"Hey, Senior Jinshi's words are wrong."

Xiao Ning smiled and said slowly:

"I, Xiao Ning, am only about twenty years old now, how can I be considered a senior?"

"Not to mention anything else, there are those who have successfully passed the level, and there are those who are older than me!"

"Does it mean that because of my high strength, I will become an old monster?"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Jin Shi was slightly startled, then waved his hand and held his forehead. Obviously, Xiao Ning's appearance caught him off guard.

As for Feng Qing'er and others who passed the level, or those who are still on the platform whether they passed or not, their hearts suddenly changed at this moment!

For them to be able to reach this point, their background is quite extraordinary. It is still very clear that there is such a fierce man who dares to challenge Fenglei Pavilion in the northern region of Zhongzhou!

However, after listening to it, most of them asked about Xiao Ning's age and thought it was false news. After all, how could a boy in his twenties really be a Douzong or the peak of Douzong!

Just now, Xiao Ning's identity was exposed by Tang Ying, Feng Qing'er and others. They were just surprised, and at the same time they were even more sure of their guesses!

But now, Jinshi treats him so seriously, even the few Sifang Pavilion disciples who had Dou Zun-level powerhouses behind him before did not receive such preferential treatment!

What does this prove?

Even if you don’t speak, you know a lot of things.

Many people swallowed their saliva and broke into cold sweat.

Even Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Ning in shock. He had been hunted before and had no idea about such sensational news.

Only now did he know that his cousin had done something earth-shattering!

Moreover, at this moment, he also understood what Feng Qing'er's look at his cousin meant!

Jin Shi held his forehead, with some consideration on his face, then shook his head and looked at Xiao Ning:

"It still doesn't work. If you were to participate, it would affect the balance too much!"

"With Douzong's peak combat power and coercion, how can one hundred thousand gold-devouring rats be your opponent!"

After hearing Jin Shi's words, Xiao Ning felt a little helpless, spread his hands, looked at the former, and said casually:

"Then what should I do? I am bound to win this Tianshan Blood Pool!"

"Besides, I didn't break the rules. You only said that people under thirty years old can come. Is there any limit on strength?"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Jin Shi lowered his head, nodded slightly, and immediately said:

"If not, please change the content of your test."

"You don't need a hundred thousand gold-devouring rats to take action. How can you and I fight against each other in ten moves to determine the outcome?"

Hearing Jin Shi's words, Xiao Ning didn't say anything. Everyone on the other side of the platform was dumbfounded. You must know that Jin Shi was a strong man at the peak of Douzong. During the bloody battle, even Lord Lei took action in person, and he was also killed. He resisted three moves forcefully, and although he was seriously injured, it also made him famous.

Hearing such words, Xiao Ning didn't care, but he was a little confused and asked:

"I can do that, but what about the concentrated energy layer above?"

"If we get serious about fighting, it will definitely trigger some action from above."

After hearing these words, Jin Shi also smiled slightly, twitched his mustache, and said lightly:

"This is the essence. You and I suppress our strength at the peak of Dou Huang. We fight ten moves. There will be a clear winner or loser. Or whoever triggers the energy rioters above loses? How about that?"

Hearing these words, Xiao Ning nodded, raised the corners of his mouth, and put on a smile.

Isn't it just a competition for control? He's so good at it!

"In that case, please!"

Immediately, Xiao Ning spoke.

Hearing this, Jin Shi's eyelids narrowed slightly. In an instant, his fighting spirit exploded, and a flash of light shot out. He swung the crutch in his hand and stabbed Xiao Ning fiercely!

Faced with this unethical sneak attack, any Dou Huang, including the outstanding disciples from Sifang Pavilion above, would be caught off guard and lose their advantage with the first move.

But to Xiao Ning, it was nothing. He saw his feet suddenly swerving, and his body was tested, but he narrowly avoided the sneak attack. Then the fighting spirit condensed on his fist, and thunder and lightning exploded. out!

"Thunder Fist!"

Seeing Xiao Ning's attack, Jin Shi retracted his crutches and placed it in front of him, blocking Xiao Ning's attack just in time. Then he released his strength and retreated behind him!

Xiao Ning did not shy away from this. Immediately, he stepped suddenly, and even spider web-like cracks burst out on the ground, and he chased the retreating Jinshi!

"To stab!"

Seeing Xiao Ning chasing after him, Jin Shi's pupils also shot out a flash of light. Immediately, his fighting spirit condensed, the mark on his hand suddenly changed, and large and dense soil thorns suddenly appeared under Xiao Ning's feet!

"Boy, you're still too young!"

When Jin Shi saw that his plan was successful, the corner of his mouth immediately rose. However, before he could feel proud, Xiao Ning stepped down with his foot, and the earth thorns that came out were broken into pieces under this fierce stamping. Come on, it didn't cause any damage to Xiao Ning.

"Senior Jinshi, you are happy too early!"

Xiao Ning suddenly smiled and kicked out. The large number of spikes that were trampled off the earth thorns, driven by fighting spirit and strength, formed a barrage and shot towards the gold and stone like a rain of arrows!

Jin Shi took a deep breath and waved his hand, and suddenly a few meters thick rock appeared out of thin air in front of him, blocking Xiao Ning's attacks one after another.

After the two quickly exchanged a few moves, they quickly separated!

Nine moves to get past it!

Fine beads of sweat appeared on Jin Shi's forehead. The young man in front of him had attracted Jin Shi's attention, and he also realized that the other person was not simple.

This Xiao Ning is like a hexagonal warrior with no flaws. No matter how he attacks, he will find flaws and defeat him!

But now that nine moves have passed, as long as you can hold on, you will naturally be the winner. After all, judging from the first nine moves, both sides are still in a no-win situation.

It may be said that it was too late, but it was too fast. In the eyes of those watching the show, the dazzling battle between the two was extremely fast, even surpassing their dynamic vision for a time.

Even though the moves displayed did not cause much damage to the surrounding environment, their control reached an indescribable level, and the power contained in them was enough to easily defeat anyone here!

"There is one last move left. If you can't break it, Xiao Ning, you will lose!"

Jin Shi spoke slowly, and Xiao Ning raised the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, and said immediately:

"I have no grievances with my seniors. I have some reservations. Nine moves have been passed. The next one, seniors, must be careful!" (End of Chapter)

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