Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 836: High-end game

After more than half a month, everyone has improved.

Jiang Feng and Wang Lei have become tougher, Browning's breakthroughs and passing have become better, the flathead shot has improved a bit, Butler's three-pointers have become more stable, and Klay is still focusing on his own three-pointers. Split the ball, but under Qin Hao's suggestion, the shot speed is getting faster and faster, and the defense is getting better...

Among a group of people, Qin Hao, Ross, and Butler who has already entered the NBA, the brightest future is Klay.

Of course, as a "Golden State Irving", Clay's possession and breakthrough are just like in Qin Hao's memory of his last life. It's really a bit... pulling his hips!

Anyway, the dribble can not be more than three times, but it also echoes the situation of NBA.

Qin Hao has also tried to help Clay improve his control ability before, but Clay is obviously more keen on shooting, likes to use the simplest way to end the offense, and lacks some talent for ball control. So Qin Hao refused to persuade him. In fact, in his opinion, the Clay in his past life was the best Clay, with excellent defense and accurate shooting. He didn't need the ball much, but he could score 37 points in a single quarter.

Such Clay is the real Clay.

If Clay is forced to change, let him practice the ball to break through, and lose that purity, perhaps there will be no single-quarter 37-point madness in the future.

Everyone is an independent individual, and everyone has their own characteristics. Qin Hao is not a god, and he doesn't want to bend them all.

Of course, he can't do it either.

For example, Wang Lei and Jiang Feng, although they worked very hard, after all, they are not like Qin Hao, and limited by their talents, it is difficult for them to catch up with Butler and Klay.

Qin Hao also wants to help them, and hopes that China will have a few more NBA players and even NBA stars, but this is not for him to decide. He can only try to help them, and he can't control the rest.

"No matter where you go in the end, just keep working hard." Qin Hao withdrew his gaze from Jiang Feng and Wang Lei, and looked at Browning and Pingtou, "Browning works harder, there is a chance to enter the NBA, but you have to think about it. It depends on luck to enter the regular rotation. Ed, the kid is talented, but with his current strength, he will have to be in the second round at most to participate in the draft, and he has to practice more at ncaa."

But in general, the friends of "Rising Stars Training Camp" are very good.

Of course, after more than half a month, Qin Hao has also gained a lot, especially after Ross came, with such a master training together, the improvement effect is obvious.

"For more than half a month, my three-pointers have become more stable, and my breakthrough ability has improved a lot. It just feels like it's almost meaningless. I may not be able to reach the'critical point' in a short time." Qin Hao said to himself. The multi-month harvest is quite satisfactory.

It's just not enough.

"Ross is a sharp offense. Butler's defense is good, but it's not enough. It would be nice to have someone with a stronger defense."

Now Qin Hao is training his breakthrough ability in a targeted manner, which requires a strong defender to act as a sharpening stone and temper his skills.

But with his current strength, Butler is also a bit weak.

"Qin, what are you thinking about?" Butler asked.

"Nothing." Qin Hao shook his head.

Butler smiled and said: "I just chatted with Clay. It's already June. He is going to prepare for the draft and has to leave in two days."

"Is it already June?" Qin Hao was taken aback, and then reacted, "Time flies so fast, it's June in a blink of an eye. By the way, is the finals finished?"

"Hey, it's already over." Butler was also speechless, saying that you are still not an NBA player and don't even pay attention to the NBA Finals?

In fact, it was not that Qin Hao didn't pay attention, but because he had known the ending a long time ago, there was no need to pay attention.

Qin Hao learned from Butler that the finals of the finals were no different from what he remembered in his last life. Fiery lost the finals 2:4, went through six battles, and finally lost to the Mavericks.

The Mavericks won the 2010-2011 NBA championship, Dirk Nowitzki won the finals mvp.

In the Eastern Conference Finals, the Heat defeated the Bulls, eliminated the Bulls, which was the number one in the regular season, and reached the Finals. Many fans believed that the Heat would become the championship.

But in the end they failed.

For a time, many people jumped out and began to slander the Big Three.

However, Qin Hao knew that next season, Wade took the initiative to hand over the leadership of the team and let James lead the team. The Heat will become stronger and the lethality of the Big Three will be even more terrifying.

"Derek is going to have a headache." Qin Hao said.

"Hey." Butler smiled a little gloating, and said: "Yes, one more thing, yesterday I was on the phone with Cameron, and he said he was also in New York."

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows, what do you mean?

Butler licked his lips, his eyes gleamed with excitement, and continued: "With him are LeBron, Dwyane, Chalmers and others. Qin, after two days, Clay will have to Leaving, our training camp is about to disband. How about an appointment with Cameron and the others?"

"Fuck." Qin Hao was taken aback and looked Butler up and down, saying that you are a little swollen now, what caused it?

But to be honest, he was also a little moved.

Anthony, James, Wade, Chalmers...

There are some other people who are definitely NBA players, maybe Paul is also there. Obviously they are also training together, another "small training camp."

Anthony is now a player for the New York Knicks. With his relationship with James, Wade, Paul and others, it is normal to train in New York.

It seems to be a good idea to have a game with the "Four Heroes of the Wind and Dust". It seems like a good idea. I don't know what will happen to the "Four Heroes of the Wind and Dust"?

"Okay." Qin Hao nodded and said, "I'll call Cameron later and see if I can make an appointment for a round, which is a summary assessment for our training."

"Hehe, I'll tell Derek them." Butler turned around excitedly and ran.

Damn it, I haven't arranged it yet?

Qin Hao was speechless.

After that, Qin Hao called Anthony. After learning that Qin Hao had not only him on their side, but also Ross, Nene, Lu Wei, and Butler, Anthony quickly gave an answer—no problem.

At this time Butler had already told other people the news. He heard that he was going to have a "wild game" with Anthony, Wade, James and others. A group of people were very excited.

Ross glanced at Qin Hao, and his eyes were a little excited. Before the final match, he lost to James and Wade, but this time he has Qin by his side. Can you fight them?

As for Jiang Feng, Wang Lei, Clay, Browning, and Pingtou, let alone.

That's a superstar, and there is more than one.

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