293 – Abduction 5

No matter how much you love it, did you say that when it becomes ‘work’, you hate doing it strangely?

I used to think it was a lie, but now it might be true.

Today too, Tisha thought as she barely got home from work after working all night.

‘Strangely, the further you go, the busier you feel….’

New witchcraft. And after showing up again to the world positively.

Tisha was at the forefront of her research and was working hard without a break.

And then I realized. The path of a pioneer is not usually difficult.

It’s the same with paving the way in a state of awareness of the world or nothing.

It was also a problem that there was not enough manpower to proceed with something right away.

Current witchcraft did not just spread naturally.

The imperial family and the grand duchess secretly support her behind the scenes, hoping for results.

That means that we are not in a state where we can gather a bunch of gossips and do research.

This meant that only the best of the best had to be brought together and the results presented.

‘Many people are curious about witchcraft, but it’s still not enough.’

There are not many people. That means you have to take on multiple roles.

And that also means that I inevitably have to use other times instead.

“Tisha. I am going to church with the saintess tomorrow, do you want to go with me?”

“There is a little party that Kyle and I are going to. If you want to go too, Tisha, tell me.”

“Sister! Sister Tisha! Aren’t you going to exercise together?!”

Thank you for not forgetting to visit me, but sadly I can’t move.

What’s even sadder is that this wasn’t forced, it was because he wanted to.

Be sure to erase all negative views on witchcraft.

Magic then going. No, I will raise it to an academic level comparable to magic.

I couldn’t help it because I had a big dream of popularizing witchcraft.

‘Should I just release this book that Kyle gave me and let everyone study it?’

I thought about it, but it was Tisha who quit soon after.

It is an item that contains all kinds of esoteric magic and how it is formed.

Those who do not have basic knowledge of witchcraft in the first place cannot even dream of it.

If someone with mediocre skills touches it incorrectly, the worst result may come out.

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Just like magic, witchcraft requires skills beyond the basics.

You can’t just put a sharp knife in someone’s hand and have them wield it.

Then it could have been Doroamita Buddha who finally turned his awareness.

Certainly, isn’t this a gift that Kyle gave only for himself?

I don’t know if it’s later. I wanted to keep it a little more precious now.

‘As for the content, it has already been transcribed and properly informed… Let’s postpone the reveal for a little while longer.’

The moment I try to focus on my work once again, thinking that way.

The door to the lab suddenly opened and a woman entered.


“Welcome, poor princess.”

Tisha showed no sign of surprise even though she said that when she first came in.

As if this kind of thing was quite familiar, he was really taking it easy.

And the princess also came into the lab too familiarly.

After that, she roughly threw her body onto the sofa and let out a moan of ‘Oops!’

“Are you tired?”

“Yes. Very.”

“Amazing. To think that the 10 strongest of the Empire would be tired.”

“I think using my body is a hundred times better.”

“You said last time that it would be rather easy since it was a sit-down job.”

The moment when he applied for the position of assistant teacher at the academy.

Not only the emperor and the crown prince, but also Kyle, Tisha, and Elgar stopped the princess.

Only the saintess who is unaware of the situation can only cheer by saying, ‘Cheer up, princess!’

The princess exclaimed that it was okay in front of those worries, and that it was nothing.

He said that he would show off being an assistant teacher for a year.

Everyone said, “No. It must be very difficult.’ Even while shaking my head.

‘But, it wasn’t.’

She remembers that at first she was fine. Yes. Just about three days.

After that, she seems to have forgotten that she is the princess, and things come flooding in.

In addition, the professor also continued to brush the princess on the part of her that did not cross the line.

Treat me like a real assistant teacher.

It seems that only the physical ability is outstanding, but the brain is also very good.

So, while an excellent assistant teacher is here, make good use of it.

I was moving with all my heart and soul at the prince’s secret command.

“Kyle, Tisha, and even the princess. I think I know why she was worried.”

“Yes. There are many cases where ‘academic’, which originally seemed easy, is more difficult. Because there is so much to do.”

Maybe it’s because we’ve become very close now. Tisha having a comfortable conversation.

Even the princess didn’t seem to have the heart to say anything about that part.

She just shook her head at Tisha’s words and responded like this.

“Why Baroness John Nassen… No, I think she knows if her mother even hung up on her academic achievements.”

I have already graduated from the academy, so I need to receive the results with my previous academic grades.

But she knew that no matter how much the princess thought about it, she knew that it would not benefit her at all.

It’s not that her life at the academy was a mess, but to be honest, she never did well.

As she said in passing, if she hadn’t been the princess, she would have been warned several times before.


At the call of her princess, Tisha, who has just finished writing her research paper, turns her head.

“The vacation is over half over now. What are you going to do?”

“What exactly are you talking about?”

“You and I didn’t really stick together much with Kyle during vacation because of this immediate job.”

Tisha’s body flinched and trembled at the sharp point.

In fact, every time Kyle said that Elgar or the saint would do something together and that she would go somewhere together.

It wasn’t unusual for me to put up with the desire to get rid of witchcraft and everything and go with them.

There is only one reason why she was able to overcome such temptations.

Kyle’s evaluation was that it was nice to see him always doing his best, that he was so cool.

It wasn’t just Kyle who said that, but Kyle’s family members as well.

In other words, what she is doing now is a kind of investment for the future after all.

‘But sometimes I just want to put everything down and hang out with Kyle.’

Inside Whoo. With a sigh, Tisha rose from her seat.

Then, the moment she was about to ask the princess if she would like to drink some tea.

“Uh. What is it? Aside from Tisha, is the princess there too?”



It was none other than Kyle who entered through the open door.

Did he come to say that he was going somewhere with Elgar and the saintess today?

Worried about

, Tisha secretly checked Kyle’s condition.

And she quickly realized that the thought was groundless.

“Get some rest, Tisha. And the princess too. Ah, is the princess already resting?”

What Kyle brought with him were two steaming kettles that had been warmed up.

There are probably milk and tea in there, respectively.

“Looks like you did all the chi exercises today?”

“Yes. Originally, Elgar-sama asked me to go to another party, but it seems like I go too often.”

“It seems that the princess only goes to parties with you, Kyle, every time.”

“I can’t help it. Aren’t parties an extension of business among nobles? Princess.”

In the meantime, she thought of Kyle again, so she was an Elgar who cut alcohol on her own line.

Thanks to that, we just hung out and had conversations without feeling burdened.

When she returned holding Elgar’s hand, she could say that that was the end of the situation.

‘Honestly, I still don’t know why I drink.’

I don’t know if it’s a farewell note saying goodbye to forever. Regular alcohol is really bad.

Isn’t it not just bad for the body, it’s also bad for the mind!

I’d rather work out together while drinking and do more overload….



“It seems that the expression on your face right now has gone toward exercise without your knowledge.”

Kyle groans at Tisha’s sharp point.

This is a very strange thing. Apparently, he ran away to the academy because he hated sports.

Why are all the things I do more and more deeply related to the movement?

Isn’t the temporary advisor position of the Ministry of Health also part of that!

“More than that, it’s the first time I’ve seen two people together like this.”

Kyle skillfully pours milk and tea into a glass.

Then the princess sat up on the sofa and took a cup of tea.

“Now, it’s like being on the same side. I didn’t understand Tisha before, but I don’t anymore.”

“So why didn’t you listen to me when I stopped you?”

“Then what should I do? His academy grades are far below Tisha’s!”

The saying “Why are you like this when there is a saintess” Is now in the past.

The saintess’ grades in the last final exam were not bad.

If this is the case, you should be able to do well above average in the first semester of the second year.

In fact, Kyle had predicted that things would turn out like this.

She is a saint who memorizes an enormous amount of doctrines.

In the end, memorization is the main thing in the academy, but I can’t believe the saintess can’t do that.

Thanks to that, not only the princess but also Elgar were put on fire.

After Tisha, she always considered her academic performance as her own.

As the saintess suddenly came up, Elga was also engrossed in her studies these days.

‘The princess, who couldn’t even do that, ended up being a graduate student… No, she chose an assistant teacher.’

The face of the princess, who was quite tired and agitated, that hadn’t been seen before.

As she looked at it, she knew it was Kyle, her heart breaking.

She was always proud and confident, which could be said to be the trademark of the princess.

Since she became an assistant teacher, she has come to a state where she is acutely feeling the weight of her life.

“Tisha? Princess?”

I can’t. In such a difficult situation, fighting is also necessary.

“To change my mood, I also have new exercise equipment. Shall I exercise?”



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John Nassen, who intervened without notice, was the hated princess and Tisha.

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