Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 833: Rose is here too!

Syracuse University, in the arena.

The players of the "Rising Stars Training Camp" are training.

Wang Lei and Jiang Feng are playing iron. What they need to improve is their physical fitness and confrontation ability. The intensity of the cba game is not so high, so that they don't pay enough attention to this point, and the standard for themselves is also lower. Comparing with the NBA players, he immediately fell into the disadvantage and had to make up for it.

Butler is working **** shooting, especially the three-pointer. His physical fitness is very good, but his shooting is not so stable.

Browning is training breakthrough technology...

Everyone has something to improve.

Some people are lacking in certain aspects, so they need targeted training; some people are good in certain aspects, but they need to get better, such as Clay's three-pointer.

This is the third day that a few people have been training together.

After three days, each had some gains. They trained together during the day and lived together at night. Qin Hao booked a few rooms in the hotel. It was not luxurious. There was a room for two, basically the same as they usually go to play away games. , Anyway, it’s for training, not for enjoyment, just enough.

After some training, everyone stopped to rest.

"Jimmy." Qin Hao shouted: "Let's continue."

"Come back?" Butler was crying, but still stood up and went to the court with Qin Hao.

Qin Hao's three-point shooting ability has broken through, so now his targeted training program has been changed to breakthrough. As for mid-range shooting, he is not in a hurry. Three-pointers and breakthroughs are the best partners.

Imagine that if his breakthrough ability is further transformed and higher, then it will be easier to face defenders.

The opponent defends him from a three-pointer and cannot prevent a breakthrough; prevents him from a breakthrough and cannot prevent a three-pointer.

That's how Pinnacle Curry played. Once he got the ball outside the three-point line, the defender wouldn't consciously be frightened and had to pounce on it as soon as possible. And rushing to Curry is a breakthrough. Everyone knows that Curry is accurate in three points, but many people ignore his breakthrough ability.

And to break through this matter, Qin Hao alone is not very effective, but also has to have a defender, Butler is undoubtedly the best candidate.

As for the others...

Lu Wei's defense is not a strong point. Clay has not yet entered the NBA and is still far behind Qin Hao. Nei Nei is an inside player, and he really suffers from Qin Hao.

The same goes for Jiang Feng, Wang Lei, Browning, and Brother Flathead. There is a big gap between them and Qin Hao, and it is almost impossible to prevent Qin Hao.

Only Butler.

Whether it is height, speed of movement, explosiveness of jumping, or defensive skills, consciousness, he is the best candidate.

It's just because of this that Qin Hao always looks for him and catches him alone, which makes Butler very depressed. Defense is always a chore, let alone defending Qin Hao.

"Come on." Butler stood inside the three-point line, shouting to cheer himself up.

"Then I'm here." Qin Hao took a tentative step, but Butler was unmoved, and Qin Hao didn't care. He suddenly accelerated to the right and broke through. Butler moved immediately, but soon it was another dribble from behind. Pulling the ball back, at the same time the center of gravity is raised, looking towards the basket.

Butler's heart jumped, he subconsciously raised his center of gravity, and the next moment Qin Hao accelerated again, and he lost most of Butler's body at once.

If it were replaced by someone else, Qin Hao would have passed it this time.

But Butler did not. He quickly turned sideways, pressed against Qin Hao, and physically confronted Qin Hao. His speed was not as fast as Qin Hao, but his strength was above Qin Hao. In this way, Qin Hao's speed can be slowed down so that he will not completely lose his defensive position.

It's just a miscalculation.

Qin Hao suddenly stopped, and a retreating Golden Rooster came to independence. He drew a distance from Butler. Instead of layup, he changed to a board and scored the ball.

"Hey, I didn't prevent it again."

"It's too hard to defend. Qin is fast, shoots the ball accurately, and has a lot of scoring methods. That is, Jimmy. In ten, he can always defend one or two, two or three. It's over for us."

On the sidelines, Jiang Feng, Nei Nei, and Pingtou were talking about it.

At the same time, the battle between the two sides on the court continued, and a dozen rounds soon passed. Butler waved his hands and panted: "It's not coming, rest for a while, rest for a while."

Qin Hao is actually quite tired. Butler's defense is very good, and I don’t know if it’s been destroyed more, or the two are too familiar. He can always see through Qin Hao’s fake moves and make Qin Hao score every time. They have to put in more energy and physical energy than against other people.

But you can't lose, Qin Hao smiled and said, "Little brother, your body is a bit weak."

"You are imaginary." Butler quickly defended and sneered, "I don't even have a girlfriend. How could it be imaginary. If you are imaginary, you are the imaginary one."

"Uh..." Qin Hao was speechless. Are you proud of being a single dog?

On the sidelines, Jiang Feng's face was already dark.

"Change me to defend." Jiang Feng walked onto the court.

"Okay, okay." Butler nodded happily, saying that this is really good, but Jiang Feng's fierce look in his eyes greeted him.

Jiang Feng stepped onto the court, Butler came off the court, still looking inexplicable, Wang Lei whispered in his ear: "Qin Hao's girlfriend is Jiang Feng's sister."

"Huh?" Butler didn't know, but he didn't think of it for a moment. He looked bitter, looked at Qin Hao, and then at Jiang Feng. A smiling tiger and a cold-faced person are all people who can't be offended.

Looking at Jiang Feng's dark expression and cold eyes, Butler said Qin Haoxin's stupid things, but I didn't say anything.

Jiang Feng just stared at him and waved at him: "Come on."

Qin Hao had no choice but to meet the requirements of his future elder brother. He did not know when his elder brother began to be masochistic?

Naturally, there was no suspense in this round of duel, but it was his elder brother, Qin Hao still put some water in it, which didn't make his eldest brother look too ugly.

Until four o'clock in the afternoon, the training is over.

The crowd returned to the hotel.

However, Qin Hao did not come to Syracuse University for training with them the next day. Instead, he told everyone that he had something to do and asked them to go first, and then he would arrive later.

A group of people didn't think much, came to Syracuse University as usual, entered the arena to start training.

It's just that Qin Hao is missing, and I always feel a little bit less flavorful. Although Qin Hao will be abused in them, but this one is not here, and it feels not so exciting.

Do you blame it?

But Qin Hao didn't let them wait long. He arrived at the Syracuse University basketball gym at about ten o'clock in the morning, except that there was another person with him.

"Ah, isn't this Rose?"

"Derek, you are here too!"

A group of people widened their eyes and felt unbelievable. It turned out that the Bulls star and All-Star player, Derrick Rose, came with Qin Hao!

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