Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 842: The back wave of the attack (part 2)


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

This was another three-pointer. What surprised everyone on the red team was that it was not Qin Hao, nor Klay and the others, but Wang Lei who made the three-pointer.

The center shoots a three-pointer?

Wait, how come there is a familiar smell...

"Yao Ming." Chalmers called out suddenly.

"What?" Jones was stunned for a moment, and then he also reacted, isn't it? The other center who shot the three-pointer is Yao Ming, who is also a Chinese player.

Could it be that this is a tradition?

This is certainly not traditional. Yao Ming didn't shoot three-pointers before, but after getting to know Qin Hao, after Qin Hao's constant persuasion, he transformed into a "spatial" insider, and then he started to shoot three-pointers.

Wang Lei also started practicing three-pointers at the time of Yuyang No. 7 Middle School under Qin Hao's advice. It is said that Qin Hao is the driving force behind all this.

On the field.

Wade frowned, TT looked upset and a little surprised. He didn't take Wang Lei seriously, but he didn't expect Wang Lei to have this hand?

Is it accidental or true?

"It's probably... accidental." TT comforted himself.

But with this three-pointer hit, the blue team finally caught up to the score.

James and Paul exchanged glances and called a timeout.

During this period of time they actually played well and kept scoring, but the score difference was unknowingly caught up by the blue team.

There is no doubt that the reason for this is because the blue team made three-pointers. The red team scored almost two-pointers, while the blue team made three-pointers.

"I didn't expect the opponent to shoot three-pointers so accurately, even the center can shoot three-pointers, I really didn't expect this." Anthony curled his lips and said depressed.

"We underestimate them." James frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "We don't know much about the opponent's many players. Only when we underestimate the opponent will let them catch up with the score. We must be more serious later. Okay, you can't take it lightly."

Several people nodded one after another.

Paul glanced at the time of the game and said, "Let's make a substitution. There is not much time left in this quarter."

This game is also played in four quarters. There is not much time left in the first quarter. Jones hasn't got a chance to play, and it is indeed time for a substitution.

At the same time, the blue team is here.

Everyone was very excited, high-five and hug each other, and the score was caught up. Facing the red team's "big four" combination, it was enough to make them excited.

"Brothers." Qin Hao clapped his hands and reminded: "Don't be too happy, this is only the first quarter. Moreover, the other party will definitely make adjustments later."

"But our strategy cannot be changed." Rose said.

Qin Hao nodded, of course his strategy cannot be changed, he still has to fight offense, he still has to shoot more three-pointers, but it will definitely be more difficult next.

Firstly, the opponent will be more serious about defending three-pointers; secondly, they have made a very high rate of three-pointers just now. Qin Hao scored two, Clay two, and Wang Lei one, but this is not the norm.

Everyone has a good hand feeling, and when the hand feels bad, the situation on the court is changeable, and no one can guarantee that the ball will be shot and the back can also be shot.

Therefore, the game is still not optimistic.

There is not much time left in the first quarter. Both sides have personnel rotation. The red team replaced Anthony and Paul, and replaced Chalmers and Jones.

The blue team replaced Nene and Rose, Qin Hao, Jiang Feng, Browning, and Flathead.

From the personnel point of view, the substitution of the blue team is naturally not very reasonable, but everyone must play in the first quarter, because after all, this is not a complete NBA team, they are a training camp situation group Everyone is a friend, and we still have to take care of everyone’s feelings.

However, tactically, the blue team is still dominated by three-pointers.

Wang Lei, Jiang Feng, Klay, Browning, flathead brother, a big and four small lineup, but five players can shoot three-pointers, so except for Wang Lei in the center, the other four are looking for three-point opportunities.


With a muffled sound, Flathead hit the iron three-pointer.

But soon Jiang Feng hit a three-pointer, which is considered to stabilize the situation for the blue team. When the last ten seconds of the first quarter, Browning also scored one.

When the first quarter ended, the score was 31:31, still flat.

The offensive efficiency of both sides in the first quarter is very high. The red team's high efficiency is due to the "big four" personal ability is too strong and the blue team can't prevent it; the blue team's high efficiency is due to the high three-pointer shooting rate.


After a while, the second quarter began.

The personnel of the two sides did not change much. On the blue team, Clay replaced and replaced Butler, and Wang Lei replaced and replaced Qin Hao with the "five small lineup".

Fortunately, the TT of the red team was replaced, and there were no inside players, and it was also a "five small lineup". The blue team did not suffer in terms of height.

Qin Hao was an accelerated breakthrough, hitting the inside, and then scored the ball outside and passed it to Butler, who also made a three-pointer.


Go in again.


"These little guys can't be underestimated, they are really good at three-pointers."

"If there is no Qin's breakthrough to contain the defense, how could Butler have such a good three-pointer?"

Although the red team players were upset, they couldn't help but stunned secretly.

At this moment, Qin Hao's role on the court is to organize the offense and at the same time act as the tactical core of the blue team. On their side, he and Rose are the only ones who can compete with the "Four Heroes", and no one else can. So there still has to be someone on the court to control the court and open up the situation.

A few dozen seconds later, Qin Hao scored again and gave Butler to Butler. Butler also made a breakthrough, but instead of going on his own, he passed the ball to Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng seized the opportunity of the red team's defense being disrupted. Air cut, received the ball and scored a layup, also scored two points.

With an excellent three-pointer, within a few minutes, the blue team did not fall under the wind.

"Request a timeout."

The red team again requested a timeout.

Several people came off the court and got together to discuss.

"I don't know where Qin got these little guys. I didn't expect that they are not bad." Anthony said, a little depressed. He thought that with his lineup, he would definitely beat the opponent, but the result was actually equal.

"It's mainly three-pointers." Paul said: "These little guys are good, but they are still a little immature, but they can shoot three-pointers and they are in good condition."

Hearing this, several people nodded together.

TT asked: "Then what shall we do next?"

For a time, several people looked at James together.

James pondered for a while, before he said: "Wait for me, Cameron, Collison, Dwyane, and TT. We will go on. We are man-to-man defense, unlimited defenses, and we just stare at the opponent's three-pointers. After playing more than one quarter, it's time for them to see the real defense."

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