283 – Waiting for something new

“Brother Kyle!”

The saintess returned right after the prayer meeting at the church.

As soon as she saw Kyle, she dug into her closet.

Before, I seemed to be paying attention to other women.

Since I went to John Nassen, I have no hesitation.

Anyway, the saintess also seemed to be paying attention to the competition part without realizing it.

“Hey. Saintess. Aren’t you being too active? This makes me jealous.”

“I hope the princess will be patient. The Princess and her two other sisters were with Brother Kyle, but I wasn’t.”

That was true. In fact, she was the only saintess who did not attend the New Year’s ceremony.

But she wasn’t forced to do it, and she didn’t come because of her own choice.

By the way, the princess and Tisha couldn’t even stay close to Kyle for their own reasons.

At most, we stayed together for about 10 minutes and then watched the end of the New Year’s ceremony together.

In the end, Elgar was the only one who properly benefited from the process.

So the princess and Tisha could have objected to that part.

“The saintess is right.”

But Tisha smiled and moved on very gently, as if to agree.

A paving stone for a case like the saintess that might come later.

Otherwise, it could have been an act to show such benevolence.

Thanks to that, the princess was no longer able to express any objection.

Already in her yard, Tisha also shut her mouth.

“I heard the news. My father passed away right away.”

“Yes. Even when I told them to wait and leave, they shook their heads.”

“Is that so? But as far as I know, those who are Brother and Sister of Brother Kyle….”

“Sometimes we go straight south and cross the sea to the continent. So I told them to meet me there, but they asked me if I was going somewhere far away.”

In an instant, the saintess’ head was overloaded.

Are you going somewhere far away? That’s far away, then isn’t it far away?

In the world, what does far away from John Nassen’s standards mean?

From the saintess’ point of view, it seemed that her hair was turning pure white.


At the sight of such a saintess, Elgar burst into laughter as if she knew that would happen.

“I said something, Tisha. You said it wasn’t just us, right?”

“I will. Elgar is right. The saintess also has the same expression as us.”

Of course, Tisha and Elgar were equally as absurd.

It’s a faraway place, but it’s not like I’m going anywhere, so I won’t pick you up.

As expected, it was difficult to accept Baron John Nassen’s words.

“If my father is like that, that’s it. I’m not.”

Of course, the princess, who was already upset with John Nassen, accepted it so easily.


At this time, a woman behind her clears her throat.

That identity is none other than Leah. And behind her was Lear.

Two siblings are planning to head south as soon as the New Year’s ceremony is over.

And I’m not going far, I’ll be right back.

On behalf of the baron who said he didn’t need to meet him, Kyle decided to go all the way to the south.

She is, of course, a princess and a saint who don’t have plans to do anything special along the way.

And since it’s a bit envious to send the two of them alone, Tisha and Elgar follow along in the end.

“My Kyle, I know you are popular, but if you keep expressing affection, does this noona want to do it too?”

“Please be patient. Sister.”

This means that at least the saintess is not hugging her to the point of breaking her spine.

The word

Was lingering around Kyle’s lips several times.

“Are you okay, Jesu-san? You don’t have to follow me.”

“Right, right. There is no such thing as a reception. It’s not that I’m going far, I’m going soon and I’ll come back soon after seeing things! Will you come before vacation is over?”

It’s fortunate that people from the new continent didn’t listen to this.

If I had heard this, I would have fainted again.

Isn’t it going too far? You say you’re just doing business and leaving right away?

“No! Since they are Brother and Sister of Brother Kyle, it is only natural that we follow them and wish them good luck on the way!”

In the meantime, she was a saint who quickly stepped forward and scored points.

Clearly, she didn’t come to the New Year’s ceremony, so it was obvious that she had prepared quite a lot.

“Saint. That’s enough of a declaration of war.”

“I think the princess is right this time.”


Thanks to that, the other three women’s competitive spirit also flared up.


Maybe she’s doing cardio like crazy again on her way south.

If that happens, will women really be able to follow my brother and sister?

Shocking news came to Kyle, who was struggling with all sorts of worries.

“… Yes? No, wait. Brother? Sister? What did you just say?”

“He said he would use a movement magic or something.”

“Really? Really? You know what that means, right?”

“Look at him. Kyle. What did my brother and I do with John Nassen? We’ve all been to the Empire, and we’ve all been to the academy! Well, although I was kicked out right away after a year.”

That’s why I’m asking because I’m more surprised.

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John Nassen I know people really hate the use of movement magic circles.

I don’t know what it is, so I’m sure you wouldn’t try to use it.

Not everyone else, especially since Lear, Leah, and John Nassen siblings say that!

“Her mother said so.”

“Your mother? Why?”

“Talk to the jesu-ssi. He said that since they are now family, there shouldn’t be an awkward atmosphere. Of course, you can talk while exercising, but I need to talk more seriously, so please relax.”

A mother’s words that made John Nassen’s will surrender.

Again, Kyle admired the influence of her baroness.

Or was it the fear of her mother who took her father by her power?

Anyway, thanks to that, Kyle’s worries were all but unfounded.

Turning her head slightly, I saw that Leah was laughing and talking with four women.

I think the baroness asked Lear to talk.

I wonder if it’s because women are more comfortable than men.

“It seems that women have something in common.”

“I will. I thought we would be uncomfortable with each other, but I’m glad we did.”

Even if it’s the same woman, isn’t it uncomfortable to be with the original in-laws?

I have seen many cases like that in my original world before being possessed.

“Have you thought about anything, maknae?”

“What… Are you talking about your thoughts, brother?”

Are you asking about a wedding or plans for a second generation?

“A balloon that my sister and I will cross over to get. It’s made to order, so if there’s anything in particular you want, just let me know. People over there say they are good at making machines, so it might be possible.”


That’s strange. Originally, people over there must have been magic weapons.

How did you suddenly become a custom builder with a great talent for making instruments?

Kyle, who was scratching the back of his head, took a moment to think, then parted her lips.

“Please ask me to make something that automatically adds weight to the bar. It’s embarrassing at the academy, because I can’t put the disc in while holding it. Everyone couldn’t lift the weight of the disc they wanted.”

Kyle himself was surprised that the requirements came out so well than expected.

“Hmm. Understood. In the past, if I thought it wasn’t the weight, I would take it down and put it back on, then lift it up again in that state, and if that didn’t work, I would put it down again.”

She nodded and Lear took out the notebook she was holding in her arms.

Looking at the contents, it was already full of the demands of the people in the hometown.

‘So many when and how to make them… ?’

It was a dizzying notebook.

No matter how much the people of that continent are the crystallization of magic engineering.

If you suddenly asked those who were making weapons to make exercise equipment.

I am worried that John Nassen will make it well to the level that the people want.

“And then, the youngest. There is something I want to ask you.”

“Yes. I’m listening, brother.”

“The friend Ian saw a few days ago. The guy who was trained separately by his father the other day.”

I’m not saying you want to play against Ian.

At the moment, Kyle gets a little nervous because it’s a word with enough potential.

“What is that guy who keeps whining over a woman?”

“… Ah.”

It’s serious enough that even Lear could see it.

Unlike Leah, who resembles her baroness and is relatively quick-witted.

Lear, who looked more like Baron John Nassen, was a bit slow in her eyes.

So during my academy days, there were a small number of young girls that I liked.


She said that she was getting in the way of working out and told me to get out of the way.

I could see that in Lear’s eyes. Ian whimpering over Nell.

That was enough to fully predict how desperately he was whining.

“Actually, this is a bit long.”

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Just enough to not hurt Ian, Nell, and Leto too much.

Summarizing her rough things, she tells Lear.

After a while, after hearing Kyle’s story, Lear sighed, “Huh.”

“Why is this guy who received personal training from his father? That young man named Leto didn’t come to our Jon Nassen because he was busy. He will have to compete right away to win it.”

“That, brother. Just as Jon Nassen has a Jon Nassenman way, an empire has an empire way. It exists, of course, between men and women. If you do, Ian will be embarrassed.”

Fortunately, Lear wasn’t a man I couldn’t communicate with at all.

While stroking Kyle’s chin as if it were very spiritual at Kyle’s explanation.

She didn’t say much more about that part.

“As expected, you, the youngest, are better than that friend.”


“It’s not like the intensity of training, nor is it that I’m obsessed with one woman. He is also John Nassen’s son. Much better than the men of the Empire. Yes, that’s how you can be called the youngest.”


Lear tapped her on the shoulder, holding her faint smile to the corner of her mouth.

Obviously, the youngest brother has grown up, so it seems that he sincerely praises him.

The thought suddenly came to Kyle, why does he feel like he’s being choked?

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