Xiao Family, Yihaofang City.

In the usual square market, the entrance is tightly closed, and rows of fences are placed in an orderly manner.

Besides the fence, dozens of big men dressed in Xiao Family uniforms, holding Long knife, with serious expressions.

The leader is a 30-year-old man with a badge on his chest. Six gold stars are painted on the badge, symbolizing the identity of 6-Star Dou Zhe.

"Xiao Zhan, give us an explanation!"

"What the hell is going on with my Husband now!"

"Did you make this poison? !"

"Why do you harm us! Over the years, we have traded in your home market no less than a hundred times. You are really lost!"

"Get out of Wu Tan City!"


Nearly a hundred people surrounded the fence, clamoring one by one, and many of them were bought with bad intentions.

"Everyone, Xiao Zhan will definitely give you an explanation on this matter! But now, I hope you can give me some time." Xiao Zhan walked out of the city square and glanced over the residents opened. the mouth and said.

"Yeah, Brother Xiao has encountered a problem!"

At this moment, the entire group came from a distance, and a smiling voice came.

The leader of this team is Jiaalie Bi.

"Brother Xiao, the weather is unpredictable, I hope you can get through this difficult time."

Almost at the same time, another team came, all of whom belonged to Three Large Clans. Aoba Pa clan.

"I just want to know if you can detoxify!" a woman asked Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan glanced over Jialie Bi and Aoba Pa, and then looked towards the women, saying: "We have invited Xiao Yixian from Qingshan Town Myriad Medicines House, and she is being treated inside."

After that, Xiao Zhan glanced at Jialie Bi coldly, coldly snorted, and walked back to the city square.

Jialie Bi complexion slightly changed and immediately looked towards Liu Xi beside her.

"Patriarch, don't worry, I am saving my life. It is impossible for Dr. a trifling to cure my poison." Liu Xi was extremely confident.

Hearing Liu Xi's words, Jialie Bi's face was calm, and then she looked at Xiao Zhan's back and laughed: "Brother Xiao, then I wish you good luck!"

"We Let's go!" Jialie Bi waved her hand and drove home.


"Ms. Xiao Yixian, what do you think? Is there a way?" City square, Xiao Zhan's words were filled with anxiety.

After a long while, Xiao Yixian got up from a hospital bed and moved towards Xiao Zhan shook the head, with apologetics on his face.

"Xiao Patriarch, I have never touched this poison. My ability is limited, sorry." Xiao Yixian bit his lip lightly and moved towards Xiao Zhan with a half bow.

"How could it be like this."

Hearing the sound, the faces of the Xiao Family people suddenly sank, very ugly.

"Then what should I do now! If you can't give an explanation to those outside, I am afraid Xiao Family will really become Wu Tan City's target." Great Elder clenched his fists.

Xiao Zhan fell silent, browsing tightly knit.

"Sir Father, you seem to have forgotten someone, maybe he can help us." At this moment, Xiao Yan on the side spoke.

For Xiao Yan’s reminder, Xiao Zhan seemed to have found a life-saving straw all at once.

"Yan'er, hurry... Go and ask for help from Boss Chu! This is my Storage Ring, as long as it can detoxify, no matter what the cost!" Xiao Zhan said quickly.

Xiao Yan nodded, left quickly after taking over Storage Ring.

"Xiao Yan big brother, I will go with you." Xiao Xun'er quickly followed.


In half a quarter of an hour.

"Boss Chu, help!"

Xiao Yan is still a hundred meters away from All Heavens Store, and has already let go of his voice and shouted.

"Come here."

Chu Bei walked out of the house, responded flatly, and walked back into the house.

Soon, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er also entered the house, and when they saw the iron lump robot in the corner again, there was obviously a kind of fear on their faces.

"Is it still a plate to improve strength today?" Chu Bei smiled and looked at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan shook the head without hesitation: "Boss Chu, my Xiao Family is in crisis. In the wee hours of the morning, all major cities belonging to my Xiao Family have staff members. This kind of poison is very strange. The terrifying thing is that this kind of poison can be transmitted, and many residents have been infected..."

"I have heard about this, so you want to find detoxification. How?"

Before Xiao Yan finished speaking, Chu Bei interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"Boss Chu, is there a way?" Xiao Yan asked impatiently.

Chu Bei smiled knowingly: "In my place, as long as you have money, it is omnipotent."

The voice fell, Chu Bei waved his right hand.


The void trembles, rippling ripples.

The golden disc emerges from the ripples.

【Level 3 Great Wheel of Fortune 】, seven large characters emit dazzling rays of light.

"This is the turntable of the medicine series that I chose for you. Here are what you want."

Chu Bei points to the ten square boxes on the turntable and looks at it with a smile With Xiao Yan.

"Level 3? Shouldn't the 100,000 Gold Coin transfer once?" Xiao Yan asked tentatively.

Level 1 carousel a thousand gold coins, Level 2 carousel 10,000 Gold Coins, for this he had a guess of 100,000 Gold Coins.

"Xiao little friend is really a smart person."

Chu Bei's eyes were applauded.


Even though I was prepared in my heart, Xiao Yan couldn't help holding breath cold air after getting confirmation from Chu Bei himself.

However, when he thought of getting commodity value from it, Xiao Yan quickly became relieved.

At least, he hasn't lost money yet.

"Boss Chu, this is the old bottom of my Xiao Family, and I can only draw one set." Looking at the Level 3 turntable in front of him, Xiao Yan calmed down and took out one from the Storage Ring. Millions of Gold Coin.

[The system gets 10000 Force of Desire Value, and the backfeeding host gets 5000 Force of Desire Value]

Well, one million Gold Coin is swallowed by the vortex in the center of the turntable. Following that, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.


The pointer turned ten times, and ten square boxes flew out.

hong long!

With a loud noise, ten square boxes exploded at the same time.

Ten square boxes, eight [Thank you for your patronage].

The other two, one is black Medicinal Pill, and the other is a heavy book.

"Compendium of Medicinal Herbs?"

"My C!"

Xiao Yan first took a heavy book and waited to see the one on the cover The seven characters were taken for a moment, and then a word that didn't belong to this World came out in the mouth.

"This book covers all the information of Dou Qi Continent medicinal herb, expounds the theory of the medicinal properties of each medicinal herb, from micro to giant, from cheap to expensive, and extremely detailed."

Chu Bei looked at Xiao Yan: "Maybe it is useless to you, but in the eyes of the doctor, Poison Master, or Alchemist, it is invaluable."

Nodded recognized by Xiao Yan, even if you don’t Chu Bei said that he also understands that the value of this book is definitely more than one million Gold Coin.

"Boss Chu, what is this black Spirit Pill?" Xiao Yan cautiously put away the Compendium of Medicinal Herbs, his eyes fell on the black Medicinal Pill.

"A Poison Pill, taken under Da Dou Shi, there is no possibility of survival."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei paused, adding: "Dou Di is here, It can’t be saved either."

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