Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 855: Qin Hao reports

The Chinese men's basketball team is divided into three batches, with a large number of dozens of people.

The three batches of training personnel are in place in batches, and some players will leave in the process of continuing. After the training, the coaching staff will select the official list of the men's basketball national team for the Asian Championship from the rest.

The training was conducted at the Beilun Sports Training Base. The first batch of training personnel included a group of young players such as Li Xiaoxu, Guo Ailun, He Tianju, Han Dejun, Duan Jiangpeng and so on.

The second group of personnel is older, including Chen Jianghua, Zhou Peng, Wang Shipeng, Zhu Fangyu, Wang Zhizhi, Liu Wei, Zhang Zhaoxu, Sun Yue and others. Many of them are veteran members of the national team.

This report on entering the training camp in batches is actually very particular. First of all, there are young players, and the number is relatively large, there are more than a dozen people.

Many of these dozens of people will eventually be erased, and they will miss the Asian Championships.

However, being selected to participate in the training camp is a kind of affirmation to them, which means that they have a chance. They have not been able to enter the official list this time, and maybe next time.

Many of these young players are here to learn and exercise, so the first group comes, and the training time is longer, so they have more time to improve themselves.

Another point is that they will become a sparring team for official national players.

The second group is for some older players, who have reached the peak of their careers, or have passed the peak period, and their personal abilities have been beyond improvement.

Therefore, it is meaningless for them to come too early, and there is no need for self-improvement, but the second batch is actually the backbone, and many of them will enter the final list of the Asian Championships.

In addition, there is a third batch.

The so-called third batch is divided into two types. One is that players are injured and are still recovering and cannot return to the team temporarily; the other is that players play in foreign leagues, such as Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian. They need to coordinate the time between the national team and the club. Arrangement, so returning to the team will be later.

You must know that as NBA players, such as Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian, you need to negotiate with your team to participate in the national team game, because if they are injured in the national team game, it will not only affect the national team and themselves. Especially the star players of the team like Yao Ming, once injured have a great impact on the club.

Qin Hao, although he is a young player, is the first time he has entered the national team, but because he has booked a place for the national team a long time ago, and with his strength, participating in the national team training does not play a role in training, so he is not in the first place. Among the first batch and the second batch of lists, it was arranged into the third batch.

It can also be seen from this point that the third batch of players is different.

As for injured players, if they are not important players, they will not be included in the training list, and there is no need, so as long as they enter the third batch, even if they are injured, they are also key personnel.

This time because Yi Jianlian was injured, Yao Ming was determined not to participate, so in fact there is only one person on the third batch of lists-Qin Hao!

So when Qin Hao came to Beilun, his teammates had already arrived.

This time it was Chen Zhan from Xie who came to pick up Qin Hao. He was also the team leader of the men's basketball team of the Asian Championships. After the two exchanged greetings, Chen Zhan planned to send Qin Hao to the hotel, but was killed by Qin Hao. Refuse. Now that he has arrived, he plans to go directly to the training base.

Before entering the training base, Qin Hao had already heard a familiar voice.

"Hurry up, all run faster."

"GO, GO..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Qin Hao couldn't help smiling. Chen Zhan kept paying attention. Seeing Qin Hao's smile, he also laughed: "Go, let's go in."

When the two walked into the arena, they saw the players training, and the arena was very hot and lively.

At this time, people also saw Qin Hao and Chen Zhan.

"Qin." The national team coach Deng Huade smiled, took the initiative to meet the two of them, hugged Qin Hao, and smiled: "Welcome to you."

In this Asian Championships, coach Deng Huade will serve as the head coach. He felt a lot of pressure when he learned that Yao Ming would not participate. Later, Yi Jianlian was injured and even more headache.

But Qin Hao's arrival made him breathe a sigh of relief and regained his confidence.

"Thank you." Qin Hao and coach Deng Huade said politely, and then shook hands with the two assistants, Li Nan and Deng Bin, and exchanged greetings.

A group of players stopped training and all looked at Qin Hao.

Deng Huade pointed at Qin Hao and said with a smile: "Qin, I don't need to introduce it."

"No need."

"Haha, who doesn't know him yet."

Everyone laughed.

Qin Hao stepped forward and greeted his teammates one by one.

What surprised all the trainees was that Qin Hao clearly met them for the first time, but he was able to call out everyone's name accurately.

You must know that there are more than 30 people here, and not all of them are famous ones. Some players are not very famous in the cba. Qin Hao is an NBA player and has been playing in the United States for a long time in high school and college. Will they be so clear to them?

"It should be Qin Hao who knew us before."

"Well, it must be so."

"But this is also very hard to come by. Many of us have no chance to participate in the Asian Championships. They just come to learn and be a sparring partner. He actually spends his time getting to know us, and he can accurately match up to more than 30 people. All of them are not bad, it shows that it took a lot of thought."

All of a sudden, everyone's affection for Qin Hao increased greatly.

Originally they were a little worried, after all, Qin Hao was the only person to report in the third batch, or the NBA "Best Rookie", and it can be said that he is the biggest player in the training camp today.

What's more, he is only in his twenties, and he has such achievements at such a young age. It is inevitable that he will be lonely and proud, and may be more difficult to get along with.

But I didn't expect... it was like a spring breeze.

Seeing that Qin Hao was able to call out the names of his teammates one by one, and accurately matched the numbers, and sometimes he could say a few topics related to this player, Chen Zhan, Li Nan, and Deng Bin were very surprised and felt that Qin Hao must have worked hard, and all secretly sighed "Success is not accidental."

Just this attitude of being a person and doing things is not comparable to ordinary people.

Although coach Deng Huade can't understand Chinese, Qin Hao can get along with the players, and he feels a lot easier. It seems that there is no need to worry about this.

It's just that they don't know that Qin Hao doesn't need to recite a name at all, because he played in the cba in his previous life, and he has had contact with these players on the field. At that time, he was also in the National Olympics and the national team. He was very familiar with these people, and there was no such thing as a mismatch.

In fact, if it were not for fear of frightening these people, Qin Hao could even tell some of their embarrassment, including what hasn't happened yet.

So Qin Hao didn't worry about the relationship with his teammates at all.

You can get along well in your previous life, but can you still get along well in two lives?

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