Zhongzhou is the center of Dou Qi Continent, gathering vitality from all over the place. Because of this, the entire Zhongzhou is full of outstanding people. Compared with the northwest region, it is much vaster!

Even though there are many forces in Zhongzhou, compared to the vast land, they are still too few. The distance between just two cities is tens of thousands of miles.

The sun was shining high, the sky was cloudless, and beams of light continued to pour down with high temperature. Even at Xiao Ning's speed, it took him two full days to see the outline of the city in the distance!

When I got closer, I saw that it was full of people, very lively, and even the scale was huge!

The grandest city that Xiao Ning had ever seen before was Tianya City. It was a bit more luxurious than the imperial capital of the Gama Empire, but Tianya City was dwarfed by Tianbei City.

There are still dozens of miles away from the city, and there are lush forests, forming a large area, which looks quite beautiful.

Only then did Xiao Ning understand that Tianbei City was also a city located on the edge of the desert.

When there was still one mile away from Tianbei City, suddenly, a cold voice came from Tianbei City, coming towards Xiao Ning:

"Flying is prohibited around Tianbei City!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ning was slightly startled, and then he understood. Having experienced the Tianya City incident, he also knew these rules.

When he first arrived, he didn't intend to cause trouble. After all, he needed to rely on the forces in the city to help find people. It would be difficult to deal with things that would turn into enemies as soon as he arrived.

Immediately, Xiao Ning stopped and lowered his figure, cupping his fists and saying:

"I'm new here and don't understand the rules. Please forgive me."

The owner of that voice, seeing Xiao Ning being so polite, immediately softened his tone and said:

"It's not surprising if you don't know. Please register and enter through the city gate!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ning paused, descended from the sky, and started to line up following the huge flow of people.

After about twenty minutes, the surging flow of people in front of Mo entered Tianbei City. Xiao Ning also followed behind and entered the city.

After passing through a dark corridor, light soon appeared in front of him, and a sudden roar of noise rushed towards him, making it difficult for Xiao Ning, who had been traveling alone for several days, to adapt.

After all, the previous trip to the space wormhole, and the fact that there were not many people on the way, suddenly arriving in a big city full of people still made Xiao Ning feel a lot sad.

Compared with the cities Xiao Ning had seen before, Tianbei City gave him a majestic feeling. The spacious streets were filled with people, which revealed the city's popularity.

"Tianbei City"

Xiao Ning carefully recalled the memories in his mind. In the original work, Tianbei City was also described. One of the behemoths, the Han family, was Han Yue from the inner courtyard of Canaan College, the silver-haired person Xiao Ning had seen before. Beautiful family.

Corresponding to the Han family is the Hong family in the north. These two huge families are like the two masters of Tianbei City. The two sides divide the city clearly.

Of course, there are other small forces in the city, but compared with the Han Hong family, they are a bit insignificant. They can only survive in the cracks, as if floating, looking up at the two behemoths in the city. .

He and Han Yue were considered acquaintances, and when they came to Tianbei City, they had some intention of asking for help from the Han family.

Although his strength is not outstanding, in this area of ​​​​Zhongzhou, after all, he is not familiar with the place, and many things are quite difficult to handle.

If you have the help of local people, it will be much easier not only to find people, but also to do things!

However, Xiao Ning didn't intend to let the other party help him in vain. He also prepared enough rewards and killed the old demon. He had a lot of good things in his hands, so he could just give some of them as a reward.

Xiao Ning pondered while stroking Najie.

After finding a few stores and asking about the location of the Han family, Xiao Ning started walking around the city. Along the way, he saw a lot of good things.

After turning a corner, Xiao Ning frowned slightly. There were many people gathered on the road ahead. Looking carefully, the two parties were wearing different clothes and seemed to be confronting each other.

"Hong Chen, don't go too far!"

A cry mixed with anger and coldness came from the crowd, and the sound was slightly familiar.

Looking through the crowd, Xiao Ning locked the direction from which the sound came, and saw a strange strand of silver hair, which reflected a faint fluorescent light under the sunlight.

In Xiao Ning's memory, Han Yue was the only person with such a strange hair color.

"What a coincidence."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, showing a bit of joy, Xiao Ning took steps towards the crowd.

Just after squeezing into the crowd, the voices inside came again. Looking closely, I saw a man in blue clothes, who looked about twenty-three or four years old. With a bit of arrogance, he raised his head arrogantly. He stood up and looked at the silver-haired beauty in front of him.

"Han Yue, I have given you enough face."

After a pause, Hong Chen snorted coldly and continued:

"Have you, the Han family, responded to my Hong family's conditions?"

After hearing his words, Han Yue immediately clenched her fists, and a look of anger appeared on her usually cold and arrogant face.


Although I don't know what the specific content is, I can be sure that the conditions should be quite excessive, otherwise Han Yue would not be so angry.

After hearing Han Yue's words, the flamboyant young man, Hong Chen, had a playful smile on his face, but he was not angry because of Han Yue's words.

However, the words coming out of his mouth were extremely cold.

"Haha, since the Han family is so ignorant of good and evil, then don't blame me, the Hong family, for not giving me face!"

"let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hong Chen sneered and retreated with a group of people, leaving Han Yue with a cold face and clenched fists.

At this moment, a cheerful and sunny voice suddenly appeared.

"Long time no see, Senior Han Yue."

Hearing this, Han Yue was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up with a look of surprise. She raised her head and saw a strong young man in black clothes walking from the crowd.

"So it's junior Xiao Ning. Why did you get to Tianbei City?"

Due to her personality, Han Yue's mood swings are not very high, but it can also be seen that she is quite surprised.

The corners of his mouth raised, Xiao Ning showed a cheerful smile, and then said:

"Originally, I wanted to go directly to Zhongzhou, but there were some problems on the road, so I had to live here."

"I wonder, Senior Han Yue, can you do me a favor?"

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