Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 885: Exclusive sneaker release

Shanghai stock market.

This is a five-star hotel where Qin Hao stayed.

But it’s not that Qin Hao booked the hotel himself. He is not very particular about food, drink and lodging. He has a lot of money. Any endorsement started with millions or even tens of millions of dollars, but he has not been here. Buying a mansion or something in Philadelphia.

I only bought a Land Rover SUV for transportation, but Jiang Xue bought it for him.

Moreover, Qin Hao’s parents are now rich, and the intermediary company is still very profitable. Uncle Liu Jiarong has replaced his car with a BMW, but Qin Hao’s parents still live in the old house and did not buy a new house, or simply I plan to change to a villa.

This five-star hotel was arranged by Anta company for Qin Hao.

After the Asian Championships, Qin Hao came to the Shanghai stock market. According to previous discussions with Anta, Anta will hold a press conference after the Asian Championships to release Qin Hao's first exclusive sneakers.

Obviously, this is to catch a wave of enthusiasm. Taking advantage of the Chinese team's victory in the Asian Championships, Qin Hao won the mvp news craze to hold a press conference to release Qin Hao's exclusive sneakers. It will surely attract a lot of topics and fans. Attention, it's a wave of ads for free.

Considering that Qin Hao has just finished the Asian Championships and must be exhausted physically and mentally, Anta specially arranged for him a five-star hotel, or a penthouse suite.

"Take a bath?" Qin Hao brought a red wine glass and brought Jiang Xue behind her desk, who was working.

Jiang Xue did not go to Wuhan during the Asian Championships and has been dealing with investment companies.

The investment company in the United States has initially stepped on the right track, and according to the previous plan, a domestic investment company will also be established to be responsible for domestic investment affairs.

After returning to China, Jiang Xue has been dealing with this matter. The company was registered as early as when it cooperated with Xiaomi. It was not easy to just build the company system and recruit personnel.

Up to this moment, the investment company's affairs have not been completely dealt with.

However, the Asian Championships are over, and Qin Hao is also idle, and the investment company is originally located in the Shanghai stock market, it does not delay them from having a "two-person world".

Jiang Xue gave Qin Hao a shameful look, and said with an aura: "What kind of bath in the daytime? While watching your TV, I'm still busy."

Qin Hao touched his nose and said with a smirk: "Look at how advanced the jacuzzi is. I don't think you are busy all day, and I am afraid that you are exhausted. I want to relax you?"

"Don't think I don't know your thoughts, I'm not fooled."

"Honest people can have any bad thoughts, you think too much." Qin Hao put down his wine glass and hugged Jiang Xue in his arms. "Come on, I will serve the queen today."

Jiang Xue subconsciously grabbed Qin Hao's neck with a cry of "Yeah", glared at him angrily, and said, "Then you must not mess around, I will wash it myself."

Qin Hao said solemnly: "Why then? Didn't you all say that I will serve the queen today? Don't worry, I will just watch it by the side, and I will serve you tea and will not make trouble."

"No way."


"Oh, what are you doing? I'll do it myself..."

After more than an hour, Qin Hao sat on the sofa and continued to drink his beer refreshedly, while Jiang Xue was already asleep.

It's reasonable to go to bed after taking a shower.

Suddenly, the phone rang and it was Martin who called Qin Hao to tell Qin Hao that the Anta company had come and communicated with him about tomorrow's press conference.

After a while, Qin Hao came to the hotel lobby.

In the meeting area, Martin and the people from Anta have arrived.

The two parties exchanged greetings, and the people of Anta started to get into the topic and communicated with Qin Hao about the press conference tomorrow.

After some discussions, Anta’s staff said: “Yes, after the press conference, we will provide you with 500 pairs of sneakers at one time. You can set the size. You can handle these sneakers by yourself, and you can usually use them to send friends and fans. Anything is fine."

Qin Hao's eyes lit up.

I saw it on the Internet before that a certain nba player signed a certain sneaker brand, and then the brand drove two trucks to his door and delivered two trucks of sneakers directly.

At that time, Qin Hao was envious.

Hey, it's finally my turn.

"Thank you so much," Qin Hao said hurriedly.

"No, it should be." Anta company staff said with a smile, and said that they can even help with mailing, and Qin Hao only needs to give an address.

Fuck, this service is ok!

Qin Hao thought for a while, but forget it. Since it is a gift, he must first sign his name. Can sneakers without autographs be given away?


The next day, Qin Hao attended the press conference of Anta.

Anta previously announced that it signed with Qin Hao as its spokesperson, but there has been no movement. Many fans are waiting to buy Qin Hao's exclusive sneakers and have been waiting.

Finally waited.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Qin Hao found that there were many people, very many, and a large number of people were crushed, at least hundreds of people, maybe thousands of people.

After all, the Asian Championships just ended at this time, the Chinese men's basketball team won the championship, Qin Hao won the mvp, and the fans are still talking enthusiastically.

Seeing Qin Hao's arrival, the fans were very excited, shouting Qin Hao's name loudly.

The popularity of the scene is so hot, it also makes the people of Anta company very happy.

After some warm-up, the press conference entered the theme, Anta company showed off the sneakers specially tailored for Qin Hao, named-Storm Generation!

The name is taken from Qin Hao, which is like a Chinese storm sweeping the NBA, and it also implies that Qin Hao is as swift as a storm on the court.

The design of the sneakers also incorporates the elements of "storm". Various "storm" patterns have adopted a Chinese style of expression, which injects strong Chinese elements into this pair of sneakers.

After all, Qin Hao is a Chinese player and Anta is also a Chinese brand.

Of course, Anta also hopes that this pair of sneakers will be like a storm, opening up a new pattern for them in the sneaker market and promoting the Anta brand to a higher level.

Qin Hao of sneakers has naturally seen it a long time ago, and not only this version, this version is the final version of the "Storm Generation", there were several versions before, and they were all rejected in the end.

This pair of Chinese-style sneakers has a bright appearance, with colorful colors, looks very cool, and at the same time has a sense of strength, and it has captured many fans at once.

"it's beautiful."

"Isn't it better than Nike, Adidas? I love it."

The fans suddenly yelled that they must buy a pair.

After that, Qin Hao put on his own exclusive sneakers, and had a heads-up match with randomly selected fans on the temporarily paved basketball court, which was just a kind of interaction.

The press conference went smoothly, and the "Storm Generation" also won the favor of the fans. Qin Hao also gave out a hundred pairs of signature sneakers on the spot, making the fans crazy.

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