"What? He killed Feng Lightning Yun Si Great Elder!"

"No wonder I dared to kill my wind and thunder Elder again in full view. ”

In the wind and thunder pavilion area, when the wind and thunder pavilion dísciple looked towards Chu Bei again, in addition to hatred, there was more fear in the eyes.

Every time Chu Bei takes a step, the all around wind and thunder dísciple quickly moved towards the back and back dozens of steps, as if for fear of the former's sudden move.

xiū xiū xiū!

At this time, there were several sky-splitting sounds in the sky, and then I saw Dou Wang Powerhouse of the Han Family headed by Han Chi falling down, closely following Chu Bei’s behind.

"If they hadn't played a killing intent on me, how could I kill them."

Chu Bei looked at Wind and Thunder North Pavilion Hall with a smile Master Fei Tian quickly came to the edge of the mountain col, occupying an area.

"I'm really curious, where are you from? Can kill me, the fourth Great Elder in the North Pavilion, presumably not unknown in this Central Plain." Fei Tian half-squinted, coldly Stared at Chu Bei.

In his opinion, Chu Bei is at least an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. The reason why he looks so young is that it has changed his appearance that's all.

It is also because of the fear of Chu Bei's strength, even if it is a killing intent, he also resists not doing it.

The other Three Pavilion on the edge of the col, as well as the Powerhouse of other forces, looked back and forth on Fei Tian and Chu Bei, with an expression of watching a play.

"I don't have any background, I'm just an ordinary businessman."

To meet Fei Tian's gaze, Chu Bei shrugged, said very calmly.


Fei Tian complexion became ugly, thinking that Chu Bei was playing with him, said solemnly: "Then I don't know what you sell?"

"If you really want to know, let's sit down and have a cup of tea and talk slowly."

After all, Chu Bei no longer paid attention to Fei Tian, ​​looked towards The colorful light sphere in the col.

hong long long!

Just as Fei Tian was about to say something more, the huge colorful light sphere suddenly shook, and there was a loud noise in it.

"What sound!"

"Maybe a baby is about to be born!"

"I just don't know what it will be!"


As the sound in the colorful light sphere became louder and louder, the entire mountain col began to shake violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

A group of Powerhouses stabilized their stature, not only did they not panic at all, they also had strong expectations.

Even Fei Tian, ​​who has a strong heart of killing intent, has his attention shifted from Chu Bei to the light sphere.

[Opportunity Tower is starting up, progress is 89%]

Looking at the light sphere that started to move lightly, Chu Bei immediately checked the system interface.

Just when the activation extreme bar became 90%, a dazzling beam suddenly shot out from the top of the huge light sphere, and the beam went straight into the clouds and extended far away.

Immediately afterwards, brilliant colorful streamers appeared on the surface of the light sphere, and the streamers entered the body, which immediately refreshed and felt more comfortable.

"Look! What are those!"

"It's really an unusual form!"

Gradually, the light film began to become transparent, faintly Part of the scene in the light sphere can already be seen.

I saw all kinds of Divine Beasts rushing and dancing, but these Divine Beasts are not the body, but like a kind of illusion, or projection, they will dissipate soon after they appear, and there will be new ones later. Divine Beast appears.

[Opportunity Tower is starting up, progress is 96%]

[Opportunity Tower is starting up, progress is 97%]

[Opportunity Tower During startup, the progress is 98%]

In the system interface, the progress of the Opportunity Tower is increasing at a speed visible to naked eye.

When the progress reaches 100%, just listen to a loud explosion sound, the huge light sphere in the col explodes, and the dazzling divine glow covers all the radius in an instant.

Fortunately, this dazzling divine glow does no harm to the human body, it will only deprive people of sight for a short time.

Click, click!

The crisp cracking sound rang in the ears of countless people.

Although they can't see everything all around at this moment, they can guess that this is the colorful light sphere shattering.

With the passage of time, the dazzling divine glow gradually dissipated, and everyone's sight became clear again.

"This...this is..."

When all the Powerhouses saw the scene in the col, they all couldn't help but open their mouths and dumbfounded.

This is a huge monster towering like a cloud. Its bottom occupies 90% of the huge mountain col. From bottom to top, it gradually converges. However, the trend of closing is not obvious.

If you don't look closely, you will even think that this is a huge monster that is always equal in height.

It is like a tower, but it is impossible to tell how many layers there are, because in addition to the 8-Layer visible by naked eye, everything further up is shrouded by a mysterious force, which is completely invisible.

As for the 8-Layer that naked eye sees, each floor has octagonal corners. On each corner is a small statue of Divine Beast. The tower wall is engraved with mysterious and strange patterns. Dazzled.

"How could it be a tower!"

A group of Powerhouses gradually came back to his senses from shock, staring blankly at the huge monster in the col with confusion in their eyes .

In their original expectation, what was born in this light sphere was either a rare spirit plant, or Heaven and Earth spirit milk that was formed over 10,000 years, or Heavenly Flame. And so on.

Who can think of it as a weird giant tower!

Looking closely, among the 8-Layer you can see, there are eight closed doors on each floor, which correspond exactly to the octagonal corners.

But the difference is that the gates on the seventh and eighth floors release a faint purple rays of light, while the gates from the first to 6-layer are not unusual.

At the same time when the giant tower appeared, there were more human-shaped iron bumps beside Chu Bei.

"Boss Chu, what is this!"

Han Yue, who was the first to notice the iron lump, couldn't help but cred out in surprise.

"I used to make a thing in my spare time." Chu Bei glanced at the iron bump beside him.

From the outside, it looks exactly like Xiao Hei in the shop.

"Boss, isn't this the big guy in the corner of the store? When did you bring it out!"

Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin, who just arrived in the spaceship just now The second daughter saw Xiaohei clone at a glance, with amazement in her beautiful eyes.

In memory, when they left, they didn't take this big guy with them.

"Even if this tower is the Powerhouse of the Four Pavilions, it is difficult to take away!"

"Who said that must be taken away? You can completely occupy this area, and then use it. Posting as the foundation to establish a branch cabinet."

"But then, what is the role of this tower?"

"I am afraid that only after entering the tower can you You know."

"Should we go in and have a look?"

"The people in the Four-Way Pavilion haven't moved yet, you just get ahead of them. This is not courting death Is it?"


Beside the col, a group of Powerhouses had heated discussions.

At the same time, whether it is Wind and Thunder Pavilion Fei Tian or Myriad Sword Pavilion Jianheng, or the deputy Hall Master of the other two pavilions, they all have a ray of Divine Consciousness hitting the mountain col. giant tower.

"How could this happen!"

To the heads of Four-Way Pavilion such as Fei Tian and Jianheng, they were shocked that the Divine Consciousness of the giant tower never returned. .

Not only are the four of them, other powerhouses, such as Hong Li, also played Divine Consciousness, and the result is the same.

Suddenly, many Powerhouses have allowed some grave expressions on their faces.

Unknown things often have unpredictable risks. Even if it is 8-Star Dou Zong like Fei Tian and Jianheng, there is a sense of vigilance in his eyes.


Death Pavilion Deputy Hall Master rose into the air from Hong, moved towards Yuanyao and flew high in the sky.

Seeing this, Fei Tian, ​​Jianheng, and other Powerhouses seemed to understand Yu Hong's intentions. After a moment of surprise, they also moved towards high altitude.

When a crowd of Dou Wang Powerhouses came to the sky, the look of shock on their faces became even worse.

They originally wanted to see the whole picture of the giant tower from high above, but clinker, no matter how high they fly, they can't see the top of the tower.

The energy that envelops the giant tower 9-Layer seems to really penetrate the sky and is unattainable.

In desperation, Yu Hong, Fei Tian and the others can only re-appear on the edge of the col.

"Brother Fei, since you said that this tower was discovered by your wind and thunder pavilion first, then this first opportunity to enter the tower is given to you." Death Pavilion Deputy Hall Master Yu Hong opened the mouth and said.

"Brother Yu can really make a joke. Didn't you say that it is not in the area of ​​my wind and thunder pavilion? It is for the capable."

Fei Tian looked towards Yu Hong, said with a smile: "How about giving you the opportunity to enter the tower first?"

For a while, the Powerhouses of the Four-Way Pavilion gave each other humility, hoping that the other three parties could enter the tower first.

However, whether it is Fei Tian or Yu Hong, or the other two pavilion deputy Hall Masters, they are all old rivers and lakes, and they don't want to be the first person to enter the tower.

After all, the appearance of this giant tower is too weird, and the danger in it is unknown.

"Let's go together."

Finally, after giving in, Fei Tian and Yu Hong decided to go to the tower together.

After making the decision, the four of them looked at each other, and then the silhouette flashed at the same time, and the moved towards giant tower flew away.

However, before the four of them were approaching the giant tower, a silhouette stood in front of them, blocking their way.

"What do you mean!"

Fei Tian stopped the stature and looked at Chu Bei in front of him coldly, and the killing intent appeared again in his eyes.

"Your Excellency also wants to enter the tower with us? If so, we don't mind." Death Pavilion Yu Hong looked at Chu Bei, opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei glanced over Fei Tian and Yu Hong, shook the head, and said: "This tower is not something you can enter if you want to enter."

Yu Hong browses slightly wrinkle: "I think you know this tower? Is there really a crisis in the tower?" Chu Bei laughed and shook his head again: "Not only is there no danger, but there are endless opportunities. Therefore, this tower has one, called the Opportunity Tower."

"Since there is no danger, why cannot enter?"

I heard what Chu Bei said, Yu Hong and the others His face was filled with joy.

"I said that I can't enter because this tower has a master. If you want to enter the tower, you have to follow my rules and get my permission."

Chu Bei Looking at the four of Yu Hong calmly, although their voices were not loud, they clearly passed into everyone's ears near the col.

"What? That guy actually said that this tower is owned by him! And it's still his!"

"Is he kidding? We look at it with so many eyes This world!"

"This should be just an excuse he casually found, wanting to occupy this tower that's all."

"Then you have to look at it, as he is alone , Have you been able to withstand the Four-Way Pavilion."


The words of Chu Bei instantly caused an uproar near the col. All around Powerhouse's words are clear. Dissatisfied.

"Boss Chu's style of doing things this time is somewhat similar to that of Chen Yun."

Looking at Chu Bei in midair and stopping the four of Fei Tian from going, Han Chi's eyes Appears allowing some worry.

He reminded him of the appearance of this giant tower early in the morning.

On the contrary, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin looked at each other with puzzled faces.

Because in their opinion, Chu Bei has everything, and with their knowledge of Chu Bei, the other party will not be the kind of person who forcibly describe the masterless object as himself.

"Are you kidding us?"

Fei Tian Sen Leng's gaze is fixed on Chu Bei's body: "The abnormality of this Fangshan Col is my wind and thunder Ge dísciple was the first to discover. As for this tower, we have witnessed its birth, but now you say, this tower is yours?"

"Brother Fei, why waste your tongue with this guy."

Myriad Sword Pavilion Jianheng looked at Chu Bei expressionlessly, the coldly snorted sound fell, right hand turns, and a red rapier appeared in his palm.

Under the gaze of the line of sight, Jianheng slapped the end of the hilt with a palm.

Suddenly, the sword was like lightning, and moved towards Chu Bei and swept away.

When the rapier was about to hit Chu Bei, the rapier suddenly transformed to nine.

In a moment, nine identical thin swords were distributed in a ring, enclosing Chu Bei in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, at the tip of the nine-handled long sword, at the same time, the silver light shone, and the sword glow appeared.

Immediately, at the location of Chu Bei, all around the space suddenly appeared a little twisted, and then purple mist emerged rapidly, and finally a purple prison layer more than a foot thick was condensed.

The densely packed sword glow on the inner surface of the cell layer, the sound of chi chi is frightening.

"This is the Nine Sword Cage?"

As soon as the purple prison layer appeared, Fei Tian, ​​Yu Hong and the others blurted out, with surprise in their voices.

"Brother Jian, I didn't expect you to have practiced this move. It seems that you are not far from entering another floor." Star Meteor Pavilion Shi Bin looked towards Jianheng opened the mouth and said.

Myriad Sword Pavilion is mainly a sword cultivator. There are several famous sword moves in its pavilion. This nine-sword cage is a well-known one.

"Your Excellency, just stay inside first."

Jianheng looked at Chu Bei playfully, and then looked towards Fei Tian and the three of them: "Let's go, Enter the tower to see what opportunities are there."

But when Jianheng tone barely fell, the silhouette was still in the Nine Swords cage, Chu Bei was one or two meters away out of thin air. Tall humanoid iron bumps.

I saw the humanoid iron bump slowly raised his right arm and punched casually.


However, with such a soft punch that looked light and fluttering, he directly ignored the sharp purple sword glow and hit the cell wall.

First there was a loud roar, and then a crisp cracking sound.

In just a few seconds, the purple prison layer a foot thick was fragmented, turned into countless purple light pieces, and disappeared.

At Jianheng who witnessed this scene, the joke in his eyes was instantly replaced by astonishment, and even allowed some suspicion on his face.

He wondered if something went wrong in the prison of nine swords!

The three Fei Tian people beside them, their expressions are also moved, their faces are incredible.

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