Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 983: The first time for small cards


A voice came, and Bosh reacted, calling on Qin Hao's arm, calling Qin Hao with the ball all the way to the ground, making a "bang".


People sucked in air-conditioning, feeling their hearts trembling.

Nene, Speights, and Kaka all surrounded, and Speights pushed Bosh away, Nene clenched his fists, looking like a sword.

Xiaoka scratched his head, looked at Bosh, and then at Qin Hao. The last time he gritted his teeth, he rushed forward. He was trembling all over. He had never done this before, and felt excited and a little nervous.

But thinking of Qin Hao's usual care for himself, he couldn't help clenching his fists. Although he has a withdrawn character and few words, he is not a wooden person, he also has feelings.

Qin Hao treats himself like a brother, and treats him like a family member.

"I..." Just as Bosh was about to explain, he hit him with a fist, hitting his chin, and hitting back all the words that came to his mouth.

Bosh felt wronged and anxious. He just wanted to foul, but he really didn't want to hurt others. Why didn't he listen to my explanation? His eyes were glaring, and he stared at Xiaoka ferociously, Mad, where did this rookie come from?

Being stared at by Bosh's fierce eyes, Xiaoka's heart twitched. After all, it was the first time to do this kind of thing, and it was inevitable that he was nervous. At this time, he himself couldn't believe that he would hit someone on the court.

The 76ers players were also stunned.

Nene and Speights, who were already at a dreadful dagger, both subconsciously stopped their movements, and looked at Xiaoka with amazement.

At this time, a group of Heat players are furious and full of righteous indignation. They are about to come forward for Bosh, and Chalmers is the first to take the lead.

At this moment, Xiaoka is nervous, excited, nervous, self-blaming, and at a loss for a while, is this still himself? All kinds of emotions rushed in, he suddenly spoke, and subconsciously said: "I'm sorry."


The phrase "I'm sorry" made people stunned, where Chalmers' movements froze, and he felt like a dog. I have never seen someone who beats someone on the NBA and says "I'm sorry".

What is this special?


However, Xiao Ka's expression is distinct and not like it. On the contrary, it looks like a child who has done something wrong and is very wronged and blamed. It makes people unable to bear the blame.

"This is so special." Bosh was almost amused.

The referee seized the opportunity and ran over and separated the two groups of people. Nene, Speights and others surrounded Qin Hao, but Qin Hao looked directly at Kaka.

Xiaoka didn't have another panic: "Qin, I was just now, I..."

"Gan." Qin Hao cursed, grabbing Nei Nei's hand and jumping up from the floor, and directly punched Xiaoka in the chest, "You kid dare to hit someone."

"Qin, I'm sorry, I was wrong." Xiaoka lowered his head.

"Wrong hammer." Qin Hao was excitedly holding Xiao Ka's shoulder, regardless of the white eyes of the referee near to the sky, he laughed and said: "Good job." The referee next to him was already staring, Qin Hao. He lowered his voice and calmed down Xiaoka in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, isn't it just hitting someone? The big deal is being expelled, and I will pay you the fine."

Xiaoka raised his head with a look of stunned expression. Finally he scratched his head and said, "I'm not afraid, I'm just a little nervous. This is the first time."

The conflict between the two sides subsided, and Qin Hao didn't seem to be a serious problem. The fans were finally relieved, but then they began to worry about how the referee would judge the penalty?

Soon, the referee gave a penalty. First, Bosh fouled Qin Hao and gave an ordinary foul. Qin Hao executed two free throws. Then Xiaoka hit Bosh, gave Xiaoka a second-level technical foul, and was directly expelled. , At the same time, the Heat have to execute two free throws and own the ball.

When the penalty result came out, Xiaoka trembled all over, her lips pursed.

At this moment, he was full of self-blame. He was thinking that he had no impulse. Qin Hao made two free throws and tied the score. Is there a chance for him to come back and defeat the Heat?

I messed up myself.

"It's okay." Qin Hao patted Xiaoka on the shoulder and smiled: "You didn't do anything wrong, not to mention that you are helping me get ahead, so you don't need to blame yourself for this."

"But... we are going to lose." Xiaoka said dullly.

The Heat executed two free throws and one throw, with only 4 seconds left in the game, which is basically equal to the decision that the 76ers lost.

Qin Hao laughed: "If you lose, you will lose. Victory or defeat is a common matter for soldiers. As for the starting point of the All-Star, is it that if I lose this game, I will not be able to start the All-Star? That's not necessarily true. Okay, don't Blame yourself, no one will blame you no matter what the result is."

"Yes." Nene also said: "You are not doing anything wrong, even if you don't make a move, I will make a move. Fortunately, Qin is not injured, or I will make him look good."

"Qin is right, no one will blame you." Speights patted Kas on the shoulder.

Everyone started to persuade them.

Of course no one will blame Xiaoka for this kind of thing. If it is because of this, then next time he is bullied by others, who is willing to stand up for himself?

Xiaoka nodded, grinned, and revealed an ugly smile. Although he was a rare smile, his eyes were clearly filled with moisture.

Qin Hao patted Kaka, walked to the free throw line, and executed his free throw first. He was fouled for a layup, which was measured separately from Kaka's technical foul.


Two free throws were made, 115:115.

Then the Heat executed a technical foul free throw. Wade was responsible for the free throw and made two free throws, 117:115. The ball is still in the hands of the Heat, with only 4 seconds left in the game, and the 76ers can only perform foul tactics. Sending Wade to the free throw line, Wade made only one of two free throws, and the score became 118:115.

Unfortunately, the time left for the 76ers is only 2 seconds, and there is no timeout. They can only serve the backcourt. The Heat are pressing all the time. Qin Hao can only dribble one step after catching the ball, and then throws the ball to the frontcourt.


With a muffled sound, the basketball hit the hoop and flew out.

This time scared the Heat players into a cold sweat, if this also caused Qin Hao to throw in, it would be really bad.


The home fans sighed in disappointment. Looking at the Heat players, the unwilling fans erupted with huge boos, like a thunderous tsunami.

The game is over.

Qin Hao turned around, walked into the player's channel, and bumped into the small card head-on.

Kaka lowered his head, he was expelled, but did not go directly to the locker room, but waited in the player passage. At this moment, his voice choked: "Qin, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Qin Hao smiled sharply and pointed to the big screen hanging on the outside court. "I have scored 40 points, 13 rebounds, and 10 assists. Such a dazzling data is not better than Wade. ?"

Qin Hao's data was shown on the big screen today, 40 points, 13 rebounds, 10 assists, 3 steals, 2 blocks, a gorgeous mess.

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