The whole body of this small tree was gray and silver, with its branches intertwined like vines.

Its shape is weird, and the branches extend and outline a weird arc. At first glance, its posture looks like a pregnant woman with a big belly. And in the belly where the heavy branches were piled up, there was golden light overflowing.

Looking intently, they are two fist sized Golden fruits. The fruits look like babies, and they look like daoist vividly, with a faintly discernable fragrance.

"Boss Chu, what kind of tree is this?"

Looking at the small gray and silver tree below, Xiao Yan couldn't help asking again.

"This is Infant Soul Demonic Tree!"

Before Chu Bei could speak, Venerable Yao on the side was the first to exclaim.

"Are there anything unusual?" Xiao Yan looked towards Yaochen.

"Have you seen those two Golden Fruits? The name is Infant Soul Fruit, which is the rare treasure of tempering soul! Even for Dou Zun Powerhouse, it has a magical effect!"

Speaking of this, Yaochen paused: "If Boss Chu didn't give me a fleshy body, and wanted to condense a fleshy body that suits me, this is also indispensable."

"In Ancient Ruins, Every Heaven and Earth spiritual object will always be guarded by the beast."

Venerable Feng looked at the calm lake, his voice fell, and his right hand slammed.

Suddenly, a terrifying wind blade fiercely as long as several ten zhang swept into the lake.

With a loud noise, the calm lake suddenly lifted the overflowing heaven stormy seas.

Immediately afterwards, a huge shadow in the lake broke through the water, and his huge eyes stared at Venerable Feng fiercely with fierce glow.

"As expected of Ancient Ruins, this Heavenspan flood is extinct in the outside world."

At a glance, Yao Chen recognized the snake-shaped body in front of him, but it was covered with azure. The huge monster of the scales.

"You dare to disturb the king's Qingmeng and covet this king's treasure!" Heavenspan Jiao opened his hideous mouth, speaking human's words.

xiū xiū xiū!

At this moment, several silhouettes were attracted by the huge movement and fell on the surface of the lake.

"That is the Infant Soul Demonic Tree!"

"And the Infant Soul Fruit has been born!"

"That is the Venerable Feng of Star Meteor Pavilion !"

"And Boss Chu!"

Among the several silhouettes, someone recognized the Infant Soul Demonic Tree, but when they saw Venerable Feng and Chu Bei above, The heat that had just risen in his eyes disappeared immediately.

After Chu Bei glanced at the people who came, his gaze fell back to the Infant Soul Demonic Tree below. With a wave of his sleeves, a wave of Power of Space directly connected the demon tree to the soil below it. Take the whole.

"You are courting death!"

Looking at the Infant Soul Demonic Tree he guarded by being pulled up by the roots, Heavenspan Jiao let out a roar and opened his mouth to bite Chu Bei.

Chu Bei's face was expressionless, and he brushed his hand again.

I saw the space where Heavenspan Jiao all around was suddenly distorted, falling back into the lake amidst the miserable sound of pain.

[The system successfully recovered Infant Soul Demonic Tree and Infant Soul Fruit]

[Assessed, the host received 1 million Force of Desire Value]

Receive soul infants After the tree is successful, the system tone sounds.

long long long ——

Just as Chu Bei was about to continue to the Crimson Palace in the center, there was a roar not far from the southeast.

After that, I saw a dazzling beam of light rising from that direction.

"What happened over there!"

"Someone must have found the baby!"

"Go, come and have a look!"


Above the lake, other people also noticed the light beams rushing into the sky in the southeast, one by one turned into a rainbow, and quickly flew past.

Naturally, Chu Bei did not stay, and the entire group also flew over.

Soon, the Chu Bei entire group appeared in the position where the previous beam was emitted.

This is a golden light cover that is turned upside down into a bowl, with a diameter of about ten feet long.

At this moment, all around the golden light cover has gathered several forces.

Among these forces, Chu Bei has dealt with before, such as the Wind and Thunder Pavilion, Death Pavilion, Myriad Sword Pavilion, and Burning Flame Valley.

If you say that the most eye-catching force right now is the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, one of the three dominant races in the Magic Beast world.

Sky Demon Phoenix Clan’s Powerhouse has Human Transformation, but the pair of phoenix wings behind it is a good demonstration of their identity.

"Boss Chu, you are here too!"

When Tang Zhen noticed the arrival of Chu Bei, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes, immediately carrying Tang Huo Er and Burning Flame Valley and others Powerhouse came to say hello.

After Chu Bei nodded responded, his eyes continued on Sky Demon Phoenix Clan’s Powerhouse.

The latter is headed by a beautiful woman. Golden's phoenix wings flash with brilliant rays of light. Watching her breath, she has the strength of Dou Zun 6-Star.

Beside her, there is an old man with the strength of 2-Star Dou Zun and 3-Star Dou Zun.

"What is this? There is nothing inside, why are they all gathered here."

Looking at the empty golden light cover in front, Xiao Yan brows slightly wrinkle, in the eyes Full of confusion.

"This is the beast spirit cover. Only the top Magic Beast with the strength of Dou Sheng before death can condense before death."

Yao Chen looked solemnly. Looking at the golden light cover in front: "If there is no special way to unlock it, even if the people here join hands, I'm afraid we won't be able to break the beast spirit cover."

"What! Dou Sheng level Magic Beast!"

Xiao Yan was shocked. No wonder the latter gave him a sense of depression when looking at the golden light cover.

"The dead Dou Sheng Magic Beast should have something to do with Sky Demon Phoenix Clan."

Tang Zhen pointed to the direction of Sky Demon Phoenix Clan entire group. The woman is putting her palms on the mask.

"No, this beast spirit cover not only has the breath of my family senior, but also the breath of Ancient Void Dragon!" Suddenly, the beauty of Sky Demon Phoenix Clan seemed to feel something, her face suddenly changed. .

Hearing the sound, the two old men beside the beautiful woman looked at each other in blank dismay: "Could it be that there is an Ancient Void Dragon dead here!"

"Open it You know."

The beauty of Sky Demon Phoenix Clan coldly scanned her eyes all around Human Race Powerhouse, and then bit her slender jade finger under the line of sight.

Just when the beautiful woman dropped golden blood on the beast spirit cover, the latter waved, and several cracks split from the beast spirit cover.

next moment, Sky Demon Phoenix Clan’s Powerhouse stepped in directly.

The strange thing is that when Sky Demon Phoenix Clan Powerhouse entered the beast spirit cover, it disappeared out of thin air.

"Where did they go!"

"Could it be that there is another Heaven and Earth in this hood!"

Powerhouses of other forces, hesitated a little Later, it also quickly walked towards a golden light crack.

"Catch up." Chu Bei said lightly.

The moment the entire group stepped into the beast spirit cover, the field of vision in front of them changed. The lush forests disappeared and replaced by a desolate plain.

This plain is not large, covered with crimson sands. At first glance, it looks like it was infested with blood.

The most special thing is that there is an ancient boulder altar as high as a hundred zhang in the center of the plain, and a faintly discernable majesty diffuses from the altar.

"Even if you are dead, there is still such a terrifying coercion, how strong will it be before you are alive!"

Feel the Ling Dou from the altar Qi has become blocked by terrifying pressure, and all the Powerhouses entering here are shocked.

Looking at the Powerhouse of Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, which had already been on the altar, the powerful Human Race Powerhouse quickly flew to the altar.

Chu Bei entire group has not fallen behind since it has descended on the top of the altar, looking all around.

"Look! There seems to be something there!"

At this moment, a Dou Zong Powerhouse seemed to have discovered something, creded out in surprise.

In an instant, countless line of sight cast towards the direction pointed by Dou Zong.

On the north of the altar, there is a stone stage in gold and purple; the stone platform has a half-foot-sized groove.

In the groove, there is a small sapling, which is no more than the thickness of the thumb, but it is winding and entrenching like a giant dragon-like.

Look carefully, there is a palm-size fruit hanging from the top of this young sapling. Its whole body is in two colors of gold and purple. Half of the Golden, among the twists and turns, is an Ancient Void Dragon that has shrunk countless times. The other half of the Purple is a demon phoenix that spreads its wings and dances.

"What fruit is this!"

"With the experience of an old man, I have never seen it before!"

"And this kind of strange shape Fruit."


When a crowd of Human Race Powerhouses were in confusion, Sky Demon Phoenix Clan’s Powerhouse saw this fruit, its face appeared Indescribable excitement.

"Unexpectedly, I would encounter this kind of treasure during this trip." The beautiful woman of Sky Demon Phoenix Clan stared at the strange fruit, whispering.

Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, this is the treasure that only exists in the ancient book of their family!

This fruit needs to absorb the Ancient Void Dragon and the Life Power of the ancient Sky Phoenix to form, and the probability of being born is not more than 10%.

Throughout their genealogy, this Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit has only appeared four times.

"You can't go wrong, there was indeed an Ancient Void Dragon and my family ancient Sky Phoenix at the same time!" The old man beside the beautiful woman opened the mouth and said.

I noticed the frenetic color on Sky Demon Phoenix Clan Powerhouse's face, and Human Race Dou Zun Powerhouse in the field instantly understood the preciousness of Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit.

Immediately, each breath climbed to the extreme, and you must do it at any time.

"This is the thing of my Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, you humans are all delusional to get involved!"

Feeling the breath fluctuations of all around Human Race Powerhouse, Sky Demon Phoenix Clan The beautiful woman browses tightly frowns, her face is heavy.

"What a joke! When did the things in Ancient Ruins become masters! From ancient times to the present, whoever grabs it is the one who grabs it!"

A Human Race Dou Zun Powerhouse was coldly snorted, and the silhouette disappeared from the altar.

However, seeing that he was about to reach out and catch Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, the old man beside the beautiful woman appeared beside him, blasting fiercely with a punch.

The Human Race Dou Zun Powerhouse hurriedly swung his fist to meet him.


There was a loud noise.

Two figures exit at the same time.

Under the terrifying aftermath, the void is distorted and sunken, and the cracks spread far away like a spider web.

It was the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit that was not damaged at all.

"Just because you humans still want to covet Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit, in the territory of my family senior, you will all die here." The beauty of Sky Demon Phoenix Clan suddenly uttered a loud voice. sneer.

For the cold eyes of the beautiful woman Sen, including Tang Zhen, Venerable Lei and many other Powerhouses, there is an inexplicable chill in my heart.

next moment, I saw the beautiful woman squeezed a drop of blood from her fingertips again, and then sketched it in the air.

In the blink of an eye, a weird and mysterious rune formed at the fingertips of the beautiful woman, and finally floated to the top of the altar.

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