For Xiao Yan, there are two strange fires in his body, and there is also an undevoured Hai Xin Yan stored in it. In addition, there is Yao Lao, who was once the number one alchemist in the mainland. Monitor at all times. Although entering the Douzong-level Tianshan Blood Pool is somewhat risky, it is completely bearable!

Even though the Douzong-level Tianshan Blood Pond is extremely dangerous for ordinary experts at the peak of Douzong, it is not that difficult for him!

Seeing the two people's indifferent attitude, Jin Shi and Jin Gu also gave up trying to dissuade them. Jin Gu looked at the two people, stood with his hands behind his back, and said slowly:

"In that case, it's settled. When the blood pool is officially opened, I will take you to the Dou Zong level blood pool."

After the words fell, Jin Shi and Jin Gu left, leaving the two brothers Xiao Ning and Xiao Yan alone to rest in the stone pavilion.

Xiao Ning narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xiao Yan with a half-smiling face, and the latter scratched his head, laughed, and left first.

"Cousin Xiao Ning, I have some personal matters, so I have to leave first!"

After the words fell, he left the stone pavilion without stopping. Xiao Ning didn't have much to say, and he wasn't in a hurry to leave. He put his hands behind his head, leaned against the pillars of the stone pavilion, and talked for a while. rest.

After all, there is still a period of time before the energy tide reaches its peak. Xiao Ning, who has always felt that the plot is in his own hands, has a feeling of expectation for Zhongzhou for the first time.

Xiao Yan on the other side quickly returned to the platform on the other side after leaving Shiting.

But now, the battle that was still going on before they left has come to a standstill. Xiao Yan looked around and immediately understood that the winner was now decided.

However, although the winner won, it was still a bit difficult. His breath was slightly stagnant. He may have been seriously injured in the previous battle!

As for the other Dou Huang expert who was competing with him for a spot, he was already bleeding from his mouth and nose. He was lying on the cracked floor, his breath was weak, and he fell into a coma.

However, this seemingly brutal battle scene did not cause the slightest disturbance to the people around it.

Seeing Xiao Yan coming back, those people also had a look of fear on their faces. Xiao Yan ignored them and strode towards the center of the platform.

There, there are four figures, all separated by a distance. Although they are regarded by outsiders as a group of people of the same level, it is obvious that they are not as harmonious internally as the outside world thinks!

Xiao Yan's arrival seemed to have attracted the attention of several people. With his status as a one-star Dou Huang, he could instantly kill a six-star Dou Emperor with one blow. Xiao Yan was already qualified to be treated as an equal by them!

Tang Ying, who was dressed in black and carried a huge blue sword on his back, took the lead in holding his hands, smiled slightly, his eyes filled with fierce fighting spirit, and said:

"Congratulations, Brother Xiao Yan, I wonder when the battle between you and me will start?"

As for Tang Ying, Xiao Yan also had some good impressions, but when he heard that the other party was inviting a fight when they met, Xiao Yan was a little bit dumbfounded. Instead, he waved his hand and said immediately:

"Don't worry, if you want to fight, come back later!"

Then, Xiao Yan's eyes swept over Feng Qing'er, who looked unnatural, and Wang Chen, whose eyes were evasive, and looked at Mu Qingluan, who was petite and looked to be only eleven or twelve years old.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, Xiao Yan showed what he thought was a gentle smile, and slowly said:

"Miss Mu, could you please lend me a moment to speak?"

Hearing Xiao Yan's request, Mu Qingluan was slightly startled, with a bit of doubt in her dark eyes. Then she nodded lightly and replied:


The sound is as clear and moving as a silver bell.

Xiao Yan and Mu Qingluan left side by side without going too far. After seeing no one, they put up a layer of grudge barrier to isolate the possibility of the conversation being leaked.

Mu Qingluan frowned and asked with interest:

"Xiao Yan, you and I are strangers and you came to see me. What's the matter?"

Xiao Yan also let out a long breath, stared at Mu Qingluan closely, and said seriously, word by word:

"Miss Mu, I heard that you are a disciple of Master Feng. I wonder if this is true?"

The exchange between the two lasted for a while, and then they returned to the platform. However, Mu Qingluan's face was full of doubts, while Xiao Yan's face was full of excitement!

Obviously, he has learned the intelligence information he wants to know!

Looking at Tang Ying who was eager to try, Xiao Yan quietly made a gesture of invitation and said immediately:

"I'm very happy, Brother Tang, come and fight!"

Time passes little by little, one day, two days

And as time goes by, the energy tide is also increasing little by little. I don't know when or at a certain moment, the energy between heaven and earth suddenly begins to riot!

Everyone on the Tianmu Mountain Range, whether they were practicing, sparring, or resting, stopped what they were doing and raised their heads.

I saw a huge multicolored energy vortex suddenly appear in the sky, like an inverted tornado, sweeping up an energy storm between heaven and earth!

In the sky, the area of ​​​​the energy vortex is getting larger and larger, and the energy contained in it is becoming more and more terrifying. At a certain moment, its rotation speed finally gradually slows down, and then the vortex pauses slightly. At the center of the vortex, A bright light suddenly erupted!


The sudden strong light almost enveloped the entire Tianmu Mountains in an instant, and the thick white fog that filled the Tianmu Mountains suddenly became thinner under the stimulation of the strong light!

But that bright light was like a laser beam, coming down from top to bottom and suddenly hitting the huge crater!

The strong light dissipated, and everyone suddenly opened their eyes. Immediately, someone shouted in surprise:

"Look, the blood pool is full!"

Everyone looked intently and saw that the small pool on the stone platform was now filled with fiery red liquid, like blood!

"Now is the best time to enter the Tianshan Blood Pool, let's go!"

Jin Shi's figure appeared on Tiantai Mountain at some point. Behind him, there were two rather large gold-eating rats!

After everyone bowed their hands and showed respect to Jinshi, they rushed directly towards the crater, without exception, except Xiao Ning and Xiao Yan.

As for Jinshi, after everyone entered the crater, he looked at the two of them and whispered:

"follow me!"

Then, he tapped his feet and dodged away into the distance. The two brothers also looked at each other and quickly followed! (End of chapter)

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