Venerable Xuanming took Venerable Lei who was in coma from the pain, and his fighting energy penetrated into his body. His face immediately darkened. Xiao Ning's actions just now were not fake.

The raging fighting spirit broke into Venerable Lei's body arrogantly, shattering most of the meridians in his body. Even if he recovered from his injuries, his Dou Zun-level cultivation was gone, and he would probably remain at the beginning of his life for the rest of his life. The level of becoming a Dou Huang has wandered around!

Such a punishment, in a world where the strong is respected and the weak eat the strong, is too severe, even worse than killing him!

However, Venerable Xuanming did not have a direct attack. His hands trembled slightly. After a long time, he said in a deep voice:

"Hmph, that's good. It saves you going around causing trouble. For the rest of your life, you should reflect on what you have done!"

After the words fell, Venerable Xuanming grabbed Venerable Lei, slowly looked at Xiao Ning aside, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Is one week enough for you to complete your training?!"

Hearing these words, Xiao Ning immediately raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint chuckle. Without flinching, he stood upright and said loudly:

"I don't care. If Senior Xuan Ming wants to fight now, I, the Pavilion Master, will accompany me!"

The voice was loud and clear, without any fear, and it did not seem like he was seriously injured. Lord Xuanming also glanced at Xiao Ning closely and said calmly:

“That’s good”

After the words fell, he grabbed the unconscious Lord Lei and disappeared into the horizon in a few flashes, leaving only a short sentence in place, which resounded throughout the Sunset Canyon:

"A week from now, you and I will fight in Sunset Canyon. No matter life or death, I hope you won't refuse, otherwise, don't worry about my dishonorable methods!"

Hearing these words, Xiao Ning chuckled. He had never been afraid of anyone's challenge, but this Venerable Xuanming was beyond his expectation. He was a man of good temper and acted openly and aboveboard. , and I don’t know why he got mixed up with such sanctimonious and notorious people as Venerable Lei and Venerable Blood Demon.

Xiao Ning was originally prepared for a fierce battle, but after Venerable Xuanming reached Venerable Lei, he simply retreated and issued a letter of war. Xiao Ning also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is not afraid of a fight, and is confident enough to run away even if the worst happens, but being able to defeat someone without a fight is one less thing to worry about!

After Venerable Xuanming's aura completely disappeared from his perception, Xiao Ning immediately tapped his foot, and in the next moment, he came to the small wooden house that once belonged to Venerable Xuanming.

When he entered Sunset Canyon early in the morning, he noticed the presence of several people, and it was precisely because of this that he openly invited a fight!

After looking at the four figures and realizing that none of them were injured, Xiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief and said with a bit of a smile:

"Fellow elders, Xiao Ning's late arrival has made you feel wronged during this period!"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Han Feida was okay. He knew how Xiao Ning was as a person. He didn't have much airs and was very kind to his own people, but the other two were a little scared.

They all joined the Butian Pavilion's forces after Xiao Ning left Tianbei City. Because they originally had a higher power status, they could only obtain the position of elders, and they were not familiar with Xiao Ning!

When seeing such a powerful pavilion master who could kill the Blood Demon Lord, capture the Thunder Lord, and force the Xuan Ming Lord back in a verbal exchange, he comforted the few of them with a smile, and the whole person fainted. Huhu, flattered, he quickly handed over his hands and responded respectfully:

"Thank you Pavilion Master for your help. My subordinate was incompetent and was taken away, bringing shame to Butian Pavilion!"

After hearing this, Xiao Ning immediately waved his hand, smiled softly, and replied lightly:

"It's okay. The other party's strength is far beyond what you can handle. This happened because of the failure of this pavilion master."

Han Xue on the side also quietly came over, looking at Xiao Ning with a bit of admiration, a bit of fear, and a bit of admiration. She felt something in her heart, and Xiao Ning happened to look at her as well.

Han Xue's face turned red and she subconsciously ran behind Han Fei, not daring to show her face. Xiao Ning also said with a slight smile:

"Thank you, Senior Han and Sister Han Xue are fine, otherwise I wouldn't be able to communicate with Senior Han Yue after I go back."

After hearing Xiao Ning's words, the other two elders looked at Han Fei and Han Xue with a bit of strangeness and a bit of surprise. They did not expect that this seemingly ordinary Butian The Pavilion Elder actually has such a relationship with the Pavilion Master!

"Haha, Pavilion Master Xiao is serious. After I was captured, I was directly begged by Venerable Xuanming to get over. I didn't suffer any torture or grievance along the way."

Han Fei slowly recounted his experience after they were taken away. At the same time, there was a somewhat inexplicable look hidden in his eyes.

Xiao Ning seems to have a good impression of these two girls, and the sisters Han Yue and Han Xue also have a good impression of Xiao Ning.

If you think of a way yourself, you might have a chance to make it happen

Despite Han Fei's calm demeanor, he couldn't help but feel this way when he saw Xiao Ning, an evil genius who had never been seen before in ancient times.

However, Xiao Ning didn't mean to talk too much about this matter. After listening to Han Fei's story, Xiao Ning chuckled and said immediately:

"Now that Fenglei Pavilion has been destroyed by our Butian Pavilion, our stronghold is there for the time being. Several of you have suffered a lot of grievances in the past few days. Let's go there with this pavilion master first, and then discuss the next thing."

"After all, our Elders Council of Butian Pavilion cannot be short of people."

When Xiao Ning spoke, no one dared to disobey him. They immediately bowed their heads and agreed. Soon, four streams of different colors flashed across the Sunset Canyon, flying towards the distance. Soon, they disappeared in the distance. To the horizon, nowhere to be seen!

"Um, where is this?! Xiao Ning, I want you to die!"

Venerable Lei suddenly woke up, feeling the pain radiating from all over his body, and his whole face could not help but distort.

However, the next moment, a voice did sound slowly beside him, a deep voice mixed with anger:

"you're awake?"

Venerable Lei looked back and found that he was lying on a bed in a small room. Venerable Xuanming was sitting in the corner with his legs crossed.

"Brother, the Blood Demon is dead. We must take revenge!"

When Venerable Lei saw Venerable Xuanming, it was as if he saw a life-saving straw, and he quickly said, but he didn't see a strong look of disappointment in Venerable Xuanming's eyes. . (End of chapter)

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