Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 955: A slap in the face

In the arena, the players are not thinking about training anymore.

Everyone is scolding the person behind the rumor, and some people are also asking what is going on with Brand? At this time, everyone should be united. No matter how emotional, they don’t come to train.

All kinds of verbal abuse came into his ears, and Lavoye couldn't help his face turning dark, no matter how thick his face was, but at this moment, another person walked in from the door.

Seeing this man, Lavoy's eyes lit up: "It's coming."

"Mr. Stefansky."

"Why are you here."

The players were surprised and shouted.

It was Stefansky, the general manager of the 76ers, who rarely came to the training arena, but occasionally came to the stadium to watch the game when the team played at home to cheer for the players.

So seeing him coming, the players were a little surprised.

"Yeah." Stefansky just nodded at the players, his face gloomy, as if someone owed him eight million.

Seeing the general manager look like this, the players looked at each other and thought of something. The general manager must have come to be related to the rumors outside these two days, and he was very annoyed by this matter.

This is naturally irritating. As the general manager of the team, he is responsible for anything that happens to the team. Moreover, this time the rumors are very excessive, and it is simply splashing dirty water on the face of the 76ers.

"It seems that Mr. Stefansky is in a bad mood. I don't know what he is here for." Blakins took a step back, thinking it's better to avoid the general manager at this time.

Although he didn't make any mistakes, the general manager was in a bad mood, and he might spit out a small problem, which would be too wrong.

He turned to look at Lavoy, but saw that Lavoy had a smile on his face and looked a little excited. Instead of hiding, he took a step forward.

"Mr. Stefansky." Qin Hao said, "Is there anything wrong with you?"

"Yes." Stefansky nodded at Qin Hao, and finally showed a little smile, but the smile quickly faded, glanced at the players, and said: "I believe everyone has listened to the rumors outside these two days. Here I am. I am very angry when something like this happens. It hurts the image of our team."

Lavoye's eyes glowed, and his heart growled: "Here, it's finally here." He turned his head, looked at Leonard, and muttered viciously: "Just a few rumors can't do anything to you. After all, the media You can't manage the team with the fans. But Mr. Stefansky can."

This was Lavoy's other preparations. After the rumors came out, he quietly ran to Stefansky, saying that he had heard the rumors from the outside world, so he came to reflect some of the situation.

Then he described Leonard as a villain who used conspiracy to confuse Qin Hao and Coach Luke.

At that time, Stefansky had a black face, and nodded to Lavoy, saying that he knew, and let Lavoy go back first, and he would deal with it tomorrow.

So seeing Stefansky's arrival, Lavoy's heart suddenly heated up. He seemed to have seen Leonard being scolded by the general manager, seeing him being knocked down to the dust and crying bitterly.

"Lavoy." Stefansky's voice came.

"Oh." Lavoy came back to his senses, and hurriedly ran up to Stefansky, licking his face and shouted: "General manager, you call me."

Stefansky looked at Lavoye. Lavoye maintained a flattering smile, but he didn't notice that there was a fierce flash in Stefansky's eyes.

In the next moment, Stefansky raised his hand and slapped it out.


A crisp sound, especially clear and loud in the arena.

Everyone was taken aback. They all looked at Stefansky in amazement, and then at Lavoi. Lavoi was completely blindfolded. He stretched out his hand to cover his right cheek and fell into a sluggish state.

No one thought that Stefansky would hit someone. Someone was thinking about what he suddenly called Lavoi for, but they didn't expect it to be.

For a while, the entire arena was quiet.

There was a tingling pain, and Lavoy finally came back to his senses, not burning with anger, but full of puzzlement, and cried out aggrieved: "You...why are you hitting me?"

"Huh, you are the one who hit." Stefansky snorted, then pointed to Lavoye, and said to everyone: "He came to me yesterday and said it was a report of the situation, but it was a rumor from outside. The content is the same. At the time I thought it was weird, and then I let people check it before I realized that it was our team's own person who passed the rumors to the media, and it was him."

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

Some people widened their eyes and looked at Lavoy in disbelief. Some people frowned and thought for a while, and soon understood it, glaring at Lavoy.

"Lavoy, how can you do this, how dare you do this?"

"I understand. I thought it was strange before, how could anyone be so boring and spread such rumors. It turned out that it was you, did you want to mess with Leonard? Because Leonard played well and played more time than you, so You are upset in your heart, envious, jealous and hateful, so take revenge on him?"

"You sinister villain, I really misunderstood you."

Everyone scolded, and the cold eyes made Lavoye take a step back subconsciously and bumped against Blakeins. He turned his head as if grabbing a straw.

As a result, Blakeins quickly took a big step back and distanced himself from him.

"I..." Lavoye was ashamed. He thought that his plan was seamless and could stun Leonard, but it turned out to be like this.

No, I am not reconciled!

Lavoy gritted his teeth and yelled: "Yes, those rumors were from me, but all I said were facts. They are all rookies, and Blakeins was on the team last season. Why Renner? Germany has a lot of playing time, but we only have a chance to play during garbage time. Why?"

"Isn't it because he has a good relationship with Qin?"

"It's not fair. They are all rookies. Shouldn't they compete fairly? It's just because Leonard and Qin have a good relationship that they can have various preferential treatments. I don't accept it." .

Coach Luke frowned and his face was blue. Qin Hao couldn't help but frown. He was just about to speak, but Stefansky was ahead of him: "Lavoy, do you think that as long as it is a fair competition, you and With as much playing time as Leonard, can you play better than Leonard?"

"I..." Lavoy opened her mouth, but suddenly choked.

The words that Stefansky asked seemed like a thunderbolt, which exploded in his mind suddenly, and his jealous head became sober.

When he examines it without emotion and thinks from another angle, if he has as many opportunities as Leonard, can he perform better than him? Basketball Myth: Super Defender Latest Chapter Address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Read: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 955 A Slap), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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