After hearing this, Xiao Ning's eyes immediately condensed, and his whole aura surged, with a mocking smile on his face. Then he clapped his palm again, and the surging fighting spirit condensed into a big fighting spirit hand, and pressed Lord Lei to the ground!

"Do you really think that this pavilion master is a fool? They are just a bunch of fighting sects and fighting emperors. How about you go find a fighting emperor to watch? What a joke!"

Venerable Lei received a heavy blow and spat out a mouthful of blood again. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, but facing Xiao Ning, he did not dare to get angry, so he could only shout in a low voice:

"Xiao Ning, I didn't lie!"

Hearing these words and the shameful expression of Lord Lei, Xiao Ning was a little surprised. Could it be that this old boy was really so cautious and did not imprison people in Fenglei Pavilion, but handed them over directly? To another Dou Zun strongman? !

In fact, when Venerable Lei refused to surrender, Xiao Ning had already prepared for the death of several people. He was trying every move to kill him. He never thought that after killing Venerable Blood Demon, he would soon kill Lei. When he was talking to the Lord, the other party actually said such words, which was considered to have broken Xiao Ning's next plan!

But this is better, as long as the person is still alive, he will not do this tearful licking thing.

"Haha, tell me, why do you want to hand people over to Venerable Xuanming instead of taking care of them yourself!"

Xiao Ning casually grabbed a chair and sat on it, looking coldly at Venerable Lei who was lying on the ground like a dead dog. He said lightly, with an unforgettable chill in his tone. .

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Lord Lei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. An inexplicable light flashed in his eyes. He immediately lowered his head and said with a bit of weakness:

"Actually, I didn't take them to heart before. It's just that the woman who was caught casually seemed to have some kind of special talent that was helpful for cultivation. My eldest brother just happened to break through the barrier, so he asked me for this. people."

Xiao Ning's eyes darkened when he heard Venerable Lei's words. He immediately grabbed Venerable Lei, stared at him, and shouted in a deep voice:

"Where are they now? Tell me!"

Hearing this, Venerable Lei's eyes flashed and he was unwilling to speak. However, when he thought of Xiao Ning's iron fist and domineering power, he couldn't help but tremble all over. He immediately lowered his voice and said:

"I don't know either"

Hearing these words, Xiao Ning's eyes turned cold. Under the horrified look of Lord Lei, he directly grabbed one of his legs, and then twisted hard while the latter screamed!

"Click, click, click!"

The bone-grinding sound that made people feel sour continued to sound. Under Master Lei's miserable scream, his entire right leg was twisted into a twist by Xiao Ning. In response to Master Lei's miserable appearance, Xiao Ning Not intending to let him go, he stretched out his hand again and grabbed the other intact right leg of Venerable Lei.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, I really don't know!"

The screaming Lord Lei ignored the severe pain and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. When he saw Xiao Ning and wanted to torture himself, he immediately spoke in a weak voice.

Xiao Ning raised his head and saw that Venerable Lei didn't seem to be lying. He couldn't help but furrow his brows and thought to himself:

"This is going to be very difficult."

If Venerable Lei doesn't know where Venerable Xuanming is, how can he find them and rescue them? Let alone such an emergency.

Han Xue seems to have been targeted for talent. Based on Xiao Ning's understanding, if this continues, the best result may be that his meridians are severely damaged, his cultivation is lost, and he will never be able to practice again.

Although I don't have a close relationship with her, the source of this incident is because of me, and she is nothing but a disaster.

At the same time, Xiao Ning looked at Lord Lei with an even more evil look. If it weren't for this guy, how could Butian Pavilion be attacked?

Just when Xiao Ning was thinking about what to do, Lord Lei, who was lying on the ground, also saw the look Xiao Ning was looking at him. For fear of being treated inhumanly again, he immediately said:

"Xiao Ning, the last time we met was in the Sunset Canyon, thousands of miles northwest of the Fenglei Mountains. I don't know anything else, so don't do anything!"

Hearing these words, Xiao Ning also nodded slightly, immediately made up his mind, snapped his fingers, and thunder suddenly appeared in the secret room out of thin air, turned into actual thunder chains, and imprisoned Lord Lei.

"I only believe half of your words. If you didn't lie and you are safe and sound, I will only destroy your fighting spirit and spare your life!"

"But if something happens to them."

After saying this, Xiao Ning no longer concealed the chill in his eyes, and immediately shouted in a low voice:

"Then just wait for endless torture!"

After the words fell, Lord Lei was blocked by thunderous thunder and imprisoned in a corner of the room, while Xiao Ning took out the elixir from Najie, swallowed it, and began to slowly regulate his breathing.

After experiencing the big move just now, Xiao Ning's consumption was not small, and the injuries he received were not light. In this state, he was not inferior to the Thunder Lord and the Blood Demon Lord, and even more powerful. Venerable Xuan Ming, who is better than the two, is tantamount to seeking death.

Xiao Ning needs to seize the time to restore his condition as much as possible.

As the sun sets, the light shines on the three steep cliffs, forming strange reflections that look quite gorgeous. In addition, in the lush forest below, the roars of monsters can be heard from time to time, and occasionally there are violent fluctuations. came, but whenever the fluctuation of fighting spirit was higher than the forest, there was a soft and strange fluctuation on the cliff as smooth as a mirror, which was cleverly neutralized.

This is the Sunset Canyon, which covers a vast area and is mysterious and strange, hence its name. However, in this inaccessible canyon, an uninvited guest is now welcomed!

The cave, oh no, is more like a cave than a cave. A corner of the cliff wall is thought to have been cut off, and a slightly quaint house was built here.

In the house, a gray-haired, slightly old man was leaning against the window, quietly admiring the sunset. On the other side, four figures stood in the corner of the house, lowering their heads, not daring to make any move. .

Their auras were extraordinary, ranging from Dou Ling to Dou Zong, but when facing the gray-haired man leaning against the window, they did not dare to say anything.

"Haha, you and the four of you are all prisoners. Do you have any dissatisfaction with me for bringing you here?"

The gray-haired man did not turn around, but suddenly chuckled and said, and as he said these words, several people's bodies immediately tensed up!

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