Chapter 151: Ohio’s “Four Little Ones” Love and Kill Each Other

January ended with the Magic ending up with an 11-4 record for the month.

Combined with the previous 2 losses in November and 3 losses in December, the Magic unknowingly came to 9 losses.

The Magic are already going strong this year, last to lose since the start of the new season, but they are currently 37-9 after 46 games.

That means they can only lose one of the next 38 games to equalize the NBA’s all-time regular season record.

If you want to surpass, you have to not lose a game…

You can imagine how dominant the Bulls and later the Warriors were in the regular season!

On February 1, the league announced the East-West “Player of the Month Award” for January.

Kobe Bryant, who has successive revenge successes, successfully won another “Player of the Month Award”, and this season just to see him win the “Best of the Month” in the West.

To say that the top-three confrontation in the West this season is really not fierce enough.

The Lakers, who are number one in the West, have now opened the Nuggets, the second-place in the West, with six wins. With this momentum, at least 10 wins or more will be achieved at the end of the season.

Compared to the West, the East side is currently 37-9 for the Magic, 36-10 for the Cavaliers and 34-12 for the Celtics. It can be said that it is a “three-legged” situation.

So much so that in November it was the Magic “Li Ho” combination, in December it was the Celtic “Big Three”, this time …

It’s LeBron James.

It was his first Player of the Month award this season.

Originally, by this time he had already won the “Player of the Month Award” twice.

Only the arrival of Li Wan made the Magic have enough impact on the Cavaliers and Celtics.

The Cavaliers, whether it is a team record or James’ personal performance, are not enough to ride the East to the top.

And so…

This year should have belonged to the first regular season MVP of LeBron James’ career, and I don’t know if I can still get it…

At present, the Lakers are known as the “defending champions”, and Kobe himself is a veritable “first man in the league”, even if he has just secured this position by winning the championship last season.

But the situation formed, as well as the current “small view of the mountains” in the west, it is difficult not to let the outside world produce the voice of “Kobe Bryant should be the regular season MVP”.

How to say it again…

Kobe’s current dominance of the league is always stronger than Steve Nash in the first two years, right?

Nash even Zhuang…

Don’t give Kobe Bryant a couple, like words?

Anyway, the Los Angeles media has already begun to act.

Create momentum for Kobe to win the regular season MVP award.

On the Magic side, Laga Bell is officially back.

Without him, the Magic are 2-2, which shows his importance!

Laga Bell: How much money should be spent to renew my contract, I have a little bit in my heart~

In their first game in February, the Magic took on the Nets on the road.

Li Wan and Yi Jianlian met again.

This time, Li Wan was not suspended, Yi Jianlian did not have injuries, and played more than a dozen games in a row, and his recent performance has gradually improved.

He talked to Li Wan once.

It may be that he himself also felt that the situation was becoming more and more passive, and he called Li Wan late that night and asked him to help analyze it.

Li Wan also took advantage of this opportunity to tell him his original idea.

With Yi Jianlian’s playing style, abandoning the traditional path and changing to the “space-type No. 4 position” will be a very good way out.

And in this way, Yi Jianlian does not need to gain weight.

Without gaining weight, the load on the body will be much less…

The only problem, such a style of player, is that it is impossible to take Yao’s place in the national team.


Even if he continues to play the current way, he will not be able to become “Yao Ming”, so Li Wan has no scruples about it.

He also asked Yi Jianlian to change shooting coaches to correct his shooting speed.

Compared with other high-position batteries, his shot speed is too slow, so that many times, it is clear that the opportunity comes out, and when he shoots, the opponent’s hand has been sealed to the face…

However, Li Wan has not watched Nets games recently, and it is not clear whether Yi Jianlian’s recent performance is related to the transformation.

This game is just a good way to learn a thing or two.

Although it is a “Chinese derby”, in more media news, the focus of today’s Magic and Nets is Li Wan VS Devin Harris.

Selected by the Mavericks with the 5th pick in the first round in ’04, Devin Harris has always been a “potential kid” in everyone’s eyes. It’s just that after so many years with the Mavericks, his performance has been tepid, so much so that some media think that this signing of the Mavericks is watery.

Last summer, Mavericks management, who finally lost patience, sent him out in exchange for former “3J” Jason Kidd.

What no one expected was that after coming to the Nets and having more possession, Devin Harris turned into a player who averaged 21.3 points, 6.9 assists and 1.7 steals per game, becoming one of the most improved players this season and a contender for the “Most Improved Player Award” of the year.

With his outstanding performance, he was also selected to the Eastern Conference All-Star bench.

It is worth mentioning that there are also Turkoglu and Lewis on the Eastern bench.

That is to say, the entire Magic team started the five-man this year, and four of the players were selected as All-Stars.

This made Magic history.

It was also the first time since the Pistons “Five Tigers” that year that a team had selected four players.

What is even more perverted than the Pistons “Five Tigers” is that only Ben Wallace was the starter on the Pistons that year, and on the Magic side, Li Wan and Howard were both starters…

This year’s Eastern Conference All-Star roster is also quite interesting.

The Magic plus the Celtics and Cavaliers took 80 percent of the spots, leaving Wade, Joe Johnson and Devin Harris.

Even Chris Bosh did not make it to the Eastern Conference bench this year.

It is also highly competitive, which can be seen from this…

How fierce is Devin Harris this year!

The home audience of the New Jersey Nets is full of New Jersey fans tonight.

They came to the scene with great interest, looking forward to seeing their new core and crushing Li Wan with his speed…

“Snap! ”

As a result, as soon as the game started, they saw that Li Wan slapped Devin Harris’ layup away!

How miserable this cap is…

Let’s put it this way…

The on-site directors were embarrassed to play back the screen.

It’s really discouraged from the fans!

The ball flew into the hands of Tekoglu on the flank, and the Magic turned around and it was a quick attack.

The terminator is Li Wan, who takes the lead.

When he ran to the basket and twisted his body, turned 180 degrees and dried the ball into the basket, the scene was even quieter.

The “Library of New Jersey” was built.

Li Wan shook his head and defended.

Devin Harris?

Guinness record holder for fastest dribbling?

Just do it!

As far as Li Wan’s physical fitness is concerned, he is actually not afraid of the Devin Harris counterpoint that only has speed.

Because usually, even if he is out of position, he can re-form interference through his reach.

He can’t prevent it now, he will feel a little tricky, or he has a low center of gravity, good dribbling, and explosiveness like Chris Paul; Either it is Delon Williams, who relies on the UCLA offensive system created for him by Sloan, his own strength is sufficient, and there is no shortage of scoring means;

Or it’s Steve Nash, who has a super “blocker” to assist…

Devin Harris’s style has nothing to do with any of these three categories.

Explosiveness, scoring skills, teammate coordination…

He took the word “fast”.

“Fast man”, “thin dog”, this can’t hear the name!

At the end of the game, Devin Harris’ stats were a dismal 13 points, 5 assists and 5 turnovers, shooting 33.3% from the field.

It was his worst game in recent games.

The ball is basically in his hands, he can’t stand up, just rely on Vince Carter’s 4 three-pointers, can’t support the Nets’ offensive “sky”.

It can be seen that Vince Carter has really transformed into a pure shooter, and he can hardly be seen rushing to the basket with the ball again.

The main thing is that his breakthrough with the ball is much slower, and Laga Bale blocks in front of him, and he can’t break through.

Every time at this time, I have to say a word…

Bowen SM!

Thinking about Popovich returning the jersey to such a person, I feel even more that the twelve slaps are really less…

Yi Jianlian was the highlight of the Nets’ game, and he was in very good form, shooting 6 of 10, 2 of 5 three-pointers, and 3 of 4 free throws, scoring a total of 17 points.

There are no singles with the ball at all, all catches and projections and secondary attacks.

If the degree of cooperation with the team is a little higher, and the enthusiasm of the defensive end is better, it should become a very good space-type No. 4 position.

It won’t be a high achievement, but it’s certainly no problem to play in the league for three or five more years …

Yi Jianlian was also in a good mood after the game.

Although he lost the game, he didn’t lose~

Most importantly, there is finally no need to watch the media write some news such as “angry cut 2 points” and “angry 1 board”.

He himself was embarrassed to see it.

Another reason for the good mood may also be related to the fact that after winning the Olympic gold medal, the domestic public opinion has eased a lot.

Originally, Yao Ming’s injuries became more frequent every year, and he was about to turn 30, and 08 was estimated to be the last Olympic trip of his career.

After this time, the burden of the Huaxia men’s basketball team has to be handed over to Yi Jianlian.

Everyone’s attitude towards him is inevitably harsh.

Now, the Huaxia men’s basketball team won the gold medal, coupled with the birth of Li Wanheng, public opinion is obviously different.

Now under pressure…

It is the domestic men’s football team.

Of course, for them, this is that more lice do not itch, habitual neglect on the line.

If it can’t develop again, it won’t affect them to eat sea cucumbers…

Be a fun person, have fun!

On February 3, the Magic continued to play away from the Jazz.

This year’s jazz has hardly changed from last year’s.

Sloan is still that Sloan;

The core of the team is still the “new Utah double” Delon Williams and Boozer;

The tactics of playing are also blocking tactics plus UCLA running offensive system…


It is still the Mormons who shout “loyalty” in their mouths and have a divorce rate that ranks among the top 50 states in the United States.

The only difference is that the Jazz’s record has declined, and last year’s top four in the West can barely finish eighth in the West this year, only one win away from the Suns, who are ninth in the West.

This is also in line with the law of the rise and fall of NBA teams.

When a core lineup fails to make a breakthrough, then their decline is bound to be very fast.

It has to do with the atmosphere of the team, and it has to do with the fact that other teams in the league have studied this team more thoroughly.

Dissolution is just around the corner.

It’s just that Sloan may not have imagined that it was this rebuild that completely broke out the conflict between him and Delon and also made him leave the Jazz.

Of course, this is an afterword, and tonight he will face the Magic 100-88, lightly taking the Jazz away from the energy scheme.

Delong Williams and Lee Wan exchanged blows.

He scored 19 points, 10 assists and 2 steals; Li Wan’s stats are 25 points, 6 rebounds, 6 assists and 2 steals;

For Li Wan, this result is acceptable.

For DeLong Williams, it’s a bit hard to accept.

Last year, although Li Wan also scored a lot of points on his head, more of them were catches and projections.

Tonight was different, when Li Wan got rid of it with dribbling again and again, and completed a mid-range jump shot in front of him, he only had one feeling: this rookie has improved again!

I don’t know if the interval between each encounter with Li Wan is very long…

DeLong felt…

Li Wan’s progress is too fast, right?


His words are not pretending, but the truth?

On February 5, the Magic returned to their home court after two road games.

The next game is a game that Li Wan has been looking forward to for a long time.

That old man and the Trail Blazers, here!

“Do you know how many I covered Mike that day? ”

Before the start of the game, Auden greeted Li Wan.

This was the eighteenth time he had asked Li Wan this question in the past two days.

“I covered him 4 in total…”

Then Mike Conley ignored him for 4 days…

“I think you should have a better temper than him… Surely you won’t ignore me for 4 days, right? ”

Li Wan was stunned!

Incredible eyes looked at Auden.

He wasn’t surprised that Auden wanted to treat him to 4 “hot pot” tonight, he was surprised that this guy’s trash talk was really getting more and more slippery.

Sure enough, if you play a good performance, people will indeed go crazy unconsciously!

You just say “Du school bag”, when carrying the school bag, who would have thought that he would be such a person later!

Let’s talk about Auden, look at the kind eyebrows, now put trash talk ruthlessly!

“Let you know why I’m a champion! ”

Auden looked up, what is “gifted”!

Li Wan replied unceremoniously: “Then I’ll let you see how the best rookies play!” ”

After the cruel words, they still laughed and high-fived.

They’re not Mike Conley, and their hearts and eyes are as small as Kobe’s.

Play and play, make trouble, good brother, a quilt!

The big screen of the whole court gave the list of players on both sides at this time:

Magic: No. 1 Liwan, No. 2 Laga Bell, No. 3 Techoglu, No. 4 Lewis, No. 5 Howard;

Trail Blazers: No. 1 Blake, No. 2 Roy, No. 3 Nicholas Batum, No. 4 Aldridge, No. 5 Auden;

Magic fans have not been to the scene for several days, and they can see that they are very excited.

When Li Wan and the others came on the stage, there was a huge cheer immediately.

Auden and Howard preemptively attacked.

The last unpleasant experience came to Howard’s mind, which made him rivet and successfully grab the first attack.

Li Wan faced Blake in front of him, took a step sideways to the right, suddenly accelerated, Blake confronted him, and then…

I could only watch Li Wan break through the past.

Blake is similar to Stephen Curry.

They all look thin, with tendon meat, but because they don’t have a tonnage, they can’t carry people.

Defending this thing is not something that depends on strength alone.

Moreover, the strength is good, it must be differentiated, whether it is core strength or upper limb strength or lower limb strength…

This is also why, when other teams play singles, they repeatedly misplace Stephen Curry.

That’s really dripping and fighting!

Breaking through the basket, Li Wan attracted Auden’s defense, a cat’s waist, jumped in from his side, looked at the line under his feet stepping on the reasonable collision zone, immediately jumped high, and was faced with a seventy or eighty-year-old “old man’s face”, which instantly made Li Wan soft.


How to rush ah?

“Snap! ”

Auden “stroked” with his big hand and invited Li Wan to eat a hot pot.

Coming up and giving Li Wanyi a hat, Auden shook his fingers excitedly.

“Toot! ”

The referee also did not hesitate to give him a technical foul.

Auden didn’t care, looked at Li Wan, and smiled happily.

Li Wan executed a technical foul and pointed at Auden with a smile after the penalty.


One penalty and one throw.

The ball still belongs to the Magic.

Lee Wan bypassed Howard’s cover and held the ball again.

Take a look, give to the empty cut of Raja Bell.

Bale then passed the ball to Lewis.

Lewis took the ball and clicked it, but failed to point Aldridge, who pounced.

Keep moving the ball.

Techgru pushed forward with the ball, and in the confrontation with Batum, the ball pointed at Lewis, and when Batum’s attention was drawn, the ball carrier pushed and pushed the ball to the position in front of the free throw line.

This pass, no one reacted, whether it was Batum who was blocking in front of Turkoglu, or Auden on the inside, their eyes followed the direction of Tekoglu’s finger.

Therefore, when Auden’s gaze returned to Tekoglu’s body and found that the ball was no longer in his hand, he turned to look for it.

An exclamation rang out at the scene.

Then he saw in front of him…

A man wearing the Magic’s No. 23 jersey took to the air.

Auden’s subconscious action is to go up. – This is the muscle memory he cultivated since high school.

Or that every interior player has been instilled with a similar philosophy by his coach: as the last hurdle on the defensive end, no matter what, you have to stand up and withstand the onslaught of the opposing side!


“Phew! ”

The dunk is loud!

Like a detonator, it detonated the cheers of the audience.

Auden heard an explosion close to his ears, followed by a shock that made him stagger back two or three steps.

The ball just fell and hit him on the shoulder.

“wow! ”

There was a cry from TNT’s studio.

Kenny Smith and Barkley all stood up.

Because they stood so quickly, the chairs underneath them quickly bounced off and hit the wall behind them, making a “bang” sound.

“Lee! ”

“Grab Og-Oden! ”

Barkley hissed, and you could see that in his mouth, the pale pink tonsils were “shivering” because of this howl, and the congestion was obvious, as if it was about to fly out.

He was so excited!

But his excitement is not as exciting as one ten-thousandth of the excitement of Orlanders in the audience!

Such a vigorous performance, appearing without warning, shocked their eyeballs, just in response to Benshan’s words: You stomp on you numb!

You see it, also called!

“No, Champion! ”

Li Wan smiled back to Auden with a “shake of his finger”, “shaking” the still a little sluggish Auden awake, and came up to kick Li Wan’s ass.

I’ll cover you gently.

As for being so ruthless?


Auden was angry.

What makes him “blue thin shiitake mushrooms” even more is…

When Li Wan shook his finger, the referee simultaneously sounded the whistle to signal a technical foul. The team let him execute the penalty, and he…

No penalty in!

With most super centers…

Well, no, cross it out…

Like super center O’Neal, Oden is a bit inconsistent when it comes to free throws.

In good times, there can be more than 70%, and when it is bad, it is only more than 60%…


The Trail Blazers serve the half.

At this time, Memphis, looking at the close-up that constantly switched between Li Wan and Auden, Mike Conley shook his head, these two people are really losers…

20,000 knives were given away!


So cool, hee-hee!

Whether it was watching Li Wan being taken off by Auden’s hat, or Li Wan’s blocking Auden, it made him a little on top.

He picked up his phone and prepared to message two people.

——Well buckled, Lee, it’s so cool!

– Greg, it’s long past time to give this kid a little color, it’s a good cover.

But think about the billionaire of these two people.

Mike Conley eventually changed the text message:

– Hahahaha, Lee, covered, right? How does it feel!

INTERVIEWER Can you interview what you were thinking when you were locked up?

To these two people, laughter is over!

Mike Conley quickly sent Cook a message to tell him about it.

Cook did not reply for a long time.

This makes Conley a little strange.

The Heat don’t have a game tonight!

Is it difficult?

Conley thought of a possibility…

Shouldn’t this kid secretly practice three points behind my back?

Greg was taken by Li Wan, and in Mike Conley’s opinion, Cook this guy is similar, and he must be practicing secretly!

Time waits for no man!

At that time, Conley also lost the mind to continue watching, turned off the TV, took the key, and roared to the arena.

He decided that from now on, he would bring two more sets of training clothes every day, practice two hundred more three-pointers, and never leave the arena earlier than 8 p.m. and never enter the arena later than 8 a.m.

Sorry, this time…

I Mike Conley must win!


With 4 caps in Liwanna, and 4 caps in Greg Odenna, Mike Conley can bully Cook!

If only he lost to Cook in the three-point shooting contest this time…

The three men covered their mouths together and laughed at his appearance.


Mike Conley is scary to think about!

The game at Amway Arena continues.

The Magic stepped up their defense of Roy, trying to push the ball out of his hands.

The effect is quite good.

Blake, the No. 1 position, pays attention to a “never break through”, Li Wan is assured to boldly defend closely, constantly pressing, the so-called “never fail” Blake is also tired of coping under Li Wan’s high-pressure defense, and the Blazers’ entire offense is a little more chaotic.

On the Magic side, Tekoglu commanded the team and played a wave of points.

The fourth quarter was 6:17 seconds to stretch the gap to eight points, and finally Li Wan used a mid-range jump shot to seal the victory for the Magic.

104-95, the Magic took revenge on their home court by nine points.

Li Wan 20 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 steals.

Most of his energy tonight was on the defensive end.

Blake, who averaged only 1.6 turnovers per game, had four turnovers in the game under his defense.

Of course, the reason is not all because of Li Wan.

It also dealt well with the rest of the Magic about Roy’s defense.

Plus Roy himself wasn’t in ideal form tonight.

6 of 17 shots, 5 turnovers.

No one took the organizational pressure off Blake, and he made 2 consecutive mistakes after reaching the tipping point.

Howard had 17 points and 10 rebounds, which was much better than the previous game.

Tonight, he gave Li Wan the biggest feeling that Brown has been accompanying him to do singles training under the basket.

This is not only in this game.

From entering February, Li Wan was clearly visible.

But because the interior combination he faced before did not have a good top defense player, Li Wan was not sure.

This time against Auden, Howard can still play such a performance, and it also makes Li Wan sure that “grinding tofu” with Kwame Brown is indeed effective.

There are almost 2 months left before the playoffs in April, and 4 months before the finals, which is enough for him to continue to grow.

Turkoglu became that “all-rounder” tonight, with 16 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists.

Against rookie Batum, he really played like “LeBron”, and his influence in the game was worthy of his original nickname “Turkish Jordan”.

The Trail Blazers’ side.

The three cores are not bad,

Roy shot close to shooting from the field, but still had 21 points, five rebounds, six assists and two steals.

The performance of “Yellow Mamba” in the game, simply put… Although you limit me with a defensive formation, don’t give me a chance!

Once given the chance, he would show his fangs.

Several times, the Blazers were about to stop Bengbu, and it was Roy who stood up and gave a “needle in the sea” general response.

Aldridge had 18 points and 9 rebounds;

Auden also had 19 points and seven rebounds today;

Overall, the Trail Blazers can play anyone right now.

Even if the opponent is the Magic…

The last game was won at his home, and although he lost, it also stalemated for more than three quarters. How to look at these two meetings, neither of which ordinary teams can do.

After all, the Magic are now first in the East and second in the league.

Even so far, the regular season has swept their team, and it’s just a Rockets.

Neither the Lakers nor the Cavaliers can do it!

Including the Boston Celtics can’t do it!

Of course, the reason the Green Army didn’t do it was…

They haven’t played their remaining two regular-season games with the Magic…


After the post-match interview, Li Wan just saw the message Conley sent him when he received a call from Auden.

“1? ”

“1! ”

After a Morse code, Li Wan and Auden sent a text message to Conley:

– I heard you were covered by Greg for four?

——I heard that you were covered by Li for four?


Conley practiced sweaty and made 20 consecutive three-pointers, he felt that today was almost the same, and looking at the time, it was 9:30, he could go back to rest, and there was a game tomorrow.

Just sat down on the bench on the sidelines, picked up his mobile phone and glanced at it, Li Wan and Auden’s unified format text message, so that he suddenly had a fighting spirit rushing to his brain.

“Dai Quinn, wait for me! ”

Cook: Meow Meow???

At this time, Conley felt that he had not practiced enough, and continued to devote himself to training.

That night, Li Wan and Auden’s “mutual injury” were selected as the NBA’s “Five Best Balls of the Day”.

The ball that Oden covered Li Wan ranked second, and Li Wan dunked Oden’s ball and ranked first!


– I won, fine dog!

Li Wan sent a text message to Auden, who called several times in a row, wanting to talk to Li Wan…

This wave ah~

This wave is called “flat A scam big”!

While the Ohio “four little ones” love and kill each other, time continues to drain.

The Magic ended their game ahead of the All-Star weekend with a three-game winning streak.

During this period, Howard won the “Player of the Week Award” again.

On February 13, the Magic started five and left Raja Bale alone to play poker in Orlando and travel to Phoenix for the upcoming Phoenix All-Star Weekend ’09.

That night, Li Wan ate a wave of “sugar” with Taylor’s CP powder.

Lee Wan tweeted a photo of Phoenix’s iconic arena, and then Aiter Taylor: I’m here, where are you?

Taylor responded to Lee Wan’s Aite in less than 20 minutes: “I’M HERE, MISS YOU!”

Below is a picture of Staples.

February 14 is NBA ’09 All-Star Weekend.

It’s also a Grammy party.

This year’s Taylor did not receive any Grammy nominations because the album was released a little late.

But her popularity is very high now, especially the song “Black Cat” is too hot!

How to say, Li Wan’s encounter with Taylor and some of the things that happened during the ambiguous period are all adolescent boys and girls hope to happen to them.

Otherwise, Taylor wouldn’t be so top.

Coupled with Swift’s talented arrangement and lyric writing ability, this song quickly became a phenomenal country music masterpiece under the condition of exposure.

Therefore, this year’s Grammy invited her to sing “Black Cat” to open the party. – Originally, she was also invited, but she performed “Fifteen” with Miley Cyrus.

In addition, she has received invitations from some producers to write the opening and ending songs for her TV series and movies.

This was the most crucial step for Taylor to reach out to the better production crowd in the United States, and he was crazy during this time.

I don’t have time to come to Phoenix…


Even if there is no group photo, for the “CP powder” of the two people, it is enough for them to be satisfied.

No way, don’t watch Taylor talk a lot in love, but she has always protected the relationship she is talking about, and handles it low-key, and almost does not show affection publicly.

Li Wan is also not a person who likes to use romance as a gimmick.

Coupled with the separation of two people, the paparazzi can’t take pictures if they want to.

Fans are waiting for them to interact, and they really feel like they are waiting for the sky to grow old.

If it weren’t for the song “Black Cat” still hanging on the billboard, I don’t know, I really wouldn’t associate the two people together.

This Twitter interaction also became the headline of the entertainment section the next day.

Li Wan was woken up early in the morning by the official people, and All-Star Weekend was more tiring for their All-Stars than when they played the regular season.

Various launches, as well as fan meet-and-greets, and events to get up close and personal with fans.

Due to those “legends” in itself, plus the fact that since last night, it has been hanging on the headlines of the gossip media, Li Wan has become the most curious person among fans.

He became the busiest person in the all-stars…

Li Wan has reason to suspect that today’s headlines in the entertainment media were bought by David Stern.

The purpose is to increase his exposure!

After all, in the United States, there are definitely more people who listen to pop music than people who watch the NBA…

Li Wan’s increased exposure is equivalent to an increase in exposure for NBA All-Star Weekend!

Li Wan felt that he had become a “black slave” at that time, and David Stern, a capitalist, was really more than Zhou Pickpocket!

What’s even more pressing is that…

Li Wan, who was already busy during the day, also had to participate in the Rookie Challenge at night.

Li Wan, who had planned to paddle, was even more firm in his inner thought: paddling!

The rookies of the 08th class are still quite fierce.

In terms of immediate combat power, the quality of the 07th class is not as good as theirs.

But basketball this thing, the overall quality is very important, high-level combat power is more important!

Even if there is no Li Wan in the 07th class, there are still Kevin Durant and Greg Auden, two relatively first-year rookies, who are already the existence of the “big devil”.

Howard and Conley are not fuel-efficient lamps.

From the first to the fifth, the 08th class did not take advantage of the point.

So even though Li Wan didn’t exert his strength, played 15 minutes and scored 8 points and 6 assists, the second-grade team still easily beat the first-year team.

It became the only one in recent years to win both Rookie Challengers.

What is the “big year of the draft”!

The only thing Li Wan didn’t expect was…

Originally, he thought that this year’s Rookie Challenge MVP would be Kevin Durant, but as a result…

Kevin Durant, who met Beasley, was stunned and missed several shots in a row, and finally Auden stepped up and scored consecutive points to help the sophomore team set the win.

Auden, who scored 30 points, 15 rebounds and 4 blocks, also became the ultimate Rookie Challenge MVP.

Lee Wan did not give an interview after the game, giving all attention to Auden.

He went back to the hotel early to recharge for tomorrow’s HORSE race, mainly he is tired today, and it is really a very tiring thing to deal with a large wave of female fans!

Early the next morning, Li Wan went to breakfast with the Ohio “three little ones”, and Auden’s face was satisfied.

Cook and Conley are full of fighting spirit and have a little more hostility between each other: Cook took two sandwiches at the beginning, and when he saw that Conley took 3, he added two more; Not to be outdone, Mike Conley adds me to it.

In the end, if Li Wan hadn’t stopped him, these two people would have been able to take away the sandwiches in the entire buffet room.

“Lee, do you think tonight, which of us can win? ”

Eating and eating, Conley asked a “death” question.

After saying this question, Cook next to him also stopped chewing and cast a curious gaze towards Li Wan.

At the same time, with a hundred million points of coercion.

“I feel… Cedhoo can win! Li Wan was in a hurry and gave such an answer.

“Good brother! ”

Tekoglu came out of nowhere, and patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction. A look of “I know you are optimistic about me”!

Li Wanwu fxxk said, turning his head and looking twice, where did this come from?

The Turks’ show continues.

“You two, get ready to compete for second! ”

And then walked away with extreme pretense.

Leaving a speechless Li Wan, he and two eyes that cast “death gaze” towards Li Wan.

At this time, it reflects the benefits of being teammates with Kobe.

Li Wan was not afraid of these gazes.

With Kobe Bryant’s “death gaze”, Conley and Cook are obviously not level enough.

The evening challenge is fast coming.

The hot field project is “Shooting Star”.

Phoenix, as the host, naturally had a team to participate, and successfully reached the final final, but unfortunately the last point shot more than a minute, resulting in time exceeding Detroit, unfortunately became the runner-up.

This was followed by the Skills Challenge.

The fledgling Derek Ross showed his solid fundamentals, making it all the way to the finals from the preliminary round, where he won the championship in 35.3 seconds.

The Chicago media at the scene showed a satisfied smile.

And quickly press the shutter to freeze the back of Derek Ross’s last domineering hands, which will be their headlines tomorrow.

After the Skill Challenge…

“Hmph! ”

Li Wan’s “left and right voices” sounded coldly at the same time.

Yes, three-point shooting contest, it’s coming!

Li Wan stood up and clashed fists with them, and the two bowmen actually bypassed them in unison. ——They have already decided, when the time comes, they will take the trophy and definitely not give it to Li Wan.

Don’t be so petty!

Li Wan shook his head speechlessly.

The hand clenched into a fist was just about to be lowered when a fist collided.

It’s Techcoglu!

“Wait to touch my trophy! ”

Tekoglu came on confidently.

He was still in the confidence generated by the excitement that Li Wan recognized. Can’t extricate yourself.

Li Wan only had one idea…

Ye is tired, destroy it!

He hoped that none of the three archeers would win!

He thought so, but he didn’t expect that these three people were also really contentious, and after the first round of preliminaries, they all got off the court in ashes and sat back in their places dejected.


Not one left, all fell in the first round!

Li Wan let out a breath, the world was finally quiet…

The three-point shooting contest finals on the court also quickly had results.

Some people may not shoot accurately during games, but they are not accurate in private training, especially against chair defense.

Just like Capono, the final champion of tonight’s three-point shooting contest…

He was already a marginal person in the league, but he relied on the title of All-Star three-point shooting contest champion to get stable playing time, and stayed in the league for several years.

10,000 words sent.

(End of chapter)

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