
Along with a crisp sound, the Blood Demon Lord snorted, and a touch of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. His whole body was immediately blasted thousands of feet away by Xiao Ning's punch. His hands also fell softly on both sides. Obviously, The aggressiveness just now was completely broken!

"What kind of monster is this kid? Why is he so strong?"

The Blood Demon Lord was startled and felt a sense of fear. The bloody energy in his body emerged again, connecting his broken arms in a strange way!

On the other side, when he saw Venerable Lei blasting Venerable Blood Demon away in an instant, his pupils suddenly tightened, and the magic weapon in his hand suddenly moved. The thunder knife that punished him that day was about to slash towards Xiao Ning again!

"Heavenly thunder cuts, kills"

But before he could finish his words, the figure flashing with thunder seemed to cross the void, like a ghost, quietly appeared in front of him, and then punched out!

"And you, don't even think about escaping!"

Forced by helplessness, Lord Lei had no choice but to give up and activate the thunder knife again. The power of thunder gathered in his palm, and he immediately faced Xiao Ning who was attacking!


The fists and palms clashed, making a dull sound, and then Venerable Lei's expression changed, and he immediately stepped back a few steps. He only felt a boundless force coming, like an ancient monster, irresistible!

"What kind of monster is this kid? Is he not actually a human being, but a monster?!"

Lord Lei even began to doubt Xiao Ning's race. However, in a battle between strong men, any tiny mistake could change the situation of the battle!

Lord Lei thought he could block Xiao Ning's attack with his reaction, but he didn't expect that the other party was so powerful. The subsequent changes caused by this made Lord Lei's fighting spirit slightly stagnant, and that's it. He made a mistake and was caught by Xiao Ning!


A flash of light suddenly appeared in Xiao Ning's eyes, and his hands did not stop moving, but took advantage of the situation and struck wildly, either with fists, palms, or elbows, countless punches and fists struck each other dullly. The sound keeps ringing!

Xiao Ning knew that if there were one against two, the most he could do was block them, and it would be difficult to kill them quickly on the spot. His physical strength had reached a limit before, and now he had just broken through. How could he rely solely on his physical strength? Can withstand the attack of the powerful Dou Zun!

In other words, the killing moves of Lord Blood Demon and Lord Lei can truly threaten Xiao Ning's life. In fact, this is indeed the case. The bone-deep slash on his chest was made by Lord Lei. What is left behind is filled in by the attacker!

If he hadn't used the Heavenly Punishment Thunder to offset most of it, or even avoided the vital point, that one blow alone would have been enough to seriously injure Xiao Ning!

Now he took the risk, passed through the energy storm, and launched a sudden attack to knock one of them out of the battlefield. Xiao Ning also focused on injuring the other person so severely that he lost his combat effectiveness in this short period of time!

Xiao Ning took a lot of risks with such a plan, but he succeeded in the real sense after all!

Soon enough, the Blood Demon Lord was blown away. Xiao Ning stepped in front of the Thunder Lord and punched out randomly. However, in just a few seconds, the situation had suddenly changed!

Venerable Lei's face was bitter, and he was panic-stricken. Xiao Ning's strength in close combat far exceeded his expectations. In just a few seconds, he had already been defeated and beaten quite severely. It's miserable. The only reason I can hold on now is because I have practiced for a long time and have strong fighting spirit.

If it had been someone with a slightly weaker cultivation level, he would have been seriously injured under Xiao Ning's attack and retreated!

"We can't continue like this, otherwise we will really be beaten to death!"

Lord Lei secretly thought in his heart, and immediately applied for a harsh blow. Just when Xiao Ning kicked out again, the light of the thunder mark between Lord Lei's eyebrows suddenly increased!

And his body, in a very short period of time, the body of Lord Lei turned into thunder. Xiao Ning punched out, blasting away the thunder, but it did not cause effective damage to Lord Lei in this state. Kill!

"Hahaha, Xiao Ning, what can you do with my thunder god body?!"

Lord Lei shouted violently, his voice mixed with unconcealable anger. He has not yet reached a great level of cultivation in the Thunder God Body, but he can barely use it. Every time he uses it, he will lose his own essence!

However, despite the astonishing consumption, the power of the Thunder God's body is also quite terrifying. In addition to turning himself into thunder, the control of the power of thunder will also increase by several levels, and the thunder fighting skills used will also increase by several levels. The power can be said to be quite a powerful explosive fighting skill!

However, when Xiao Ning saw Lord Lei who had transformed thunder, he did not show a look of horror. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a sneer.

"It's really a big deal in front of Guan Gong."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Ning stopped his crazy attack, and instead picked up the magic weapon in his hand. A strange wave penetrated from Xiao Ning's body!

A faint doubt immediately appeared in Venerable Lei's heart, but the next moment, a sense of danger arose in his heart!

"Thunder Emperor's treasure technique, start!"

Xiao Ning activates the Thunder Emperor's treasure technique, and the world is filled with thunder, and the Thunder Emperor is revered!

Even though Venerable Lei's thunder god body looks extremely terrifying, any opponent will have a headache when faced with such fighting skills, but Xiao Ning is an exception!

Xiao Ning, who was inherited by Emperor Huangtian and mastered the magic of Thunder Emperor, is its natural enemy!

Mysterious fluctuations spread out, and Lord Lei's gradually rising momentum immediately became sluggish, and a scene that frightened him immediately appeared!

I saw Venerable Lei's body that had turned into thunder, quietly faded away under the mysterious fluctuations, and transformed back into a body of flesh and blood!

"Damn boy, what have you done?!"

The thunder mark between Venerable Lei's eyebrows was dim. However, compared to these, what made him even more unacceptable was that the Thunder God's body, which he had painstakingly cultivated for nearly a hundred years, was easily broken by Xiao Ning when he used it for the first time!

Such a blow in time allowed a determined person like Venerable Lei to break his defense!

Xiao Ning naturally did not hesitate to attack Venerable Lei for breaking his defense, and immediately mocked:

"Master Lei, you, the god of thunder, what do you mean in front of the thunder emperor, the master of this pavilion?!"

At the moment when Lord Lei's mind was agitated, Xiao Ning did not hesitate at all. When he launched his killing move, the phantom of the real dragon appeared around him, and he punched out violently, and the phantom of the real dragon, Also follows with one claw:

"Real Dragon Claw!"

A blow hit Venerable Lei hard, and he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. His whole body fell from the sky like a meteor! (End of chapter)

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