Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 975: All-star starting battle (1)


There are two computers in front of Peng Jun, the little fat man. One computer broadcasts five sets of sports games. The 76ers vs. Heat. The game has not yet started, and the players are warming up.

The screen of the other computer is the All-Star voting window. There is not only the voting window, but also the votes of the players. Qin Hao and Wade ranked third and second in the Eastern backcourt, with a difference of 12,857 votes.

There were many people around the little fat man, all staring at the computer screen.

"There are still more than 12,000 votes. This game is very important."

"Well, if the 76ers can win this game, Qin Hao's votes will surely soar by a large margin. Maybe he will be able to surpass Wade and become the Eastern Conference All-Star starter."

"I will definitely win, and Qin Hao will definitely make the All-Star starter. I'm still waiting to see him and Yao Ming both be selected for the Dongxi All-Star starter."

"If this year's All-Stars didn't have Qin Hao, I would not watch it."

A group of people talked about.

The little fat man was upset when he heard that, mainly because he was upset to see that Qin Hao's number of votes has not exceeded Wade. He straightened his face and patted the table: "Be quiet and watch the game."

"Yes, yes, shut up."

A group of people shut up obediently.

It’s not that Fatty’s prestige is so terrifying now, but that everyone has benefited, and everyone has to respect Fatty. Besides, do you want to ask Fatty for help in the future?

Before Qin Hao launched exclusive sneakers, Anta specifically asked Anta to send two hundred pairs to the hotel. He signed the pairs and gave them to relatives and friends. The little fat guy also got it, and this guy was very thick-skinned, Tian Zhaoqian asked for five pairs, one pair was kept for himself, and the remaining four pairs were used as gifts.

Of course, it’s not just for a bunch of brothers in the dormitory. At that time, Qin Hao’s signature sneakers were all the rage. Although the price dropped after learning that Qin Hao gave two hundred pairs to relatives and friends, he could sell for eight or nine thousand. One pair, the fat man is not that great. The roommate and classmates gave out two pairs in total.

The rest is given to the girlfriend, no matter what the girlfriend is using two pairs of sneakers, anyway, as long as it is not used to give to other boys.

As for the brother who didn't get it, the fat man prepared a signed poster of Qin Hao for one person. The brother who got the sneakers was naturally a treasure. The brother who did not get the sneakers was also very happy holding the signed poster.

It's just that they don't know that Qin Hao doesn't know how many things like autographed posters have given away, but every fan just signs it when it comes to them, and it will soon become worthless.

So now the fat man is a brother in the dormitory, and he seems to have a domineering side leak when he shakes his body.

"That's right." The fat man asked suddenly: "I asked you to mobilize your relatives and friends around you to vote for Qin Hao. Have you voted?"

"I voted."

"I voted in the first round."

Everyone answered one after another.

The fat man glanced at the number of votes, frowned and said, "It's still not enough. In this way, when the game is over, I'll go to the school gate to pull people out. Don't care about men and women, let them vote for Qin Hao anyway."


Everyone was taken aback, and one of them hesitated and said, "That's not good, isn't it?"

The fat man waved his hand: "What's wrong? Everyone is a classmate, just help to vote. Besides, Qin Hao is now fighting a bayonet with a foreigner, shouldn't he support him?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, but they are speechless.

At this time, the warm-up was over and the game was about to begin. The fat man stopped talking. The dormitory was quiet, and everyone was staring at the computer screen and cheering for Qin Hao silently.


Philadelphia, United States.

The audience was crowded and extremely lively. Unlike the Chinese Derby before the New Year’s War, the attendance rate was also very high at that time, but many of them were Chinese and neutral fans.

Almost all 76ers fans in the audience nowadays, even if the opponent is the Eastern Conference No. 1 Heat team with the Big Three, they will never give them any face here.

All kinds of boos came and went, as if to drown the Heat.

On the edge of the court.

Coach Spoelstra made some arrangements, then took a look at Wade, and wanted to remind everyone that the game is the most important thing, but after thinking about it, forget it.

After all, the overall strength of his side is above the 76ers, even if it is to make Wade more shots, Wade's strength is very strong.

The 76ers are here.

Everyone gathered around Coach Luke. Coach Luke made some arrangements and didn't tell him much, but the players were all cold-eyed and killed.

Everyone knows that now is a very critical moment. It is not an exaggeration to say that today's game is the "Eastern All-Star backcourt starting battle", because it is indeed the case.

Therefore, everyone in the 76ers is bound to win this game and play it as a playoff game—and it's a crucial playoff game.

"In order for Qin Jin to start the All-Star Game, he must win today."

"Brothers, we have to fight today."

"Then fight it, Qin is not bad to everyone at ordinary times. If anyone dares to drop the chain at this critical moment, don't blame me for being polite."


A group of players gathered together and whispered.

Qin Hao was right there, and naturally heard it too, but didn't say anything. This was the heart of his teammates. Besides, he really wanted to make the All-Star start. He was only more than 10,000 votes behind Wade, so it was not impossible to catch up. Last season, there was a gap of dozens of votes with Rose, and he finally lost. If he loses by a small gap this time, he himself will die of depression.

What's more, his personal performance last year was indeed inferior to Rose, but this season, whether it is personal data or ability to lead the team, he has not lost to Wade.

"Brothers, thanks." Qin Hao muttered silently, warm in his heart.


After a while, the game officially began.

The Heat are still their regular starters, Joel Anthony, Bosh, James, Wade, and Chalmers.

The same goes for the 76ers.

The ball jumped first, Nene first hit the ball and slapped it to the backcourt. Qin Hao controlled the ball and started to advance. After reaching the frontcourt, Wade greeted him with serious expressions. The two eyes collided, as if sparks were splashing.

In fact, in private, although the relationship between the two is not very good, it is not bad. Last summer, Qin Hao and Ross led the "Rising Stars Training Camp" and had a fight with a group of people led by the "Four Heroes". During the game, eating together after the game was also full of laughter, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

But it was on the court at this time, and it was on the critical day of the All-Star vote deadline. The two people's votes were so close that they couldn't tolerate any personal relationships.

"Come on," Wade said in a deep voice.

If he was overtaken by Qin Hao's votes at the last moment and squeezed himself out of the Eastern Conference All-Star start, Wade would naturally not be reconciled. Similarly, if Qin Hao loses the election, he will not be reconciled.

So Qin Hao just nodded, without unnecessary nonsense.

It is useless to say more at this moment, and see the truth under all hands. Basketball Myth: Super Defender's latest chapter address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 975 All-Star First Battle (1)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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