Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 986: Selected as an All-Star starter

"Haha, Qin overtook it, surpassed Wade in the votes, and was selected as the starting All-Star."

"I have known for a long time, I knew that Qin would be able to make the All-Star start. Although the 76ers lost yesterday's game, he played so well that he would lose to Wade for no reason."

"When the deadline came yesterday, Qin was still a hundred votes behind. I didn't expect that he was one thousand votes ahead in the end. It seems that Wade's votes are very moist. Yesterday, there was an increase of one thousand votes. Two thousand votes, sure. Someone swiped the votes. Last year, Qin lost to Rose by a few dozen votes. This year Wade lost to Qin by a thousand votes. The competition in the east is too fierce."

After the uproar, the 76ers fans became excited.

Wade’s fans were naturally upset. Someone yelled angrily: “It must be a mistake. It is obvious that Wade has more votes than Qin, so why is he behind by a thousand votes?”

"Yes, there must be shady scenes. This is a black box operation. Yesterday, Wade's number of votes increased very fast, but Qin's number of votes did not increase the same? It was also a few hundred votes, an increase of thousands of votes. If there is If you swipe Wade's votes, then Qin's votes weren't swiped? I want to protest, it's not fair."

"We must unite in protest and give Wade a fair deal..."

A group of fans mobilized, wandered through various forums, encouraged the fans to jointly protest, and even marched and demonstrated. Anyway, Qin Hao's fans did what they did last year without researching, just copy it.

However, with last year’s experience, this time the NBA has obviously expected this kind of thing to happen, so it quickly issued a statement-the NBA officially guarantees that the vote count this time is absolutely fair and fair, in accordance with the rules, absolutely There is no shady, and there is no black box operation.

If the fans are in doubt, they can even publish detailed voting data and let the police cooperate with the investigation to ensure that every vote is true and valid.

Seeing this statement, the fans who were instigating troubles suddenly became dumbfounded.

Since they made such a statement, they also said that if they have doubts, they can contact the police and they can cooperate with the police in the investigation. Obviously, they are full of confidence and have a tough attitude.

at the same time.

Wade also called on fans on personal social media to be calm and respect the rules of the All-Star voting, and also praised Qin Hao's performance this season, very gentleman and generous.

All of a sudden, those fans are even more unreasonable to make trouble.



In the locker room, James and Wade sat together, sorting out their sneakers, and asked: "Don't you feel unwilling?"

Wade smiled and said: "Of course I was not reconciled. I was ahead in the first and second rounds. In the end, I lost to Qin Hao by only a thousand votes and lost the Eastern Conference All-Star starting.

"Hehe, then you still praise him?"

"It's not a boast. He has played really well this season." Wade shrugged. As a player, he knew better. The result has come out. No matter what, there will be no change. And he just lost the starter and entered. The All-Star bench lineup is a certainty. At this time the dust settled, and his mentality was naturally much calmer.

James smiled and didn't say much.

In fact, they all know that the most critical weight that affects the balance is yesterday's game with the 76ers. Although their Heat won, Wade lost.

Wade only scored 22 points, and his shooting percentage was less than 40%, but Qin Hao scored 40+13+10, and it was clear who performed better.

If Qin Hao scored twenty-seven and eighty points, even though it was more than Wade, it was nothing in comparison. The gap was not big, let alone the 76ers lost.

But Qin Hao cut down 40+13+10 data, which is really gorgeous, and the more gorgeous his data, the better his performance, and the worse Wade's performance is. In the eyes of the fans, the 76ers lost the game and even became a plus point, making Qin Hao like a "tragic hero."

Therefore, the fans are naturally willing to vote for Qin Hao, so that Qin Hao will succeed in counterattack at the last minute.



In the dormitory, the fat man Peng Jun yelled in excitement.

When the deadline came, he saw that Qin Hao was still a hundred votes behind. He had been worried, and he was not in the mood to even ask him to go out for dinner. Now he can finally let go of his heart.

"Nice job." The fat man waved his fist.

"Yes." The roommates were also very excited. "Finally, Qin Hao and Yao Ming were selected for the All-Star starting lineup. Tsk tsk, it's awesome."

"This is also a record. For the first time in the NBA, two Chinese players were selected for the All-Star, and they were both selected as starters, which can be remembered for a lifetime."

"What's this? With Qin Hao's talent and strength, it will not be easy to enter the All-Star in the future. This year is just the beginning."


Everyone agreed.

The fat brother was in a good mood and was extraordinarily generous. He thought that everyone would also be busy, stopping people at the school gate to canvass votes, and immediately waved his hand: "Go, go out and have a meal, I'll treat you."

"no no."

This time it was a bit unexpected by the fat man, and the roommates shook their heads together.

One person said: "I'm always sorry, Fat brother, besides, our autographed posters are still done for us. This time we must ask, as it is to celebrate Qin Hao's selection to the All-Star debut. Fat brother, don't you Declining, you are not the only one who hopes that Qin Hao will be selected as the starter of the All-Star team. We are also his fans."

The fat man glanced at a few roommates and smiled more happily: "Okay, then you will invite you today. Let's go, you must have a good drink today."

at the same time.

Southern Province, Yunlong Youth Team.

When Jiang Feng and Wang Lei heard the news, they were both happy for Qin Hao. They entered the NBA All-Star starting lineup. They looked at each other, and their eyes were full of envy.

Yuyang City.

At Qin Hao's home, Qin Hao's parents also got the news that Jiang Xue called them the first time after the NBA official announced the results, and the two were extremely happy.

Qin Zhenguo picked up the phone and called relatives and friends, speaking with pride.

Nowadays, the family is no more than before. For them, the money is more than a number. It is not interesting to show off their wealth, and they don't care much about eating and drinking. The only thing they are interested in is "showing their sons."

Liu Huifang was still talking on the phone with Jiang Xue, and the two were chatting about family life. She really liked this daughter-in-law, so she called and asked for warmth every other day, which was better than Qin Hao.

On this day, countless fans were immersed in joy. Qin Hao and Yao Ming were selected for the All-Star starters, making the fans fainted with happiness.

They have been looking forward to this day for a long time.

In the past, it was just a fantasy, until Qin Hao's rise, and today the All-Star starting list was announced, the fantasy has become a reality, how can you not be happy?

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