Fang Yan was so distraught that he ran away for his life, as if he was chasing some wild beast from behind, which made him exhausted.

He didn't even dare to look back, he was running towards the direction of Demon Flame Valley with great speed, without any concealment, and he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

"Damn it, damn it, really damn it!"

At this moment, Fang Yan, the Great Elder of Demon Flame Valley, apart from the boundless panic, his strongest emotion was regret. How could he listen to Han Feng's evil ideas and go after this monster!

That's right, today's Xiao Ning, the master of the Huangge Pavilion, is no different from a monster in Fang Yan's heart, so terrifying!

Even if the seven of them join forces and face each other, they will be defeated easily, with no ability to resist! I thought that with the fighting power of the two Douzongs, no matter how amazing the battle power of the Huangge Pavilion Master was, they could be repelled, but the result was far beyond Fang Yan's expectation.

"This idiot Han Feng, no matter how dead he is, it's him who caused me to provoke such a terrifying monster!"

Fang Yan kept cursing secretly in his heart, not feeling guilty at all because he turned around and fled, causing the battle line to collapse, and Xiao Ning killed everyone with two punches from the air.

"Hmph, what's wrong with me running away? How can I win against a monster like that?"

"The second, third, and fourth sons are also not smart. Why should we fight in that situation? Just run away, maybe there is still a way to survive!"

Frantically looking for reasons for his cowardly behavior, Fang Yan ran away, secretly thinking:

"This time, the second, third, and fourth sons died in battle. I'm afraid that even if I run back alive, I will be punished by my ancestors. My life may not be saved!"

"But no matter how strong this guy is, he will never be the opponent of our ancestors. He has not yet reached Douzong and is so strong. He must have a big secret!"

"I want to lure him to the Demon Flame Valley, and the ancestor will take action to kill him. All these gains combined, I should let the ancestor spare my life."

Even when the soul was fleeing for his life, Fang Yan was still considering his thoughts. In his opinion, although Xiao Ning's combat power was incredible, he had not reached Douzong, and even if he was faster than himself, it was not much faster.

Under such a pursuit, with the help of two elders Han Feng, Jin Yin and three elders of Demon Flame Valley, there was a high probability that he could escape.

However, a voice suddenly came from behind, causing Fang Yan to be alert immediately, and even his soul was at risk!

"Humph, want to escape?!"

The sound is very close to me!

Fang Yan immediately turned around and glanced over, but he was shocked!

I saw that the distance between Xiao Ning and him was shortening rapidly, visible to the naked eye, and now Xiao Ning was less than ten meters behind Fang Yan.

"I am the great elder of Demon Flame Valley, you can't kill me!"

Fang Yan couldn't help but shouted, but Xiao Ning said calmly:

"Oh, the great elder of Demon Flame Valley, is he very famous?"

"How come I haven't heard of it?"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Fang Yan immediately became angry, but Xiao Ning's reply gave him the illusion that he could survive.

Immediately, Fang Yan quickly said:

"Master Huangge, I was wrong!"

"I listened to that bastard Han Feng's slander and took action against the people in Huangge!"

"Now that the culprit is dead, please be noble and spare my life. I will definitely come to apologize and offer you a gift in the future!"

However, when Xiao Ning heard this, he remained motionless and continued to approach Fang Yan.

Seeing this situation, Fang Yan was so angry that he tried his best to speed up a bit, but now he was at his limit and could only watch Xiao Ning and him slowly approaching.

"Xiao Ning, what do you want?!"

As if thinking of something, Fang Yan hurriedly shouted:

"Is it the elixir? I'll give it back to you, don't kill me!"

After hearing this, Xiao Ning, who had a cold face at first, relaxed slightly, but soon, he opened his mouth and replied:

"You just remembered now? It's already too late!"

Regardless of Fang Yan's expression that changed drastically after hearing these words, Xiao Ning spoke coldly and continued:

"The first is that you took away my Huangge elixir!"

"Secondly, you hurt the people in my Huangge!"

"Third, you took action against me!"

After saying this, Xiao Ning's expression became a little weird, but his eyes were indeed filled with murderous intent. He looked at Fang Yan, who was tired of running for his life, and said coldly:

"To sum up what I have said above, you think you have a way to die!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Ning's speed suddenly increased, and in an instant he was behind Fang Yan. Immediately, he stepped down suddenly!


A wave of ripples suddenly appeared in the sky, spreading out from Xiao Ning's feet, but Fang Yan vomited blood and fell from the sky, like a meteor, directly smashing the top of a mountain.

Among the rubble of the ruins, Fang Yan coughed up blood and lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment, with countless broken bones in his body.

But before he could get up, a figure left afterimages in the void and still appeared in front of Fang Yan who was lying on the ground. Then he could feel a huge force grabbing his throat and dragging him. Lifted it up.

Looking at that young face, Fang Yan's mouth was bleeding, his chest was burning, even breathing would bring out blood foam, and the pain was extremely painful.

"You, you can't kill me, I am the great elder of Demon Flame Valley"

Fang Yan prayed weakly, and the fear of death came to his heart, making him almost crazy.

"If you kill me, Ancestor will definitely take action. No matter how strong you are, you will not be Ancestor's opponent!"

"Let me go, and both you and I can survive!"

After hearing Fang Yan's words, Xiao Ning raised the corners of his mouth, snorted coldly, and then said solemnly:

"You think I'm scared?"

"Since I have been practicing with Xiao Ning, I have never met anyone who can defeat me!"

"Your ancestor is an old demon, right? I'll send him down to accompany you soon!"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Fang Yan's eyes immediately widened in disbelief, because he didn't tell Xiao Ning the name of his ancestor at all.

His ancestor has been in seclusion for more than ten years. Most of the forces in the Black Corner Region do not know his name, but how did Xiao Ning know it?

However, before he could finish thinking, Xiao Ning's hand immediately exerted force, and with a soft "click" sound, Fang Yan's neck had been twisted by Xiao Ning, and he died immediately.

He casually took the Najie from Fang Fangyan's hand and threw his body away. Xiao Ning searched for it in the Najie. Soon, three bottles of elixirs with aura appeared in his hands.

"Finally found it. I hope it's not too late and it won't delay the transaction with the Black Emperor Sect."

After putting the elixir away, Xiao Ning murmured to himself, but just as he was about to leave, a frustrated old voice suddenly came from behind.

"Who killed my disciples!"

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