Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 823: Gain if you lose


When the G5 game between the 76ers and the Bulls ended, the fans were very reconciled. They were just two points away. It was a pity that they were killed by the opponent in the last two seconds.

Some people kept playing back the video of the last ball, slowly studying it, and finally came to the conclusion that Boozer's lore was an accidental ball, and it was all luck.

This is even more unwilling.

"Did Boozer step on the **** before the game, and all these things can get caught? It was obviously a slippery hand, and it turned out to be a lore. My ¥%%..."

"It's a pity, the scores are tied, and overtime is about to go. If it goes into overtime, maybe the 76ers can win."

"I was so crying. Qin Hao scored 27 points, 6 rebounds, 9 assists, Lu Wei, Nene, Iguodala, Iverson, they all played so well, but they still lost. Oooooo..."

If the 76ers lose ten, ten, or even twenty points, the fans will be a little bit lost at best, but they only lose two points and they are still beaten by Boozer in the last two seconds.

This makes many fans feel depressed.

Before the 76ers lost three games in a row, countless Chinese fans who supported the 76ers and Qin Hao were desperate, because in the history of the NBA, there has never been a 0:3 fall behind.

Later, Qin Hao broke out, slashed 40+10, and led the 76ers back to one city.

This gives the fans hope, even if it is only a glimmer of hope, they are willing to devote all their emotions, only hoping that the 76ers can win again.

However, hope was dashed.


In the end, all the unwillingness, disappointment, and depression turned into sighs.

However, some fans are more calm.

A fan posted on Hupu, pointing out that the 76ers and the Bulls did have a strength gap. Although they lost the series 1:4, the 76ers performed well enough.

Especially Qin Hao's performance is amazing.

That game of slashing 40+ and hitting ten three-pointers in a single game broke many records of the 76ers in one fell swoop, and also broke many records of Chinese players in the NBA.

There is no doubt that Qin Hao has already played the No. 2 pick, and even the No. 1 pick may not be able to play performance. He has proven himself and has also made a lot of face for the Chinese players.

The fan is very sensible and insightful. At the end of the post, he called on the fans to give Qin Hao more and give the 76ers some time.

What we should look forward to is not their present, but me in the future!

This post resonated with many fans, and the number of people who liked it quickly broke thousands, then broke 10,000, and then 100,000...

A basketball comment post unexpectedly exceeded one hundred thousand likes in a short period of time, which surprised many people and shocked Qin Hao's popularity.

At the same time, countless fans are talking about Qin Hao.

Not only Hupu, there are also other forums, even not limited to sports forums, where there are talks about the 76ers and Qin Hao.

Although the 76ers lost, Qin Hao's performance is obvious to all. The 76ers continued to fight until the end. Although the defeat was glorious, Qin Hao's popularity did not decrease because of the loss, but was even higher.


In the dormitory.

The little fat man Peng Jun sighed, lost his vitality, and muttered to himself where he was sitting: "Why did you lose? It should be reversed, come back, kill the Bulls, go all the way, reach the finals, and win the championship. ....."

Several roommates glanced at each other, and one shouted: "Fatty, wake up, you wake up, don't dream anymore."

"What do you call me?" The little fat man turned his head back suddenly.

Several people were startled, and quickly changed their words: "Fat brother. I said Fat brother, don't you want to get off the table first, you are sitting on my potato chips."

The little fat man snorted and left the table proudly.

My roommate picked up the potato chips I just bought in the morning, and wanted to cry without tears-who was offended by my potato chips, I haven't eaten a bite yet, it's all crushed!


Southern province.

Yunlong Basketball Club.

Of course, Jiang Feng and Wang Lei can't miss such a game. In addition to him, there are a group of teammates from the club, including coach Zheng Jun.

"Hey, what a pity."

"Yeah, it's just a little bit worse. I don't know what kind of **** luck Boozer took, that kind of ball can be missed."

"Xiaoqiang, then I have to talk about you. Look at others, and then look at you. They are all butterhands. Why can't you hide one?"


Also as professional players, watching the replay of the last ball repeatedly, they naturally can see that Boozer's lore was completely God's face.

For the 76ers to lose, they all felt it was a pity.

At this time, coach Zheng Jun suddenly said: "In fact, it may not be all bad for the 76ers to lose. If there is a loss, there will be a gain."


Everyone was taken aback and looked at the coach together.

Coach Zheng Jun smiled slightly and explained: "Although the 76ers have entered the playoffs and Iguodala has returned from injury, there are still many problems. Iguodala's state is not as good as before. Brand was in the season. The playoffs were not good, Iverson was too old... and Qin Hao, although he played very well, after all, he was still very young in his first season, and he still needs time to grow up."

"So, even if the 76ers win this game, it will be difficult to comeback. After all, this is a 7-game 4-win game. The more you get behind, the worse it will be for the 76ers."

"But although the 76ers lost this series, their gains were not small."

"First of all, the team's lineup has been tested. It is necessary to know that the NBA's playoffs are very different from the regular season. Whether a team's lineup is reasonable and competitive must withstand the test of the playoffs. Only with the postseason. Only by the test of the game can problems be discovered, solved, and the lineup improved."

"This is also the reason why many teams have established new lineups, and it is difficult for most teams to reach the playoffs for the first time."

All the players nodded their heads, and the coach was a good compliment.

Coach Zheng Jun said again: "The 76ers have experienced the baptism of this series, the lineup has been tested, how to adjust afterwards, whether it needs reinforcements during the offseason, how to reinforce, etc... Direction. Another point is that young players like Qin Hao will truly grow up after undergoing the baptism of the playoffs."

"Especially Qin Hao."

Having said this, Coach Zheng Jun couldn't help feeling that Qin Hao was able to perform such a performance in his rookie season, which made him feel unbelievable.

Such a talented player can be met but not sought.

But looking at Jiang Feng and Wang Lei, Coach Zheng Jun was happy again.

Although I can't meet a player like Qin Hao, I don't have the ability to coach Qin Hao. But I was lucky. I was able to meet Jiang Feng and Wang Lei, and in time, the two will definitely shine. Not as good as Qin Hao, but at least there must be a place in CBA.

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