Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 951: Been suppressed


Qin Hao ran back to grab the ball and signaled his teammates to pull away. He set his focus very low, dribbled the ball very fast, and walked outside the three-point line. Wade was in front of him. Wade just stared at him and didn't act rashly. .

The next moment, Qin Hao dribbled the ball from his hips, shifted the ball to his left hand, and at the same time tilted his body to the left. Wade subconsciously moved a step to the right, and Qin Hao changed his direction again.

With a crossover, Qin Hao swayed past Wade, his speed exploded, went straight to the inside, jumped up against the defender, changed hands in the air, and picked the basket with his left hand.


The ball is scored.

But when he turned around, James suddenly scored and passed to Wade. Wade flicked the ball and then broke through. The speed was very fast, and Qin Hao quickly turned and pursued. But after Wade took a step forward, he suddenly paused, blocked Qin Hao with his body, and then started again, scoring with a low layup.

In the next few rounds, Qin Hao's consecutive singles, the shooting percentage was actually not very high, only about 40%, after all, facing the Heat's targeted defense.

But this is a huge boost to the morale of the 76ers.

Seeing Qin Hao score, whether it was offensive or defensive, his teammates became more active.

For a time, the two sides were evenly matched. If it weren't for the Heat's Big Three on the offensive end to be too incomprehensible, one could not prevent the other, the 76ers might have the upper hand.

Of course, even so, the point difference has been reduced to 8 points, and finally returned to within ten, and the 76ers' offense has become better and better.

"Pick and roll."

Qin Hao made a gesture to make a breakthrough through the pick-and-roll, but in fact he moved sideways and retreated, retreating to a place more than one meter away from the three-point line.

At this time, both sides changed into the main lineup, and it was Bosh who rushed to defend Qin Hao. Although he has a height of two meters and ten, Qin Hao's retreat was sudden, and the distance between each other was too far, and there was no way to block it. He could only look at Qin Hao more than one meter away from the three-point line. Shot.


With a soft sound, a super-long three-pointer hit.

"Good shot." Coach Luke waved his arms excitedly.

Previously, Qin Hao made more breakthroughs. Under his leadership, the team played well in the past few minutes, and the point difference was also reduced to 8 points. However, it was difficult to catch up with the score because he could not prevent the Heat from attacking. , Unless it is to score more three-pointers, rely on the difference between three-pointers and two-pointers to chase points.

That's why Coach Luke was so excited when he saw Qin Hao's three-pointer. At this time, Qin Hao's three-pointer is really needed.

The ball hits and the point difference becomes 5 points.

Coach Spoelstra called a timeout, with a serious expression, and said in a deep voice: "Wait for me to double-team Qin. You can't let his three-pointer go."



Several people agreed in unison.

After a while, the pause ended.

There was not much time left in the second quarter. The two sides returned to the court. Chalmers held the ball and advanced to the frontcourt. James took the ball in the low position on the right, raised one hand, and asked Chalmers for the ball. Pass the ball to James, James glanced at the situation behind him, lowered his weight and played singles.

Kazuo held up his chest and pressed it on, and the two faced each other. He only felt a strong attack and involuntarily took a step back, and when he stuck it again, James suddenly came and turned around with the ball.

"Suck." Xiaoka's heart trembled. He was just about to stick it up. At this time, it was too late to withdraw the card slot. He could only watch James turn around next to him and go around.

The inside line was inside. Seeing James bypassing the small card, he quickly bent over and quickly jumped up the cover. However, without success, James pulled up directly. The bounce speed was very fast. Before the inside was completely jumped up, he He dunked the basketball into the hoop with both hands, the huge power was undoubtedly revealed, and the hoop was creaking.

The physical state of James during the Heat was at his peak. The style of the game was a mess, all kinds of explosive buckles, chase blocks, etc., fans who watched can only exclaim.

"It's okay, it's time for us to attack." Qin Hao shouted, grabbing the ball from the backcourt and starting to attack.

But as soon as he came to the front court, he immediately encountered a double-team, and Wade and Chalmers pounced at the same time.

Qin Hao's face changed slightly and he had to pass the ball.

"Even to double-team."

"Tsk tsk, it can be considered as a face to Zu Qin, even double-teaming him. Ordinary players, even some All-Star players do not have this kind of treatment."

People were talking in the audience.

The Heat originally had a very strong defense. At this time, when using double-teams, Qin Hao faced more defensive pressure. Whenever he got the ball, the opponent was double-teamed. It was clear that he would rather miss the rest of the 76ers than let Qin Hao. Score.

Seeing that Qin Hao was restricted by the opponent's double-teaming, the teammates also felt distressed, and their state became unstable, only hearing "banging" noises, repeatedly hitting the iron.

At the last point of the second quarter, the 76ers were completely at a disadvantage, but for a while, the 5-point gap was extended to 10 by the Heat.

During the intermission, the players returned to the locker room.

A group of 76ers players sat in the locker room, no one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed a little depressed.

In fact, 10 points behind halftime, the difference is not too big, but the key lies in the feeling of being overwhelming and unable to turn over against the Heat. I really think that no matter how much you work hard, you still can't change the situation in the end. Seeing Qin Hao start to stand up and score, the point difference has shrunk to single digits, but it has changed in a blink of an eye.


A sigh sounded.

The players raised their heads and someone broke the silence. Iverson said: "It was my fault. Those two goals were good chances, but I didn't make it."

"No, blame me, the Heat don't have a good inside line except for Bosh. I have a lot of opportunities inside, but I didn't play well."

"And I......"

Everyone took responsibility for themselves.

Kazuo scratched his head and looked at everyone. With some hindsight, he wondered if he should also say something. It seems that he is not good at defending James. No, it should be said that he is totally unguarded.

But before he could speak, Qin Hao said: "Okay. We are a team, the score has always been behind, everyone has the responsibility. But as the core player of the team, I have to take the main responsibility. But now it is not discussing who At the time of the responsibility, the game was only half past and there is still the second half. What we have to do now is to cheer up and work hard to play the second half."


"Qin is right."

Everyone nodded.

Qin Hao didn't speak any more, he was actually very depressed.

He has improved a lot in the past six months. He has played more calmly against so many opponents before. Even when he played against the Knicks, he was not as weak as he is today. When the Heat were determined to prevent him from killing him, he really didn't have a good way to break the situation.

"I'm not strong enough." Qin Hao muttered to himself, "I want to become stronger. Only by becoming stronger can I break the game next time I encounter this situation."

PS: Don't worry, it is still the fourth watch today, and there is one more chapter in the next! Basketball Myth: Super Defender Latest Chapter Address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Read: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 951 has been suppressed), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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