Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 851: Just want to make a sample

Came to the hotel and had a meal.

Qin Hao and Yao Ming were sitting together drinking tea. Qin Hao looked at Yao Ming with a smile, and said, "Brother Ming, don't be polite with me. Just tell me if you have anything, have you been arrested again?"

"This..." Yao Ming was a little embarrassed, but didn't deny it. "Just think I know you well, let me be a middleman and lubricant."

"Cut." Qin Hao curled his lips and gave him lubricant. 80% of the basket Xie's side still doesn't plan to compromise, or else what middleman is needed?

Yao Ming said: "That’s the way it is. Isn’t this the Asian Championship in September? We will enter the training camp in August, and we only have about one month left. But just a few days ago, Yi Jianlian was in training. If you hurt a ligament, you may miss the Asian Championships."

"Oh?" Qin Hao raised his brows and suddenly understood.

This Asian Championship is related to the admission ticket for the men's basketball competition of the London Olympic Games in 12 years. If you win the Asian Championship, you can get the admission ticket.

For the Chinese team, this must be won, because if they can't win the championship, they can only participate in the losing competition if they want to get tickets for the Olympics next year.

Losing in the competition is not just facing Asian teams, but also competing with some European teams. At that time, it was too difficult to get a spot.

Although Yao Ming had long announced that he would not participate in this Asian Championships, but there are players such as Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue, Zhu Fangyu, Wang Zhizhi, and the Chinese men's basketball team is second to none in Asia.

In this lineup, Yi Jianlian is undoubtedly the core.

But at this time Yi Jianlian was injured and might be absent from the Asian Championships. Without him, the core player, the blow would be almost fatal to the Chinese men's basketball team.

Yao Ming didn’t shy away, and said frankly: “Originally, Xie felt that Yi Jianlian was leading the team. With Wang Zhizhi, Zhu Fangyu, Liu Wei, and Sun Yue, the hope of winning the championship is still quite high. But I didn’t know that Yi Jianlian was suddenly injured, just to make sure. To win the Asian Championships, they have to look for you."

Qin Hao curled his lips: "I remember it now? Is it true that Yi Jianlian is not injured, so they don't plan to find me and keep hanging me out?"

Yao Ming smiled bitterly.

Qin Hao knows the urinary nature of Xie. Some people may agree to the conditions he put forward before, but there are definitely not few people who disagree.

And the situation of basket xie is, as long as someone disagrees, even a few people, then this thing will not be possible.

"What do you say now?" Qin Hao didn't bother to talk to Yao Ming. Yao Ming naturally understood this, but he was considering national honor. "Brother Ming, did you agree to my terms over there?"

"No." Yao Ming was even more embarrassed. "To be precise, did you not agree to all of it, or did you agree to a part of it? You mentioned three conditions before. The first one is fine, and the third one can be discussed. But the second one. I didn’t agree to a condition over there."

Doesn't this mean nonsense?

Qin Hao rolled his eyes.

As early as when Yao Ming approached Qin Hao for the national team, Qin Hao put forward three conditions. As long as these three conditions were met, he would join the national team.

First, I hope that there will be considerable freedom in the time arrangement. When the time arrangement of the national team, such as the training time, if there is a conflict with Qin Hao's personal time arrangement, it can be resolved through negotiation. Second, Qin Hao has the right to refuse some unimportant games. Third, Qin Hao is not a player in the system, so he will not agree with the set of rules in the system, and the relevant contract needs to be drafted separately.

Now the basket Xie agrees to the first and the third is negotiable, which means that it is not fully agreed, and the second is directly rejected.

It seems to be a partial agreement, but in fact it is no different from not agreeing.

For example, in the second article, Qin Hao has the right to refuse some unimportant games.

This one obviously makes Xie feel that his authority has been challenged. When is it your turn to refuse?

But if you don’t agree to this one, you will have to go when someone greets you. Isn’t this still the same as the puppet? Let you drop it, you have to drop it.

As for the last one, it involves interests.

Qin Hao immediately lowered his face and said, "Brother Ming, what is this? He partially agreed, is this playing me like a fool?"

Yao Ming smiled bitterly: "I don't think this matter is authentic, forget it, don't say it. Let them do what they do, damn, I will really leave it alone in the future, it's bad."

"Hey, you don't care about it." Qin Hao said, think about it for yourself, is it not enough to be scammed?

To be patriotic is to be patriotic. This land has nurtured us and the motherland has protected us. It should not be forgotten at any time.

But can't be kidnapped morally?

With just such a small group of people, can they represent the country?

"Brother Ming." Qin Hao thought for a while, and said, "Next time you ask their staff to come to me directly, and besides, none of the three conditions I proposed is missing."

"Okay." Yao Ming sighed secretly.

In fact, some people in the basketball team were willing to agree to Qin Hao’s conditions, and some others were a little shaken after Yi Jianlian was injured. Qin Hao’s three conditions are still in the second place. The main reason is that if this hole is opened, will some young players in the future? How will you learn?

If only Qin Hao was "turned on the street light", that would be fine.

What they worry about is that if someone plays a game and breaks the rules, those young players will not be able to manage them in the future.

Qin Hao actually knows this problem, but what he wants is this effect. Is it possible that he is really unwilling to win glory for the country and really cares about such a little "training fee", or that the national team will have major competitions in the future, such as the World Championships, the Olympics, and he Would you not want to go?

It's not.

The most important point, Qin Hao just wanted to make a sample.

Some rules, if no one has stood up to break them, they will always exist, and they may even become more stubborn. Only if someone stepped forward to break these rules, could they create a new atmosphere.

The times are advancing, and everything should change with time, because only in this way can we become better and more in line with the current era.

After the two separated, Yao Ming conveyed Qin Hao's meaning to basket xie.

Originally, basket Xie had made some concessions on his own, and Qin Hao made some concessions, wouldn't it be enough?

But as a result, Qin Hao was very hard.

All of a sudden, the basketball team members had to reconvene the meeting, but after discussing for an hour, they still failed to reach an agreement. On the one hand, the Asian Championships are approaching, and this Asian Championships is related to Olympic tickets; on the other hand, it is Qin Hao. As soon as this example is opened, the rules are broken.

The results have not yet been discussed. The news that Yi Jianlian is injured and may not be able to participate in the Asian Championships spread like wildfire. After learning the news, the fans immediately fry the pot.

Without Yi Jianlian and Yao Ming not participating, what about the national team and what about this Asian Championship?

All of a sudden, the call for Qin Hao to enter the national team grew louder...

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