Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 857: Suppressed everyone!

"Fuck, this is too fierce."

"Ding Jinhui was directly knocked into the air, but Qin Hao seemed to be fine. He was able to maintain his balance and steadily score the ball. This strength."

"Just one word, horror!"

Although it had only been played for a while, less than a minute, Qin Hao's two **** had already opened everyone's eyes and was really shocked.

Not to mention the previous dunk.

With this ball just now, Qin Hao's speed was too fast, one by one the blue team players watched Qin Hao pass him, but could do nothing. In the end, Qin Hao knocked Ding Jinhui into the air and scored 2+1. This kind of ball can only be seen when they met the US team in the World Championships and the Olympic Games in the past.

With only two balls, Qin Hao's explosive physical fitness has undoubtedly been revealed. His amazing bounce, terrifying speed, and powerful strength all made them stun their tongues at him. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Chen Zhan's eyes glowed and his expression was excited. He had high expectations for Qin Hao, but Qin Hao's performance far exceeded his expectations. Now he really feels that he should agree to Qin Hao's three conditions. It would be a pity for such a player to be restricted by those rules and regulations.

Li Nan and Deng Bin exclaimed.

Deng Huade was also smiling, obviously in a good mood.

Can you be in a bad mood with such a player?

"As expected of an NBA star."

"It's really amazing."

On the court, several blue team players looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

Qin Hao stepped to the free throw line and made a free throw.

Several red team players were very excited, one by one with Qin Hao high-five, the atmosphere was completely driven by Qin Hao, and the defense became much more active.

This was an intra-team match, and the defense intensity would not be very high. It was mainly for testing the lineup and rehearsing tactics. However, led by Qin Hao, the red team's defense was active and serious.


There was another muffled sound, and the blue team hit the iron again.

This time it was Wang Zhizhi who got the offensive rebound. He had a lot of experience. He looked to the forward court for the first time. Seeing that Qin Hao was almost down, he pushed with both hands to send the ball to the forward court.

"not good."

"Hurry up."

The players of the blue team were shocked and chased after them.

This time the blue team players retreated very quickly. When Qin Hao got the basketball, three players had already returned to their own half.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, Qin Hao suddenly took a step back. Instead of rushing to the basket, he took a step back and returned to the three-point line.

"Well, he wants to shoot three pointers."

"Hurry up, it's over, it's too late."

Even the players on the sidelines couldn't help shouting, but it was too late.

Qin Hao jumped up and shot directly outside the three-point line, and everyone knew his three-pointer ability.


Sure enough, this three-pointer made a hollow hit, and Qin Hao took another three-pointer.

For a while, several players on the blue team were stupid. Look at me and I look at you, crying without tears.

After the game was played for a while, Qin Hao already made three of three shots, including a three-pointer, and another 2+1. He scored 8 points and hit them with an 8 by himself: 0.

This is too shocking.

And this is not over yet.

Just ten seconds later, Xirelijiang passed the ball to Yi Li, but Qin Hao suddenly shot it off, cut the ball off, and then rushed to the front, another one-stop fast attack.


"How can you fight this? You don't need other people from the red team to take action. Qin Hao alone can't raise his head for the blue team."

"Originally, the lineup gap was quite big, and no one expected that Qin Hao was so fierce, the two sides were not on the same level at all, they could only be one side.

On the edge of the court, everyone could only shake their heads and sigh.

Qin Hao's demonstrated strength is too strong, not only the physical fitness is superb, but the technique is also very good, especially the three-pointer, which is completely a big killer.

In the next few minutes, Qin Hao didn't continue to score alone, and started to divide the ball, organize the attack, and create opportunities for his teammates.

To everyone's surprise, Qin Hao, Wang Zhizhi, Zhang Zhaoxu, Zhu Fangyu, and Sun Yue cooperated surprisingly smoothly, and there was no strangeness, as if they had played together before.

Moreover, it seems that he also knows the blue team very well and can always see through the blue team's tactical intentions. After only a few minutes of playing, he has already sent two steals.

This surprised Deng Huade and the two assistants. Even if Qin Hao had known these players, he shouldn’t have known them so well. It was the first time he played with Wang Zhizhi, Sun Yue and others. Stagnation, tacit understanding takes time to develop.

How to explain this?

"Genius, genius!" Li Nan sighed.

"Yes." Deng Bin nodded hurriedly, otherwise, how could he explain?

Only Tianzongzhi can do this.

In a few minutes, the score on the field had become 18:2, the red team led by 16 points, and the blue team only scored one goal.

Among the 18 points of the red team, Qin Hao scored 10 points alone. This was because he did not shoot behind him and maintained a 100% shooting rate, otherwise there would be more.

In just a few minutes, under the leadership of Qin Hao, the red team completely crushed and scored 18:2. Qin Hao even scored 10 points, 3 assists, and 2 steals.

This performance completely suppressed everyone!


Coach Deng Huade called a timeout.

Several blue team players were crying and depressed. They were all professional players at 18:2, but they were beaten by people like elementary school students.

At this moment, the expressions they looked at Qin Hao changed.

This is better known for meeting, although everyone knows that Qin Hao is great, he knows his achievements in the NBA, he knows that he is fast, breakthrough sharp, three-point accuracy... But until this time, the talents are real. He felt how big the gap between him and Qin Hao was.

Yao Ming is also an NBA player, but in comparison, Qin Hao gave them a much greater shock.

After all, Yao Ming used to be a traditional insider with a strong dominance in the low post, but he needs a defender to feed him. They have never seen Qin Hao play like this. They don’t need teammates’ help or tactical coordination, just relying on personal ability. So terrible.

"Qin Hao, you are too fierce."

"I took it."

Many players were convinced of Qin Hao. Qin Hao's scoring ability and organizational ability were undoubtedly revealed in these few minutes, which was amazing.

There is no doubt that Qin Hao's strength surpasses them by a lot.

"Haha, it's just so-so, you have to work hard." Qin Hao smiled, what he wanted was this effect.

Since he was a national team player in his previous life, Qin Hao is no stranger to these teammates, and even to some of the national team’s tactics, so there is no need to slowly adapt and blend in. It is a pure waste of time, and there is no such thing. Kind of necessary.

Now that you have come and have absolute strength, you can directly show your strength, hold everyone down, and then take over the team.

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