At this moment, Feng Qing'er, who was walking towards the stone staircase, suddenly shivered unconsciously, as if she was being targeted by a natural enemy, with a gleam on her back, and she was extremely frightened.

Subconsciously, she turned around and glanced behind her, but found nothing unusual. At the same time, the feeling of light on her back also disappeared.


Feng Qing'er murmured to herself. She was still in a good mood, but it became completely complicated. Looking at the golden stone guarding the stone staircase, she also cupped her hands.

"Senior Jinshi, you are fine recently."

Feng Qing'er spoke quietly, with a smile on her originally proud face. When seeing Feng Qing'er like this, Jin Shi nodded slightly, and his originally lazy face also became alert.

"How are you doing, Lord Lei?"

Hearing these words, Feng Qing'er also smiled and said:

"Teacher, you are fine recently. Please ask me to say hello to Senior Jinshi."

Jin Shi also smiled faintly, nodded slightly, and immediately said:

"Thank you Venerable Lei for your concern. I will definitely pay you a visit in the future."

The short words between the two made many people present sigh. Jin Shi's attitude towards this woman was completely different from the previous ones, and the gap in strength and status between the two sides could be seen.

"This woman is not simple either."

Xiao Yan stared at Feng Qing'er closely, his eyes serious. The sense of threat this woman brought to him made him a little nervous. Looking at Xiao Yan like this, Xiao Ning also shook his head slightly.

Xiao Yan in the original work, three years later, was able to overpower the geniuses of Sifang Pavilion and even left them far behind.

But now, because of his own existence, the plot has changed and the timeline has been advanced, causing them to meet three years earlier.

Although Xiao Yan's strength and combat power are much stronger than those in the same timeline of the original work, compared with these geniuses who have already improved their strength to a certain level, they are still a bit behind.

As her mind turned, Xiao Ning also chuckled lightly, and then quietly said:

"Of course, that woman named Feng Qing'er is not a human being, she is just a monster."

"Isn't it normal that you think it's not simple?"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, even Xiao Yan was a little stunned. He didn't realize that this woman with a good figure turned out to be a magical beast.

"Cousin, are you telling the truth?"

Xiao Ning also rolled his eyes and said immediately:

"Wouldn't you know if you went and asked?"

This sentence means something. Xiao Ning has known about Yao Lao's existence for a long time. Although he did not mention it clearly, the two brothers were basically aware of it when they got along.

He meant to ask Xiao Yan to ask Yao Lao, but the latter misunderstood. He just touched his nose, shook his head, and said immediately:

"I'm not related to her, can she tell me if I ask her?"

Just as they were communicating, Feng Qing'er also finished communicating with Jin Shi. Immediately after Jin Shi's words of "start" fell, a bright silver light appeared under her feet, accompanied by a faint thunder. The man turned into a stream of light and shot towards the top of the mountain.

"Three Thousand Thunderbolts, Fenglei Pavilion's secret technique!"

Someone shouted in a low voice, his eyes full of fire. Even Xiao Yan had heard of this name, and looked at that figure with a little envy in his eyes.

At this moment, Xiao Ning also thought of something and immediately patted Xiao Yan on the shoulder.

"Are you envious of that woman?"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Xiao Yan also smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said immediately:

"No, I'm just sighing. These three thousand thunders are magical immediately."

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Xiao Ning also scratched his head and remembered something. During the Black Corner Domain Black Seal Auction Conference, he once wanted to make a deal with Yuan Yi, the owner of the eight doors, in exchange for the net. The remaining picture of Lotus Demon Fire, but the other party was unwilling, so he killed it by force, and also looted everything from that auction.

Later, because his strength improved too fast, many things were no longer needed, so he could only put them in the ring to eat ashes. If Xiao Yan hadn't mentioned them, he might not have been able to remember this.

The corners of Xiao Ning's mouth also raised slightly when he thought that due to the changes in the plot that he had considered, Xiao Yan's combat power was somewhat unable to keep up.

He had a great idea!

"Cousin Xiao Yan, cousin, let me discuss something with you."

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Xiao Yan immediately became wary, then turned his head and said with some doubts:

"What's up?"

Nodding slightly, Xiao Ning put his hands around his head and said calmly:

"My cousin, I happen to have a bunch of fighting skills that I don't need in my hands, and my level is just that, about the earth level."

"That's a tasteless thing. It's a pity to abandon it. As for Feng Qing'er and the four disciples of Sifang Pavilion, I don't like it. In this battle for Tianshan Blood Pool, you go and fight with Sifang Pavilion. The four major disciples fight each other!"

"Every time you win, cousin, I will give you a copy. What do you think?"

After hearing these words, the alert look in Xiao Yan's eyes immediately disappeared, and he immediately looked at Xiao Ning with a smile. This was really his eldest cousin.

But he was still more confused, even if he opened his mouth and said;

"Cousin, you don't like them, why don't you do it yourself?"

Xiao Ning put on a mysterious smile at this moment and said immediately:

"I'm going to beat them up, your cousin? Isn't that bullying a child? It's just a slap."

"Nothing interesting!"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, I thought that he casually killed Xiaoyaozi of the Three-Star Douzong in an instant, and even left a legend in Canaan College and the Black Corner Domain.

Xiao Yan could only nod unconsciously and admitted that what Xiao Ning said was the truth.

And there was a touch of fire and ferocity in his eyes. It was nothing more than a reward from Xiao Ning. It was great!

Thinking that he had worked so hard for a roll of Earth-level fighting skills and barely managed to get it, and then thinking that Xiao Ning was giving it so generously, Xiao Yan was almost jealous!

"Don't worry, cousin, leave them to me!"

"The salary is in place. Not to mention the Sifang Pavilion disciples, even if the elders come, I will beat them to pieces!"

And after hearing Xiao Yan's words, not to mention Xiao Ning, even Yao Lao who was in Xiao Yan's body couldn't help but roll his eyes and complained:

"Is it your boy again who crushed that elder?"

"If you don't take action as a teacher, you won't be beaten like a dead dog lying on the ground?"

After hearing Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan's face flashed with a look of embarrassment, and then he coughed a few times and said:

"Don't laugh, don't laugh, watch the game!" (End of chapter)

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