Forcibly pretending not to notice anything strange about Xiao Yan, Xiao Ning clapped her hands and made a sound, attracting Xiao Yan's attention, and then said:

"Cousin Xiao Yan, how many days have I been practicing under this pool of blood?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yan also came back to his senses and immediately said with a bit of panic:

"It's been two and a half months, cousin Xiao Ning!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ning's heart suddenly thumped, and he immediately patted his head with a somewhat helpless expression on his face.

"It's true, the higher the realm, the longer the retreat time will be."

"I thought it was just a few days!"

When Xiao Ning's words came out, Xiao Yan was slightly startled, expressing his helplessness, but soon he shook his head and looked at Xiao Ning in the direction of the matter.

"Cousin, cousin, I'm afraid I have to leave the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou!"

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Xiao Yan was a little surprised. He scratched his head and immediately asked:

"Huh? Where are you going?!"

Xiao Yan scratched his head, an embarrassed smile appeared on his face, and after considering his words, he slowly said:

"That cousin, cousin, I plan to go out for some training. If I follow you, it will be difficult to meet any suitable opponent."

When Xiao Yan's words came out, Xiao Ning was slightly startled. When he came to his senses, his current strength far exceeded that of Xiao Yan at this stage. Even if he tried his best to meet an opponent, he could not hurt a single finger of the opponent. The gap was so big. So big that it has lost the meaning of exercise.

It is true that he is a Blue Star traveler, but Xiao Yan in front of him was originally the protagonist of this continent, with his own arrogance and glory. Xiao Ning has interfered too much!


Xiao Ning nodded heavily, confirming Xiao Yan's idea, but then he also said straightforwardly with a bit of a smile:

"Okay, cousin, I understand your thoughts, but there is something you need to remember, cousin Xiao Yan!"

"We are always a family. If you encounter someone you can't beat, or someone who dares to bully you, come to Butian Pavilion to find your cousin!"

"I will always be your solid support!"

"Oh, by the way, these are for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Ning casually took out a basic and simple scroll from the Najie. These were all gains he had made along the way, and he had no need for fighting skills.

Xiao Yan has challenged four people from Sifang Pavilion before, and there were wins and losses and ties between them. In the end, he won three games!

Xiao Ning now fulfilled his promise and gave three Earth-level fighting skills to Xiao Yan. There was also a look of surprise on the latter's face, and then he took it without hesitation and looked at it a few times. Finally, put it away!

"My cousin is so kind, Xiao Yan will always remember it"

"And cousin, I have some clues about the poisonous scorpion dragon beast that day. It is said that there are traces of it in Luoshen Stream."

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Xiao Ning also nodded slightly, with a gleam of sarcastic surprise in his eyes, and immediately said:

"Thank you!"

After telling the news, a pair of burning green fire wings rose up from behind Xiao Yan, and immediately he jumped up and flew high into the sky!

Soon, he drew a stream of light, disappeared into the horizon, and left the Tianmu Mountains!

After watching him leave, Xiao Ning also shook his head, and immediately stepped out of the locked space.

When you go in, you need a space door, but when you come out, there is no need. After leaving the boundary of the open land, you naturally leave the space blockade!

Two old figures with rat heads and human bodies were outside the space blockade, standing with their hands behind their hands. When they saw Xiao Ning coming out, they came up with a bit of surprise and a smile.

"Mr. Xiao Ning, you are truly a hero. He was able to persist under that pool of blood for such a long time!"

Jin Shi was a little bit sad. With his cultivation, he could only persist at the bottom of the blood pool for one day at most, but Xiao Ning persisted for two and a half months, which can prove the strength gap between the two!

Xiao Ning also glanced at him and complimented with a bit of a smile:

"Where, how about Senior Jinshi coming in?"

The latter gently stroked his beard and said with a smile:

"Thanks to your cousin's intervention, most of the fire poison in my body has been eliminated. The remaining part, I will slowly refine it, and I will definitely be able to remove it within half a year!"

Mentioning this matter, Jin Shi was also very happy. Obviously, the fire poison that had troubled him for decades was exorcised, which made him very happy!

"The two seniors are waiting here. Are they waiting for the junior?"

"What's matter?"

After the greetings, Xiao Ning asked. After hearing Xiao Ning's words, Jin Shi and Jin Gu also looked at each other. Soon after, the former slowly said:

"Brother Xiao Ning, when you hear this news, you must not lose control!"

Jin Gu on the side also added:

"Yes, you must stay calm and don't throw yourself into a trap!"

After hearing what the two of them said, Xiao Ning's face also showed surprise. He immediately nodded and agreed to their request.

After seeing Xiao Ning's actions, Jin Shi slowly said:

"The urgent report came just half a quarter of an hour ago. The four major pavilions of Fenglei Pavilion, east, west, north and south have surrounded Tianbei City and arrested several elders of Butian Pavilion!"

"Not only did Venerable Lei, the master of the East Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion, personally take action, but he even invited several Dou Zun friends who are casual cultivators to arrange a Hongmen Banquet and invite you to the headquarters of Fenglei Pavilion!"

"I still have words to give you. I only give you three days. If you are one day late, I will kill an elder!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Ning's expression changed, and immediately a fierce and violent aura erupted from his body!

Although it was only a short moment, Jinshi and Jingu felt as if they were facing a terrifying monster that was difficult to defeat, and their hair stood on end!

"Fenglei Pavilion, are you really so shameless?!"

"Are they looking for death?!"

Xiao Ning shouted in a deep voice, his tone mixed with unconcealable anger, obviously showing great dissatisfaction with Fenglei Pavilion's provocation!

At that time during the battle, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was Fenglei Pavilion who took advantage of the situation and bullied others. He gathered everyone, showed his strength, and established Butian Pavilion to act as a deterrent. But he did not expect that Fenglei Pavilion would be so bold!

In addition to Master Lei himself, other powerful Dou Masters were also invited!

Taking a deep breath and barely calming down his emotions, Xiao Ning said calmly:

"Two seniors, do you know who the other powerful Dou Zun masters invited by Master Lei are?"

The tone was calm, but there was a touch of eeriness inside and outside the words! (End of chapter)

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