Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 867: The second round, round robin!

"The Chinese men's basketball team swept their opponents in the group stage, averaging 34 points per game. The Chinese men's basketball team won the three games very easily. Whether it is against the Philippines, Bahrain or the United Arab Emirates, they all played well. There is no doubt that this The strength of the Chinese men's basketball team is definitely one of the strongest teams in this Asian Championship."-From "Sports Weekly".

"The Chinese men's basketball team has won three consecutive victories without any suspense. The addition of Qin Hao has injected new strength into this team. Even without Yao Ming and without Yi Jianlian, they are still strong."-From "Basketball News".

"In three games, Qin Hao averaged 16 points, 15 assists, 5 rebounds, and the number of assists was almost the same as the points scored, creating a history of the Asian Championships. The group stage averaged 15 assists, which is the history of the Asian Championships. A record in the history of the Chinese men’s basketball team. Also, Qin Hao obviously hasn’t scored with all his strength in the group stage. I believe he will play even better in the next second round. Of course. , The opponents in the second round will be stronger..."——From "Basketball Today".

All the matches of the group stage were played in three days. After September 17, the entire Asian Championships group stage was over, and the Chinese men's basketball team became the most dazzling team.

All three wins, averaging 34 points against Bahrain, 110 points against Bahrain, 63 points against the opponent, creating the biggest point difference so far in this Asian Championship...

Major media have posted reports, full of praise for the performance of the Chinese men's basketball team, and even more generous words about Qin Hao's performance.

For the next second round of "round robin", people are full of expectations.

According to the Asian Championships system, abcd four groups, the top three in each group get the right to qualify and advance to the second round.

Lebanon, Malaysia and South Korea are promoted in Group A.

Group B is Uzbekistan, Chinese Taipei, Iran.

Group C is Japan, Syria and Jordan.

Group D is China, the Philippines, and the UAE.

According to the competition system, the qualifying teams of Group A and Group B will form Group E, and the qualifying teams of Group C and Group D will form Group F, which means that in the second round, the Chinese team will form F with the Philippines, UAE, Japan, Syria, and Jordan. Team, but no longer fight against the Philippines and the UAE, only one game against Japan, Syria, and Jordan.

Among the three teams, in addition to the weaker Syria, Japan and Jordan are very strong and played very well in the group stage.

But for them, the Chinese team is the biggest beast.


In the hotel, the Jordanian players gathered together.

The head coach has a solemn expression and is studying the video of the Chinese team with the players, hoping to find a way to defeat the Chinese team.

But the more they watched, the more panicked they became, and the more they watched, the less confident they became.

"It's not easy to play." A Jordanian player sighed.

This is already a euphemism. The teammate next to him smiled bitterly: "It's more than a bad game, and I feel that we have a small chance of winning. Although the Chinese team does not have Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian this year, it feels no worse than when there was Yao Ming. Maybe even stronger."

This next group of players had no choice but to laugh bitterly.

Hearing their comments, the head coach Taber Baldwin scowled and reprimanded: "The game hasn't been played yet, what are you talking about? The Chinese team is very strong, but we are not weak."

Even though he said that, Baldwin didn't have much confidence in his heart. He looked at the projection screen, his eyes fell on Qin Hao, and he sighed inwardly: "This guy is too tricky."

The reason why the Jordan team has no confidence is because of Qin Hao.

For them, Qin Hao's point is the biggest threat, and it is almost incomprehensible. They can't find someone who can match Qin Hao-in fact, in a stadium like the Asian Championships, NBA players are a bug. .

Whether it is Yao Ming or Qin Hao, even the weaker Yi Jianlian is an absolute "big killer" in the Asian Championships.

Not only was the Jordan team unable to find someone who could play against Qin Hao, other teams also couldn't find it. No one could defend Qin Hao one-on-one.

Can't limit Qin Hao, how can we beat the Chinese team?


At the same time, the Japanese players also gathered together.

They have analyzed the video, and everyone's expressions are very solemn at the moment, and the head coach Thomas Weisman frowned, thinking about countermeasures.

A group of players whispered and whispered.

"Tomorrow is the game against the Chinese team, what should we do to beat the Chinese team?" a player asked worriedly.

"Difficult." Shi Jiqiao sighed. At the opening ceremony, he was still accusing Takata Ken of not being aspiring to destroy his prestige. At this moment, he was frustrated and said: "The Chinese team is too strong. Especially. It's Qin Hao, with fast speed, excellent jumping, sharp breakthrough, and precise three-pointers. The organization is also very good, with almost no shortcomings. Hey, the NBA players are really too strong."

"Yes." Good brother Takada Ken immediately echoed: "Too strong. He averaged 15 assists per game in three group games. He hasn't shown much scoring ability yet. We can't prevent him."

These two mouthpieces were "too strong", and they almost shouted "The Chinese team is unbeatable, Qin Hao's bull-nosed Klaas", which made the teammates around them very upset.

Captain Matsui raised his face and scolded: "Ishiyoshi, Takata. How can you talk like that? Don't forget, our goal is to win the championship and get tickets to the Olympics. No matter how strong the Chinese team is, As long as we unite, we can definitely defeat them."

"Yes, no one can stop us from winning the championship."

"Be sure to get tickets for the Olympic Games."

Others shouted.

Shi Jiqiao and Takada Ken hurriedly lowered their heads to admit their mistakes, but they didn't have the slightest confidence in their hearts. They thought of Qin Hao's icy, blade-like eyes at the opening ceremony, and smiled bitterly together.

Confirmed the look in the eyes, that is someone who can't afford to offend!


At this moment, the head coach Thomas Weisman suddenly spoke and said viciously: "The only way to beat the Chinese team is to double-team Qin Hao."

Everyone nodded.

Captain Matsui frowned and asked, "But if the coach doubles Qin Hao, what about the other players in the Chinese team? Qin Hao's pass is also very good, he will pass the double-team."

Thomas Weisman sighed: "There is no way, we can only take a gamble. No matter what, we have to limit Qin Hao. Matsui, do you think Qin Hao is a big threat or the other players of the Chinese team are a big threat?"

"Of course it's Qin Hao." Matsui blurted out, then stopped saying more.

Qin Hao's threat is too great. Even if he averaged only 16 points per game in the group stage, he didn't turn on the "scoring mode". If you let him score crazy points, it wouldn't be surprising to score 30 points in a game.

So first and foremost, Qin Hao had to be restricted.

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