"Hey, what a coincidence!"

Xiao Ning looked at the woman in plain clothes in the river, clicked her tongue, and felt miraculous at the development of things. Seeing that the woman was about to float down the river, Xiao Ning did not hesitate, and opened her Ziyun Wings. Like a big bird, the man flew over a hundred meters away and fished her out of the river.

"I can go to the Amethyst Winged Lion King's cave to steal a house. I owe you a favor. I saved your life and I have repaid it to you."

Xiao Ning murmured, and immediately carried the other person to the shore. Due to the current, Yun Yun's clothes were soaked. The clothes fit tightly to the curves of the body, making her look particularly attractive.

Xiao Ning didn't look at anything inappropriate, he hugged her calf with one hand, pillowed her neck with the other, and laid Yun Yun down on the river bank.


From a distance, Xiao Ning felt a familiar aura. Looking back, he found a figure in black robes heading towards this direction.

"Cousin Xiao Yan!"

Xiao Ning waved from a distance to attract the other party's attention. Xiao Yan also noticed this, and immediately tapped his feet and quickly came to Xiao Ning's side.

"Cousin Xiao Ning, are you okay?"

Xiao Yan naturally knew that the other party was so bold in going deep into the Amethyst Winged Lion King's cave, and now he was really relieved to see him appear safe and sound. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

"Haha, it's okay, but cousin Xiao Yan, why are you here?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ning smiled, looked at Xiao Yan with a slightly scrutinizing look, and then continued with the other person's slightly changed expression:

"A battle between strong men just broke out here. I was so excited that I came nearby and watched the battle from a distance."

Xiao Yan also nodded quickly and replied:

"Ah, yes, yes, me too"

Inadvertently, Xiao Yan looked past Xiao Ning and looked behind him. He saw the woman in plain robes who was soaked and seriously injured and still unconscious. His expression changed slightly:

"Cousin, could it be this person?"

He seemed to have recognized that the other party was the mysterious female fighting emperor who had a shocking battle with the Amethyst Winged Lion King at high altitude.

"Haha, it's her. I can't bear to see her seriously injured and floating on the river?"

Xiao Ning spread his hands, then scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment:

"Oh, by the way, Cousin Xiao Yan, I wonder if you have any healing elixirs. Cousin, I have already consumed almost all of them!"

Hearing this, the corners of Xiao Yan's mouth twitched. For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong, but he still shook his fingers, took out a small jade bottle from the ring, threw it to Xiao Ning, and said:

"Apply medicated powder externally, clean the wound before use, change it once a day, there will be enough for three days."

Just when he was about to give instructions, a few faint roars of monsters came from the distant jungle, interrupting his speech.

"Do you want me to take you away with me?"

Xiao Ning keenly noticed the change in the expression on Xiao Yan's face and said immediately. At the same time, he was also complaining crazily in his heart:

"I cut off Yun Yun and asked Xiao Yan to provide healing medicine. What's the point of stepping on a horse?"

Xiao Yan didn't know why, but he stared at Yun Yun closely, hesitating a little, as if he had lost his mind, but then, as if someone reminded him, he suddenly woke up and said quickly:

"No need, cousin Xiao Ning, my stronghold is nearby."

Xiao Ning smiled and stopped lingering. He tapped his feet lightly and ran up the tree vigorously. In a few seconds, he disappeared from Xiao Yan's sight.

Xiao Yan looked in the direction of Xiao Ning's childhood, staring there. For some reason, he felt a sense of loss in his heart, empty, as if he had lost something important.

"Hey, silly boy, why don't you leave quickly? The monsters are searching this place!"

Yao Lao's voice appeared in Xiao Yan's ears, waking Xiao Yan up. Only then did he react, and immediately ran towards the mountain like a desperate man.

There, there was a hidden cave, and Yao Lao sprinkled medicinal powder to expel monsters within fifty meters around it. This was Xiao Yan's stronghold.

Xiao Ning avoided the detection of the monsters. With the blessing of Kunpeng's magic, ordinary monsters could not detect him. Soon, he was ten miles away.

Randomly choosing a hidden cave halfway up the mountain, Xiao Ning moved boulders and leaves of grass to cover the entrance of the cave to ensure that Yun Yun would not be discovered, and then placed Yun Yun there.

During the break, he had time to observe her appearance up close. During the battle, although he had seen her from a distance, the distance was too far and he could not see her true appearance.

Picturesque eyebrows, icy muscles and jade bones, Yongyonghuagui

One glance is enough to make people feel amazing!

"He's quite beautiful. I wonder how he could be so obsessed with him in the original novel."

Xiao Ning shook his head and turned his attention to the position under her jade neck. It was covered with five terrifying claw marks, and blood gushed out, dyeing the clothes red.

In her coma, she frowned slightly, and a touch of pain appeared on her cheek, which looked very touching.

Xiao Ning didn't hesitate, rubbed his hands, and untied Yun Yun's clothes. Below, a piece of light blue metal inner armor was flooded with light like water waves. It was obviously not extraordinary.

Five deep claw marks were engraved on it, and traces of blood seeped out from the claw marks.

"If it weren't for this thing, I'm afraid she would be disabled if not dead."

Xiao Ning clicked his tongue, and without any hesitation, he took off the inner armor, exposing the skin underneath. From the ring, Xiao Ning took out a large bucket of water, poured it around the wound, and removed the splints and knots. After cleaning the blood from the scab, sprinkle with medicinal powder and close the clothes again.

He, Xiao Ning, is a gentleman and doesn't bother to do things that take advantage of others!

Immediately, Xiao Ning sat cross-legged on the boulder and began to practice. Currently, he is still unable to use any of the two magic moves. In order to be able to use them as soon as possible, Xiao Ning has also increased his fighting spirit training.

Half an hour later, with his eyes closed, Xiao Ning felt keenly that a cold gaze was looking at him.

He opened his eyes and looked back in the direction, only to find that Yun Yun had woken up, looking at him with cold shame and a complicated expression in her eyes.

"Senior, are you awake?"

Xiao Ning smiled and spoke first.

Yun Yun stared at the sturdy man sitting cross-legged on the bluestone, her eyes full of complexity, and there was an indescribable emotion in her heart.

As soon as he woke up, the wound had been treated, and the sea heart armor had been removed. It was obvious that it was the man in front of him who did it. It was obvious that everything that should be seen and should not be seen had been seen.

Yun Yun, as the head of the Yun Lan Sect and a mighty warrior, was now exposed naked by a strange man. This made her really embarrassed. At the same time, a blush appeared on her face.

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