"Others don't need me to take action anymore."

Chu Bei glanced at Medusa and Jia Xingtian lightly, spread his right fist, and slowly fell.

This fist is one of the strongest moves to attack Power of Slaughter among the Level 8 disposable consumables redeemed by Force of Desire Value.

Called as: One punch divine might, one punch of Superman!

Under Dou Zun, even if it is the nine-star Dou Zong, it only takes a punch!

"Naturally, the rest do not need to bother Boss Chu, I can deal with it."

After all, Medusa turned his attention to Three Mu Lan Elders and Yan Luotian.

Immediately, the Hou Yi bow was pulled back again, and the white arrow shot out.

This time, without the slightest accident, I shot Three Mu Lan Elders and Yan Luotian with one arrow.

Seeing the death of the leader, the other Powerhouses of the three great empires no longer have any desire to fight, and they all stopped and fled.

"Incoming criminals, don't keep one!"

Jia Xingtian gave the order, and then he and Hai Bodong took the lead in killing the three great empires Powerhouse that was fleeing.

At the same time, on the battlefield of Youfeng, the battle has been finalized due to the addition of thermal weapons.

An hour later.

Jia Ma Empire soldiers and Powerhouse, began to clean up the two battlefields.

"Boss Chu, thanks to you this time, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

On the city wall, Jia Xingtian led Emperor Jia Ma and Yaoye moved towards Chu Bei solemnly Bowed.

The person in front of you, by the strength of oneself, is not only the benefactor of the Imperial Family, but also the benefactor of the hundreds of millions of people in Jia Ma Empire.

Medusa stood aside, and the Hou Yi bow and arrows in his hand turned into a rain of light after shooting Yan Luotian.

"You don't need to thank me if you have money, you don't need to thank me." Chu Bei's voice was calm.

"Boss Chu, have you heard of this Soul Sect before?" Jia Xingtian seemed to have thought of something, and quickly asked.

He knows a lot about Rising Cloud Empire, but at least he has never heard of Soul Sect.

A force with the nine-star Dou Zong should not be known to no one.

Chu Bei clearly saw Jia Xingtian’s concerns, and said: "This so-called Soul Sect is just a small branch that's all derived from a force. As for the force in my mouth, it is far from what you can deal with. , Don’t understand.”

Seeing that Chu Bei didn’t mean to say anything, Jia Xingtian didn’t ask, but his expression became extremely solemn.

"You don't have to worry too much. Since I have settled in your Jia Ma Empire territory, if there is a day, I won't stand by." Chu Bei added.

"many thanks Boss Chu!"

After hearing what Chu Bei said, Jia Xingtian's expression was obviously relaxed, and he quickly bowed and thanked him.

"Jia Xingtian, remember your promise to me!" Medusa said coldly.

"If it weren't for the Queen Your Majesty this time, I'm afraid that Jia Ma Empire would not be able to support the arrival of Boss Chu."

Jia Xingtian moved towards Medusa and hugged the cup one fist in the Other hand, grateful: "I will not only provide the Northeast region to you Snake-man Tribe to thrive, but also write the relationship with the Snake-man Tribe friendly alliance in the national genealogy."

Medusa is lightly complied, satisfied nodded.


In his leisure time, Chu Bei flew to a deserted place in Zuofeng.

Then the cultivation base redemption began.

With the hot weapon and Hou Yi bow, Chu Bei obtained 1000000 Force of Desire Value.

Currently, there are a total of 1.3 million Force of Desire Value.

Dou Huang environment, the 1-star cultivation base requires 500,000 Force of Desire Value.

At present, Chu Bei cultivation base Dou Huang Jiuxing, want to break through to Dou Zong, 1-star needs 1 million Force of Desire Value.

"The required Force of Desire Value is getting more and more."

Chu Bei couldn't help but let out a sigh, and then directly used 1 million Force of Desire Value.

[Host Code successfully against the cultivation base]

At the same time as the system sounded, the entire mountain was turbulent, and the rich energy penetrated from Heaven and Earth, and then The continuously moved towards Chu Bei surged in the body.

Looking from a distance, the continuous Zuofeng seems to be wrapped in the violent violent energy, which is particularly spectacular.

Such changes naturally attracted the attention of Medusa, Jia Xingtian and the others on the city wall.

Countless line of sight cast towards the left peak at the same time, looking at the violent energy above the mountain peak, and the pressure of terrifying energy that spread out, a look of consternation appeared on each face.

"This breath, someone is breaking through Dou Zong!" Medusa's eyes narrowed.

"Who will it be!"

Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong looked at each other, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Is it a mysterious expert living in seclusion here?" Fa Ma speculated.

They really can't think of anyone in the empire who can break through Dou Zong here.

"Let's go, go and see!"

Jia Xingtian said, but just as he was about to leave, the violent energy above Zuofeng suddenly disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

"Why is it only a few seconds?"

Looking at the direction of Zuofeng, Medusa's eyes flashed with surprise.

Promoting to Dou Zong from Peak Dou Huang, even if it is a failure, the energy fluctuation between Heaven and Earth shouldn't take only a few seconds.

Next moment, the Medusa silhouette flashed first and went straight to the sky above the left peak.

However, his Divine Consciousness was let go, and he did not catch any silhouette.

"It's weird!"

Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong also appeared next to Medusa. They were also who had never seen them.

When Medusa and the others found no results again, they returned to the city wall.

At this moment, Chu Bei came with a smile.

"Boss Chu, did you notice the energy riot just now?" Jia Xingtian blurted out, with curiosity in his words.

Naturally, he would not have thought that this energy fluctuation was caused by Chu Bei. After all, in their eyes, Chu Bei's cultivation base had already touched or even reached the realm of Dou Zun!

"He just stayed for a short time and has already left." Chu Bei pointed in a direction casually.

Hearing this, Jia Xingtian, Hai Bodong, Medusa looked towards Chu Bei and they all believed.

An hour later.

In the largest palace of the Black Mountain Fortress, a carnival event was opened to celebrate the defeat of the Three Powers.

Emperor Jia Ma is also an immediate message of victory for people to spread throughout the Great City of the empire.

In the palace, Chu Bei, Medusa, Jia Xingtian and the others sit at the round table in the middle, tasting food while enjoying singing and dancing.

But when the carnival was halfway through, a middle-aged man in armor quickly ran to Yaoye's side and said a few words in a low voice.

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, Yao Ye put down his chopsticks, her face changed drastically.

After that, after a little hesitation, he got up and walked towards Chu Bei.

Looking at the coming Yaoye, and looking at the other party's solemn expression, Chu Bei frowned slightly.

"Boss Chu, I don't know anything about Yixian and Qing Lin, do you know?" Yaoye said tentatively.

At this time, the eyes of Medusa, Jia Xingtian, Hai Bodong and the others at the same table fell on Yao Ye.

Through investigation, they all know that there are two young girls living in Chu Bei's shop. They are Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin in the mouth of Yao Ye.

And at this time, Yao Ye mentioned these two people suddenly, and they had to pay attention.

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