, her heart is like a knife.

But whenever she wants to cry, Zhu Li Elder next to her always reminds her to pay attention to her identity, she can only grit her teeth and force herself to be strong.

Now, when she saw Chu Bei's arrival, she seemed to have found the backbone and completely relieved the burden on her body.

"Zi Yan, shall we call you sister Zi Yan in the future?" Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian muttered as they looked at Zi Yan's perfect figure.

"Don't!" Zi Yan wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, breaking his tears into a smile.

Zi Yan's move suddenly shocked all the Ancient Void Dragons in the field, especially Zhu Li Elder, who was guarding Zi Yan next to him, with his mouth open.

Even the Dragon King of Three Islands, the Great Elder of Qing Shan and Qingshui of East Dragon Island, and the Big Five Powerhouses also cast their eyes, allowing some surprises in their confusion.

"The new Dragon Emperor, she...she actually hugged that guy!"

"What is his background? What is the relationship with the new Dragon Emperor?"

"Looking at the appearance of the new Dragon Emperor, he seems to be very dependent on him!"

"Isn't Hei Qing Elder standing next to him? Even Hei Qing Elder treats him They are very respectful!"

"You said, the death of the Mishima Powerhouse just guarding it, is it related to him?"


The group of Ancient Void Dragons on East Dragon Island ignored their injuries, their eyes were firmly locked on Chu Bei, who was hugged by Zi Yan fiercely, and their eyes were filled with incredible shock.

"Boss Chu, hurry and save East Dragon Island! Drive all these offenders from East Dragon Island!" Zi Yan finally released Chu Bei and pointed his finger at Mishima. Powerhouse, with plea in the words.

"Just drive away? What if they come back? It's better to kill."

Chu Bei's calm voice floated from the air, although the voice was not loud, But it clearly sounded in the minds of everyone in the field.

After that, Chu Bei lightly patted Zi Yan's head: "Stay here, I will leave the rest."


Zi Yan subconsciously complied.

"Pretend! Let me meet you!"

Huo Ran, a thunderous voice exploded over the Dragon Palace.

Immediately, a black-faced man with a body like a giant ape flashed out. The simple ordinary punch with a hideous complexion blasted away at Chu Bei. The terrifying energy was connected to the air in the hundred zhang. They were all drained instantly.

This black-faced man is the leader of the previous encirclement and suppression of Zi Yan.

"Boss Chu, he is the Great Commander Xuan Mo of West Dragon Island, but Half Sage." Hei Qing glanced at the black-faced man, and moved towards Chu Bei respectfully speaking about his identity.

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, and didn't even glance at the black-faced man who swept over. He directly wrapped his right fist around the five-color flame, and in an instant he shot a huge fire fist.

next moment, under several horrified gazes, the five-color fire fist went straight to the black-faced man.


Suddenly, the two syllables of Chu Bei, which are as calm as water, spread out above the sky before the explosion.


A terrifying space storm was brought up where the five-color fire fist merged with the black-faced man.

Immediately, there was an angry howl from the black-faced man.

But the black-faced man’s anger did not last long, and the fusion of the two turned into a boundless sea of ​​fire with a bang. The blazing aftermath suddenly swept away, and the nearby Powerhouses, including Zhu Li, all subconsciously propped up the defensive armor.

As for the Mishima Ancient Void Dragon who followed the black-faced man who came close, they flew away fiercely in the aftermath, and the inner Qi churning.

When the sky and the five-colored fire sea returned to Chu Bei's body, look at the previous collision, there is no silhouette of the black-faced man, and some are just the collapsed void burned by the five-colored flame.

"Great Commander's breath disappeared...disappeared!"

"How is it possible!"

Mishima Powerhouse stared at the collapsed void, eyes shrank , Once again looked towards Chu Bei, there was more fear in his eyes.

Above the Dragon Palace, the East Dragon Island Powerhouse headed by Zhu Li, his eyes were filled with astonishment, and some couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Hei Qing, who is he!" Zhu Li came to Hei Qing's side and said in a low voice.

"Elder, he brought the Zi Yan Dragon Emperor to the Central Plain."

Hei Qing briefly talked about some information he knew about Chu Bei.

"I just don't know if his strength can join the Great Elder and their battlefield. If it is possible, our crisis may really be resolved." Hearing Hei Qing said, Zhu Li looked towards Chu Bei Allow some respect in his eyes.

After solving the West Dragon Island Great Commander Phantom, Chu Bei looked towards the battlefield with the most terrifying energy fluctuations.

Under the joint efforts of the Dragon Kings of Three Islands, Great Elder Qing Shan and Second Elder Qingshui of East Dragon Island are obviously weaker than the downwind and have been in a defensive state.

As the battle heats up, the two Great Elders of Qing Shan and Qingshui already have many visible scars on the naked eye.

The Chu Bei silhouette shook, and when it reappeared, it seemed to have come to the battlefield of Qing Shan Qingshui.

"Many thanks, please help!"

Qing Shan Qingshui moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand. The previous scene in which the opponent killed Mishima Powerhouse, they It's all in the eyes.

"You go to heal, leave it to me here." Chu Bei said lightly.

"The three of them are all 3-Star Dou Sheng, I don’t know you......"

"Go to heal."

Not waiting for Qing Shan Qing After speaking in the mouth, Chu Bei spoke again.

Hearing the sound, Qing Shan glanced at Qing Shui, did not say more, and stepped aside.

"What a big tone!"

The Mishima Dragon King stared at Chu Bei coldly, especially the West Island Dragon King. Because the latter killed the magic demon, that looked There is a killing intent in the gaze towards Chu Bei!

"In the past, Zhu Kun cultivated a lot of you, but now, you not only split up Dragon Island and all split up and in pieces, but also killed his heirs. Did your conscience be eaten by dogs? !"

Chu Bei glanced over Mishima Dragon King in turn, and his voice was cold.

Hearing the name Zhu Kun in Chu Bei’s mouth, Mishima Dragon King’s complexion became obviously unnatural. After a while, he said: "The old Dragon Emperor Your Majesty has been missing for thousands of years, and I am afraid that he is no longer there now. The world. As for this so-called new Dragon Emperor, she must be a fake!"

"Really ridiculous! Is she a descendant of Zhu Kun, shouldn't you know better than me?" Chu Bei coldly snorted.

"Why do you an outsider have the right to take care of my Ancient Void Dragon clan!"

The killing intent in the eyes of the Mishima Dragon King is fully displayed, obviously he does not want to talk about Chu Bei. On the topic of Zi Yan.

"What about outsiders? If I manage, what can you do with me?"

Chu Bei ignored Mishima Dragon King's murderous eyes, with a smile on his mouth.

The voice fell, Chu Bei looked towards the fierce battlefields below, the right hand poked out, and the palm of the palm burst into five-colored flame.

In the blink of an eye, the five-color flame evolved into a huge bowl-shaped, all around the dragon hall.

"Any Ancient Void Dragon on East Dragon Island, immediately stop fighting and enter the area I have drawn!"

The voice filled with majesty sounded from Chu Bei’s mouth, floating in Every corner of Dragon Island.

After a group of Ancient Void Dragons from East Dragon Island were stunned, they quickly followed Chu Bei's requirements and flew into the area isolated by the five-color flame one by one.

Xiao Yan, Venerable Feng, Zi Yan and the others are also immediately entered.

When all the Ancient Void Dragons on the East Dragon Island entered the Safety Sector domain where the Dragon Palace is located, Chu Bei right hand probed into the void and held it slightly.

Suddenly, over the distant sky of East Dragon Island, a five-color fire sea appeared, covering every corner of East Dragon Island.

"What is he going to do!"

The Ancient Void Dragon on the other three islands looked at the five-colored fire sea above in horror. When the fire sea was unknown, the fire sea suddenly rolled like waves. Then one after another five-color Fire Lotus appeared.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

next moment, these thousands of five-color Fire Lotus pierced through the void and fell down.

These Fire Lotus looks like a pair of eyes, but wherever they fall, there must be the Ancient Void Dragon Powerhouse of Mishima.

hong long long ——

In an instant, the sound of loud explosions filled the island.

Following that drifted away was the terrifying cry of misery and pain.

"Heavenly Flame, five kinds of Heavenly Flame!"

"Combine them into a kind of flame!"

Qing Shan and Qing Shui distinguish the flame in After the breath, they looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with shock.

"Did these Fire Lotus produce intelligence? They were able to find their own goals!"

Zhu Li was shocked and looked at what was happening in Safety Sector Foreign Domain in disbelief One scene.

Every five-color Fire Lotus hits at least three Ancient Dragons, which is extremely accurate. Looking around, there are nearly a thousand Fire Lotuses, and none of them are in vain.

In just a few seconds, thousands of invaded Mishima Powerhouses were affected by the fire lotus.

What's more terrifying is that the five-color flame in Fire Lotus seems to be impossible to extinguish. Even if some Ancient Void Dragon is only affected a little, it will be completely swallowed by the little fire star.

Gradually, the miserable howls on the east Dragon Island disappeared, and then the Mishima attacked Powerhouse disappeared along with it.

"It's gone, it's all gone!"

"Fortunately, I always wait for the East Dragon Island, otherwise I am afraid I will be burned to death by the terrifying Fire Lotus like them!"


In the Safety Sector area, the Ancient Void Dragon of East Dragon Island wriggled its throat, staring dumbfounded at the sudden silence all around.

They couldn't think of it anyway, the enemies who had previously fought with them, because of the arrival of one person, the whole army was destroyed!

came back to his senses, the Powerhouse on the East Dragon Island once again looked towards that silhouette where the dragon king of the three islands faced each other in the sky, the respect in the eyes even surpassed that of Qing Shan and the Great Elder Tribute.

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