Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 961: Depressed Howard

"It's shameless."

"Yeah, the 76ers are too shameless. Is this still called playing? Can you play well? Howard fouls as soon as he gets the ball. Isn't that shameless."

Seeing the 76ers foul Howard one after another, the Magic fans screamed uncomfortably, angrily waiting to rush to the court.

Some neutral fans also frowned and muttered: "There have been many fouls, and they fouled in a while and the game was interrupted."

"Yeah, is this a game or a free throw contest? It's always fouls like this. Are we just watching free throws? The point is that Howard didn't make a free throw. He made 1 of 6 shots. It was really speechless. Even if I went up, I was more accurate than him. , It's a fight against O'Neal at the time."

"Although Howard's average free throw percentage is not high, less than 50%, but today is too iron. 6 free throws are made, hehe..."

This foul tactic will cut the game very finely, the offense and defense of the two sides are almost out of line, and it is indeed not very friendly to the fans.

What the fans want to see is the hearty offense and defense, the wonderful goals, the best dunks, and the free throws are really meaningless.

And he was not fined.


On the court, the referee's whistle sounded again, and Ka raised his hand to indicate that he was fouling, and this foul was committed on Howard again, which was obviously a foul tactic.

The Magic fans in the audience jumped angrily. One fan blushed and shouted at the court: "This is a violation. The referee should give a technical foul, a technical foul."

"Yes, yes, how can this be done? This is an interference with the game and a technical foul should be given."

"It must be a technical foul."

For a time, the Magic fans clamored loudly.

The referee glanced at the auditorium and said that you were more like interfering with the game, ignoring the clamor of the fans, only gave a normal foul, signaled Howard to the free throw line and executed two free throws.

Xiaoka is good at defensively, so he won't make unnecessary mistakes when he commits a foul. He is very skillful and prevents Howard from playing 2+1, and he won't be called a technical foul.

As for the fans' complaints that the 76ers fouled too much, this was within the rules. In the past, the "shark-cutting tactics" had been used 800 times for each team against the Lakers.

Blame Howard is too iron today.

"Usually, at any rate, there is almost 50% free throw shooting. What's going on today?" The referee looked at Howard and shook his head helplessly.

This is the home stadium of the Magic. He, the referee, has actually given Howard a lot of face. He has committed fouls if he or she doesn't.

But Howard couldn't get in.

I saw Howard stepped to the free throw line and it took a long time before he started free throws. He didn't have any confidence in himself. The first ball was thrown with a "bang" and it was another shot.

"Fack." Howard cursed secretly, the second ball was not so gritty, watching the basket throw, didn't take aim at the basket carefully, the result was a hollow hit with a "swish".

Howard was dumbfounded and scolded his mother angrily.

Soon, Coach Van Gundy called a timeout.

This quarter was no show, he replaced Howard, and his mood was unspeakably depressed. He made 2 of 8 free throws and made 25% of his field goals.

Continuing to keep Howard on the court can only be a hindrance. In the past few minutes, the 76ers have expanded the point difference to 16 points with foul tactics.

On the 76ers side, Card and Speights were also replaced.

Although the "foul tactics" worked very well, it is inevitable that both Card and Speights on the 76ers had three fouls on their backs, and the team was full of fouls.

"Be careful later. Don't foul easily. Our foul count is full." Coach Luke spread out the tactical board, laid out the tactics, and waved his hands with a smile. "Well, you did a great job, that's it. Hit, go on."

"Yes." Several people responded.

There was not much time left in the second quarter, and the 76ers did not continue to widen the point difference, but always maintained a lead of about 15 points.

When the first half ended, the 76ers led by 16 points.

During the intermission, the Magic fans whispered and looked sad.

"This is troublesome. It was 16 points behind halftime and it was not easy to catch up in the second half."

"Yeah, the key is that Howard is not in good shape today. He was troubled by fouls in the first quarter, and was restricted by the opponent's'foul tactics' in the second quarter. Will the 76ers still need'foul tactics' in the second half? I think most of them. Will continue to use it, unless Howard's free throw percentage can increase."

In fact, the other Magic players played well today. Anderson, Redick and Turkoglu all played well, but Howard played very depressed and his play was limited.

A star player is restricted. The original inside line should have been an advantage, but the result has become a disadvantage. It is not surprising that the Magic trailed by 16 points at halftime.

"It's okay." Some fans stepped up, and didn't know whether to cheer for the Magic fans around them or to comfort themselves. "I believe the second half will definitely get better. Howard is an All-Star player and won't be defeated so easily. What's more, the 76ers' foul counts are already full. Can they really foul regardless?"

"Well, it makes sense."

"It's only halftime, come on for the Magic, come on Howard!"

The people nearby shouted.


The half time passed and the second half started soon.

Both sides are starting lineups. Turkoglu will start off as soon as he comes back. After a breakthrough, he hit a jumper with a sudden stop, and then he broke through and scored the ball to Redick.

Although Redick has not reached the peak stage, he has already made a good three-pointer. After receiving the ball, he will take a three-pointer, accompanied by a steady hit with a "swish".

All of a sudden, the Magic chased for 5 points and rewritten the difference to 11 points, which was about to shrink to less than 10 points, which made the Magic fans applaud and excited.


at the same time.


Brand sat on his sofa and watched the live broadcast of the game on TV. He saw the Magic break out. Turkoglu led the Magic to a counterattack with a jumper and an assist. He sneered and said to himself: " If I were there, I would definitely not make Turkoglu so arrogant."

In the past two days, he has been waiting for coach Luke, coach Luke, or Qin Hao initiative to find him.

At first he felt that he had to come and invite him back in person. He is the main small forward of the team and he must have this card.

Later, when Lavoye was dealt with, Coach Luke did not move. The team was training as usual. He started to panic a little bit. He secretly decided that as long as Coach Luke or Qin Hao, the leading star, make a call and ask him to go back, he will be reluctant. Promise it.

But until yesterday afternoon, the team was about to rush to the away game and still hadn't waited for the call. Brand was really panicked and suddenly worried, would he be abandoned like Lavoye? Basketball Myth: Super Defender Latest Chapter Address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Read: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading history of this time (Chapter 961 Depressed Howard), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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