This is a red and yellow desert. The strong wind is sweeping the desert with sand grains. The whistling sound of the wind is faintly cold. In this somewhat desolate place, looking at it, it is almost... It was hard to find a human figure, only the endless wind and sand and the sound of wind howling.

The strong wind blew through a piece of pale yellow wild grass in the desert. The wild grass bent down, and a dark figure was faintly revealed in the grass.

"Damn, I almost fell down this time!"

The figure was in a miserable state, with blood all over his body and minor wounds. He lay weakly on the ground, and he was speaking these words.

Even with Xiao Ning's current terrifying strength, he ended up with unclear injuries when he used it to fight against a space storm comparable to a natural disaster.

This is also the first time since his debut that he has suffered such a serious injury. There are almost no intact parts of his body. If he were not conscious and still breathing, he would be almost the same as a corpse.

Fortunately, Xiao Ning's current physical fitness is extremely strong. Under the influence of the physical body, the wounds on his body are slowly healing, and the injuries are also getting better.

But compared to the horrific injuries, the recovery process is much slower!

The raging power of space has exceeded the defense range of his body, causing his injuries to be quite serious.

After waiting for a while to recover, Xiao Ning loosened his fingers and took out a pill from the ring.

This is the healing medicine Xiao Yan gave him before, and he originally thought he would never use it in this life.

After swallowing the elixir into his belly, Xiao Ning closed his eyes again, waiting for the power of the medicine to evaporate in his body.

A warm current flowed through the dilapidated body, and the small injuries began to recover. Xiao Ning could feel the soreness, numbness and itching in his body.

I don't know how much time passed, but the worst feeling of numbness and pain passed, and Xiao Ning felt that his injury was a little better.


Suppressing the pain, Xiao Ning reluctantly sat up and slowly observed his surroundings.

In the vast yellow sand, there is no human habitation. In the distance there is a mountain that looks quite high. Based on Xiao Ning's experience, there must be a valley below such a large mountain, which can be regarded as a more suitable resting place.

He just clenched his fist and felt the strength in it. It was far from his peak, but it was not a big problem to kill a low-star Dou Emperor with one punch.

Although he didn't know exactly where he was, killing a Dou Huang with one punch, even if he was on the outskirts of Zhongzhou, was considered to be a measure of self-preservation.

Slowly getting up, feeling the pain in his body, Xiao Ning limped towards the distant mountain.

There are beautiful mountains and clear waters, nourished by the flesh and blood of Warcraft, which can speed up the recovery of one's injuries.

Xiao Ning thought to herself

Wangshan ran to death, and it looked like it was not far away, but when I dragged my body and walked, I felt how far it was.

It wasn't until night gradually enveloped the desert, and the moon hung like a silver disk in the distant sky, spreading its moonlight on you, that Xiao Ning arrived at the foot of the mountain.

His experience was correct. Under the foot of the mountain, there was indeed a valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters. When he looked up, he saw a rather precipitous mountain peak rising from the ground. In the center of the mountain, there was a crack that looked like it had been split open. It is about ten feet wide, like a canyon.

Through the canyon, you enter the valley.


Xiao Ning also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately walked along the canyon, walking slowly towards the valley.


Just when Xiao Ning had just set foot in the valley, a brief sound of breaking through the air suddenly appeared beside him, bringing with it a strong wind!

"Is there an ambush?!"

Subconsciously, Xiao Ning was startled, and immediately punched in the direction of the attack.

A small emerald green snake was seen. Under Xiao Ning's punch, it immediately exploded into a ball of blood mist and dissipated into the void.

Xiao Ning was a little stunned when he smelled the faint smell of blood, but when his body inhaled the blood, his injuries improved a bit!

The inheritance of Emperor Huangtian, you can eat whatever you catch, except human form!

In this way, it can also nourish the physical body!

Xiao Ning's eyes also lit up slightly. In this way, he would not have to worry about recovering from his injuries!

"Swish swish!"

It seemed that Xiao Ning's killing of the long green snake attracted attention, and several thick giant snakes came from the top of the mountain in the canyon forest, almost blocking Xiao Ning's path.

The huge snake was more than ten feet across and was as thick as a bucket. Judging from its aura, it was of the third level. For ordinary caravans, it could be said to be a very difficult existence.

But in Xiao Ning's eyes, it's just a good elixir!

"Come here, no one can escape!"

He kicked a stone at will, and the stone immediately accelerated to the extreme, and immediately penetrated the head of a giant snake, causing it to lie limply on the ground, silently.

On the other side, the huge snake saw that its companion was defeated in an instant, and immediately wanted to escape, but only heard a "swish" sound, and a strong wind hit.

Immediately, like the big snake brother, he fell limply to the ground and followed in his footsteps!

"I'll just eat two for today, that's enough!"

Using his not-so-severely injured right hand, Xiao Ning dragged the two snake tails deep into the valley and found a good resting place.

Then, a fire was lit, the snake skin was peeled off, and the snake blood was drained, the fat and tender snake meat was placed on the bonfire and began to be roasted.


For a time, the oil is transformed under the high temperature, and the fragrance is released.

Xiao Ning's eyes lit up and he stuffed the slightly burnt roasted snake meat into his mouth.

Wanshe Gorge is a remote place in Zhongzhou, a relatively famous and dangerous place.

This is the territory of the demon snake Xia Bo. Except for him who has broken through to the sixth level and has the fighting power of the Emperor, all the snake monsters below the fourth level in the Ten Thousand Snakes Canyon are under his control!

Ordinary caravans passing through it have to pay tolls, otherwise they will be besieged.

Moreover, this demon snake Xia Mang is also extremely cunning. He will only rob someone who can fight him, but will not rob anyone he is not sure about.

If a strong person comes to seek revenge, he will directly restrain his aura and dive into the mountain, leaving countless strong people who are stronger than him helpless. Because of this, Xia Mang's reputation is very loud.

However, the current Ten Thousand Snakes Canyon has changed drastically!

A strip of skin was covered with dense dark green scales. It had the body and limbs of a human, but what was left was a monster with a snake head. It was lying on the ground in embarrassment, with blood bleeding from its mouth and nose.

On his body, there was a figure in black robes, one foot stepped on his body, his fist was raised high, and he waved it down.

"Brother, stop fighting. I admit defeat. I admit my mistake!"

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