Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 992: From leading to trailing

Two consecutive goals were scored, all falling back.

Qin Hao was also very helpless. He didn't have a problem with defending, and he didn't lose his position. It's just that Kobe's backward jumper was really difficult to block. It only depends on whether he can make the shot himself, but they are really accurate.


Qin Hao shook his head and took the ball in the backcourt. There were only 5 points left. They needed to score to stabilize the situation.

Coming to the front court, Qin Hao lowered his center of gravity and signaled the others to pull away and play alone. Kobe opened his hands and stared at Qin Hao, like a cheetah ready to go.


Qin Hao started and suddenly changed direction. Kobe retreated half a step and moved laterally to the right. Qin Hao suddenly retreated, pulled the ball back, retreated to the outside of the three-point line, and then shot a three-pointer.

Kobe's heart jumped and he hurried forward.


With a muffled sound, the goal was not scored.

Qin Hao frowned secretly, the rhythm of the ball was good, and Kobe didn't block it, but his strength was a little bit weaker, and he didn't feel right when he shot it. It seemed that his feel had begun to decline.

In fact, it's not just Qin Hao alone, the 76ers' overall outside feel is declining, and there is no way to continue the state of the first quarter.

In the next few rounds, Kobe played in singles, either through screens, or outside shots, including the previous two goals, and one person scored 8 points in a row. The 76ers were caught in a cold-feeling situation, or inside and inside seized the opportunity to make a top-up, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

Unknowingly, the second quarter is nearing the end, and the original 9 points difference has been reduced to only 3 points.

Coach Luke called a timeout, frowned for a moment, and said, "Qin, you still have to break through. We can't play too simple."

"Yeah." Qin Hao nodded. The few minutes just now were a bit simpler.

It's not just Qin Hao, Iguodala, Lu Wei, and Speights all feel cold, but it's like competing with themselves.

This approach is not a mistake. Sometimes the feel is actually like this. The coach will tell you not to be afraid of hitting the iron, stick to the shot, and firmly believe that the next one will come in.

It's just that these few minutes are obviously lucky and didn't favor the 76ers.

With only one minute left in the second quarter, both sides returned to the court.

After Qin Hao came to the front court, he asked for a pick-and-roll, moved a step to the side, raised his weight and made a three-pointer. After praying for Buddha, he lowered his weight and made a breakthrough. He hit the inside and jumped up, grabbing the basketball with one hand and dunking to the basket. .



Fighter, the whistle sounded.

The referee pointed at Bynum and gave him a foul, and Bynum did not care. The second quarter was almost over, and he received the second foul, which was not a big problem.

Qin Hao walked to the free throw line and made two free throws, 5 points behind.

With dozens of seconds left in the second quarter, the old fish pushed the ball to the frontcourt and passed it to Matthews. Kobe ran back and came outside the three-point line. Matthews passed the ball to Kobe. Kobe also took the ball. Not in a hurry, he glanced at the game time and suddenly changed direction. He switched the ball to the left hand and broke through from the left. Qin Hao quickly moved horizontally, but Kobe suddenly stopped, Qin Hao also subconsciously paused, but Kobe did. It is another change of direction, but not forward, but a step backward.

"Not good." Qin Hao hurried forward.

But it was too late.

Kobe jumped up, shot a three-pointer, and with a "swish", the basketball hollowed into the net.

There was a burst of cheers in the audience. In this section, Kobe was incomprehensible on the offensive end, constantly scoring, and one person swept the Lakers for nearly half of the points, and the super shooting guard was well-deserved.

With only 20 seconds left in the second quarter, Qin Hao advanced to the frontcourt and pressed the time first, and then made a breakthrough, but this time Bynum and Gasol Ziqi retreated inside and Qin Hao scored the ball. Pass to Speights, Speights jumper.


Continue to strike.

Gasol took down the rebound, looked up to see Kobe was already fast, and immediately threw the ball to the front court. Qin Hao had already launched a chase, but it was too late.

When he chased behind him, Kobe had already jumped up, and Qin Hao had jumped up too, but after all, it was a beat slower, and it was too late to chase after him.


With a blast, Kobe dunked.

At the same time the second quarter ended, the score 59:59, the two sides tied!

"God, this section of Kobe is simply amazing."

"Yeah, scored 13 points in a single quarter and led the team to tie the score. This is Kobe, this is the ‘black Mamba’, long live Kobe!"

In the audience, the Lakers fans were extremely excited and yelled excitedly.

Kobe walked off the court and was surrounded by his teammates. The players had high-fives with Kobe. Coach Brown also smiled and was very satisfied with Kobe's performance. At the end of halftime, Kobe has scored 20 points.


The intermission time passed quickly.

At the beginning of the second half, the two sides returned to the court. Coach Luke did not change. He still sent Qin Hao, Lu Wei, Iguodala, Speights, and Nene.

First, the Lakers attacked, and Kobe came back in the second half to get the ball from the outside to attract the defense, scored the ball to Bynum, Bynum only ate Nene, pushed Nene back two steps, and then turned into a throw to score.

The Lakers surpassed the score.

In the next few rounds, under the leadership of Kobe, the Lakers' twin towers began to show off. They turned the tide on the inside. After all, Nene and Speights could not stop the combination of Bynum + Gasol. They were succeeded by the opponent. The point difference is widening, and the Lakers have a 6-point lead.

From a 9-point lead to a 6-point lead, the 76ers on the sidelines were anxious.


Qin Hao ran backwards and took a three-pointer to catch the ball.


It's just that this time I'm still hitting the iron.

"Qin's three-pointer didn't feel very good today." Assistant Assistant Harry said worriedly.

Coach Luke didn't speak. Qin Hao's three-point shot in the first quarter was okay, but he felt cold from the second quarter. This is one of the main reasons why they went from leading 9 points to 6 points behind.

However, he believed Qin Hao.

On the field.

The Lakers fought for iron. Qin Hao's rebound was full speed and launched a quick counterattack, rushing to the front like the wind. The Lakers players quickly retreated, but only Lao Yu and Kobe completed the retreat in time, and the two moved forward. After a while, blocking in front of Qin Hao, Qin Hao didn't hesitate, and passed Kobe without slowing down.

Lao Yu knew that he did not have Qin Hao high and could not block it, so he just gritted his teeth and rushed forward to take the risk of stealing, but he was completely empty. Qin Hao suddenly changed his hand behind his back, avoiding Lao Yu’s steal, and at the same time. The old fish passed and jumped up as a bursting one-handed snap button.

The difference is 4 points.

After dozens of seconds, Qin Hao ran back to ask for the ball, and then he broke through, continuously changing direction, suddenly a dribble from behind, stepped forward sideways, successfully passed Kobe, rushed into the interior and scored a layup.

Coach Luke smiled.

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