Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 913: Back-to-back competition

At the same time, China.

At this time, it is late at night in the United States, while it is daytime in China.

In an office building, a few colleagues gathered together, taking advantage of the lunch break to have a meal, smoke a cigarette, and relax after working all morning.

"Today the 76ers won again." One person took a breath and said: "It's easy to win. The Jazz are not opponents at all. Qin Hao is too strong, too awesome."

"Qianzi, did you go to work and watch the game secretly again?"

"You kid, be careful not to get caught by the manager."

The colleague next to him said jokingly.

Qiangzi didn't care, threw away the cigarette butt, and said with a curling mouth: "Come on, don't tell me you are not lazy, I don't know you. Isn't it just watching a game? It's okay to be seen by the manager. Tsk tsk, I feel like Qin Hao is It's even stronger. In three games, all of them are 20+. This season, 20+ is absolutely no problem."

"What is 20+? Last season, Qin Hao averaged 20+ per game. The key is to see if he can make the All-Star this season. It was a pity last season."

"I think it's okay. I should have entered last season. If it weren't for..."

A group of people talked about whether or not to go to the stadium after get off work.

At the same time, fans are also discussing in sports forums such as Hupu.

"Three consecutive victories, the 76ers have a good start."

"The main thing is that Qin Hao is very good, averaging 20+, in addition to 10 assists, averaging double-double data, I feel that he has the hope of averaging double-doubles this season."

"If that's the case, it will be awesome, and I will definitely make it to the All-Stars. When Qin Hao and Yao Ming will be selected for the All-Stars, the scene will make people look forward to it..."

People are discussing the 76ers' three-game winning streak, discussing Qin Hao's 20+10 per game, and they are full of expectations for the 76ers this season.


United States.

"Huh, so tired."

"I'm tired too, but I can't help it. Don't dare, hurry up and pack up, and I have to catch the plane later. This **** away game."

"This shouldn't be the league against our 76ers? Why should we arrange a consecutive away game at the beginning of the regular season?"

In the hotel, 76ers players are packing up, preparing to rush to the airport.

At the end of the game with the Jazz, they will have to rush to the next away game without stopping, which will usher in a back-to-back game tomorrow.

Seeing the players dulling, looking like they were too lazy to move, Coach Luke scowled and cursed secretly in his heart.

Five consecutive away games, including a back-to-back game. Although these three games are not difficult to play and all have been won, after all, the regular season has just begun. The players except Qin Hao have not played a formal game for more than half a year. , Only three preseason games to adjust, time is too short, where can I adjust.

It's strange to get used to five consecutive away games at once.

Everyone packed up and saluted. Qin Hao saw Lavoye as soon as he walked to the door of the room. Lavoye licked his face and said flatly, "Qin, I'll help you get it."

With that said, he stretched out his hand to help Qin Hao salute.

Blakings never walked far away, just to see this scene, could not help but scream "dogleg", but he actually wanted to do this, and was taken a step ahead by Lavoye.

"No, I can do it myself." Qin Hao turned sideways, avoiding the other's hand, and said with a smile: "Don't be so polite, I'm all such an adult, so I don't have to bother others about this."

Seeing this scene, Blakins couldn't help laughing secretly, stepped forward, and greeted Qin Hao: "Qin, let's go together, the bus is already waiting."

Qin Hao nodded, but saw Lavoy stretch out his hand again, and said, "I'll come. You must be tired after playing three away games. I'm not tired. I'll help you get it, or you. Recharge your energy, and there will be games tomorrow. Besides, you are the boss of the team, and I, a rookie rookie, should help you get things. I heard that in some teams, the rookie is also responsible for washing socks."

Looking at his expression, he seems to be saying "I can wash your socks too".

Qin Hao was a little speechless. Blakins was already staring at him, staring at Lavoye, angrily cursing "shameless" in his heart.

"No need." Qin Hao waved his hand. "There is no rookie in our team to say that anyone is not a rookie, don't care about it, train well and play seriously."

After speaking, Qin Hao carried his bag and left directly.

With a joking look on Blakeins' face, Lavoye's face changed for a while, and her heart was very upset. He was so pleased, what else would it make me?


The next day, Golden State.

It was still in the afternoon, and the night was a game against the 76ers, so the training intensity was not high, and the players were all training freely.


With a soft sound, Curry raised his right hand and hit a three-pointer.

The teammate passed the ball, and Curry took the ball and shot it. The action was very fast. It took less than a second from receiving the ball to the shot, but it was quite accurate.


Shot again and again, hit again and again.

After dozens of consecutive shots before stopping, Curry waved his hand and looked at Clay: "It's your turn."

"I'm not as accurate as you." Clay smiled modestly, but he didn't move at all. He opened his hand to the trainer, raised his hand when the ball started, shaking his wrist.


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

Curry tweeted twice. When Clay came to the team, he was a little surprised, because Clay shot shots quickly. Apart from himself, it was the first time he saw anyone who shot so fast.

My family knows about their own affairs. Curry pursues quick shots because of height restrictions, but Clay is just over two meters tall. He really doesn't understand. Why did Clay vote like this?

After inquiring, I learned that it was actually Qin Hao's suggestion.

This surprised Curry, but felt relieved, because Qin Hao's three-pointer was one of the best people he had ever seen.


Clay's three-pointers were also very accurate. He made consecutive hits and swishes into a film. The teammates who watched were praised and said that there was an opponent in Curry.

It took dozens of Clays in a row before stopping.

Curry greeted him, and the two sat down on the sidelines. Curry handed Clay a bottle of water and praised: "Your three-pointer is getting better and better."

Clay didn't flutter, shook his head and said, "What am I, it's still far behind. You are more accurate than me, and Qin is also more accurate than me."

Speaking of Qin Hao, Curry raised his brows and his expression became serious: "Indeed, Qin's three-pointers are also very accurate, and he is not the same as a three-point shooter like Ray Allen."

Thinking of the match against Qin Hao last season, Curry’s eyes lit up with excitement. Qin Hao impressed him not only because Qin Hao’s three-point accuracy, but also because of Qin Hao’s eclectic style. His shots are more varied and skillful. Side step, side step, ultra-long three-pointer...

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