Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 888: Shutdown storm

This is an indoor arena, temporarily rented by Qin Hao.

Although there is no competition, he never slackened his daily training. After all, although his three-point shooting ability has broken through, he still has breakthrough ability and mid-range shooting ability.

In fact, it doesn't stop there.

Three-pointers, mid-range, and breakthroughs are just the three most important aspects, which are Qin Hao's offensive ability. But in addition to offense, the basketball game also has defense, rebounding, and organizing passes, etc...

Three-pointers, mid-range, breakthrough ability, these will affect Qin Hao's height, whether he can become a real star, or even a superstar, these are very important.

The defensive ability, rebounding, and pass organization are also important. These will determine his breadth, whether he will become a player with the label of "scoring" or a player with "both offensive and defensive". These are easily overlooked. The thing is the key.

Therefore, breakthrough training is only targeted training, but there are many conventional trainings, including basic skills, defense, running position, passing ability, physical fitness, etc...


With a soft sound, Qin Hao broke through and scored for a layup. He returned to the three-point line and the basketball passed. After taking the ball, it was another breakthrough layup and hit easily.

This kind of training without a defender is actually not that difficult. Unlike shooting, it is possible to miss shots, but breaks and layups without a defender. One hundred can be lost at most.

Qin Hao returned to the three-point line and caught the ball again, but instead of continuing immediately, he looked at the basket: "Brother Ming, don't you really want to try? There is no defender who doesn't feel like practicing."

"Don't do it." Yao Ming flatly refused.

Yes, Qin Hao is not training alone, Yao Ming is also there.

Now that October has entered, the cba game is about to begin, so it is naturally impossible for Jiang Feng and Wang Lei to train with Qin Hao, as are the teammates of the national team.

It is worth mentioning that because of the NBA labor disputes, which led to the suspension of the league, some NBA players did not see hope for labor negotiations and chose to play overseas, such as Wills Chandler, Jr Smith, Kenyon Martin, Aaron Brooks, etc...

After recovering from injury, Yi Jianlian also chose to temporarily return to the CBA and signed a one-year contract with the Guangdong team, so Qin Hao and Yao Ming were the only ones.

In fact, if it were not for the suspension of the NBA, Qin Hao and Yao Ming should also return to the United States at this time to prepare for the arrival of the new season and start playing preseason games.

"I'll pass the ball to you." Yao Ming smiled, and said that you should be stupid. Let me, a center with a height of two meters and 20 meters, guard against a breakthrough by a defender. Isn't this nonsense?

You have the ability to defend my low-post singles!

Qin Hao curled his lips and continued his training...

Half an hour later, Qin Hao stopped, feeling a little depressed. After so long, his breakthrough ability still hadn't been broken, and his improvement became slow.

"We still need a game, we need a strong opponent." Qin Hao secretly said in his heart, even shooting a basket requires the tempering of the game, collision with opponents, let alone breakthrough, "Unfortunately, the labor negotiation is not over yet, I want to play the game. Have to wait a while."

"Wait for a while?" Yao Ming said with a smile: "That's hard to say. Didn't you see that some NBA players came to play in the cba? It is said that Kobe was almost invited. Obviously everyone did not give much hope to the labor negotiation, at least There is no hope for a short time."

Invite Kobe to come to cba?

Qin Hao had also heard the news, but he didn't believe it at all. It was only said in the memory of his last life, and now he thinks it is unlikely to happen.

It's not that if people like jr-Smith and Wilson Chandler can come, Kobe can't come. In fact, Kobe has a good impression of China.

Just with Kobe's character that he has to be serious even in a field game, the intensity of the cba game and the level of the league may not appeal to him.

"Don't worry." Qin Hao didn't pick up the "Kobe is coming to cba" and said with a smile: "I don't think the shutdown will last for too long, and there should be results soon."

Yao Ming just smiled. Like many NBA players, he doesn't think the labor-management negotiations will have a result in the short term. After all, they have been talking for several months.

If there is a result, shouldn't there be a result long ago?

The 2011 NBA suspension crisis began in July, because the previous labor agreement expired, the NBA League and the NBA players union discussed the next labor agreement, and there was a big difference. Subsequently, the NBA Players Union filed a lawsuit with the U.S. Labor Arbitration Agency, accusing the NBA of using intimidation and threats in new labor negotiations to force the Players Union to sign new labor agreements that are detrimental to the players.

However, the differences in the labor-management negotiations mainly lie in two points, one is the salary cap and the other is the distribution of benefits.

The first is the salary cap.

The management, that is, the NBA hopes to establish a "hard salary cap" and fix the salary cap at 60 million US dollars. At any time, for any reason, the total salary of the players in the team must not exceed the salary cap.

For the NBA team, this has both good and bad. The advantage is that they can spend less money and push the player's salary to a relatively low threshold; the disadvantage is that some are rich, ambitious, and want to spend a lot of money to build a luxurious lineup. The team will be restricted by this rule.

But the benefits clearly outweigh the disadvantages.

For the players, this is not a good thing.

The "hard salary cap" limits the total salary of the team, which is equivalent to restricting the salary of the players. With a salary cap of 60 million US dollars, a team has a dozen people. How much can one person get?

You know, many players are dissatisfied with their salaries. The NBA is booming and making more and more money. Shouldn't these players get higher salaries?

What's more, what the nba alliance proposes is to sign a ten-year "labor-management agreement", which means that it will remain unchanged for the next ten years.

Isn't this the exploitation of Chiguoguo?

What will the NBA look like in the next ten years? Has currency depreciation and inflation been taken into consideration? The "hard salary cap" that has remained unchanged for ten years. Doesn't this amount to a child labor contract?

So the players’ union is no longer doing it. You guys are obviously bullying. Don’t you want to talk about it? That's OK, let's shoot and break up.

It's a showdown, I don't do it anymore.

And the players union does not agree, the NBA can only be suspended, because the union is a very powerful organization in the United States.

For example, in a factory, the workers originally worked for the boss, but the employee union was able to force the boss to increase their wages. In the end, the boss would work for them if it could not decide, or even bankrupt the boss and had to close the factory. The fish died and the net broke.

Therefore, the NBA cannot reach a consensus with the players' union for a day, and labor-management negotiations have no results for a day, and all NBA games, including various commercial activities, cannot be carried out. Basketball Myth: Super Defender Latest Chapter Address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Read: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 888 Shutdown Storm), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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