Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 820: Stars duel, talents collide!

"There are only more than seven minutes left."

"The 76ers are only 4 points behind. It's hard to tell how it turned out."

Seeing the players from both sides return to the field, the fans calmed down and stared at the field unblinkingly.

The 76ers are Mozkov, Nene, Yang, Iverson, and Qin Hao on the field. The Bulls are Noah, Gibson, Korver, Watson, Rose.

Rose quickly pushed the ball to the frontcourt, and Qin Hao stepped forward and blocked him.

Rose called a pick-and-roll, then quickly divided the ball, and he started to move, ran a big circle around the half, and finally returned to the three-point line to take the ball.

At this time, Rose had already thrown away Qin Hao, and after taking the ball, he would play singles. He made a breakthrough, hit the inside, collided with Mozkov in the air, found a confrontation, and scored the ball.

The difference is 6 points.

The 76ers attacked, Qin Hao passed the ball to Iverson and let Iverson organize, while he was running fast, without the ball in his hands, the Bulls would not double-team.

However, after a few passes, the 76ers still failed to find a mobile meeting.

I have to say that there is still some gap between the overall strength of the two sides, whether it is the player's personal ability, lineup configuration, or technical and tactical ability, the Bulls must be even better.

At this moment, the most critical moment, the Bulls defense is like a big airtight net, so that the 76ers players feel tied.

Seeing that there is not much offensive time, Qin Hao quickly came outside the three-point line and rushed to his teammates for the ball: "The ball."

When the ball passed, the defender jumped forward. Rose was in front. Watson was about to jump. Qin Hao took the ball and stepped out with his right foot. Rose subconsciously stopped, and Qin Hao withdrew his right foot. Take a step to the left to accelerate the breakthrough. Rose's heart jumped and he quickly moved to the right.

However, at this moment, Qin Hao retreated and returned to the three-point line. He jumped up as soon as his toes touched the ground. He jumped up as fast as he could without touching the ground with his heels. The whole movement was completed in one go, and he quickly let the defense. People didn't even have time to jump up, just watching Qin Hao's wrist shake.


The ball is in and a three-pointer is made.

At this critical moment, Qin Hao knew that he had to stand up, no matter how tightly the opponent's defense against him, no matter what the final result, he had to stand up.

"Nice job." Iverson walked over and high-five Qin Hao.

Qin Hao nodded, his expression more solemn than ever.

This is a battle of life and death. If they win, they will regain another city. The series score is rewritten to 2:3, which may not be hopeless.

But if it loses, it will be eliminated directly.


Switching offense and defense, Qin Hao stepped forward and stood in front of Ross.

The two stared at each other, their fierce fighting intentions collided silently, and they all saw the desire for victory and the persistence in the game in each other's eyes.

"Huh." Rose exhaled, and his eyes became fiercer, his whole body was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, with a powerful momentum and a sharp edge.


The next moment, Rose played directly, dribbled the ball under the hip, changed direction to the left, broke out with speed, and broke through from the left. Qin Hao immediately moved sideways and got into position first.

At this moment, Rose dribbled the ball from behind, changed direction again, and broke through from the right.

At the same time, Iverson rushed over and double-teamed Iverson with Qin Hao. The two quickly closed to block Rose.

"not good."

"I was double-teamed."

In the audience, the Bulls fans repeatedly called bad news.

But Rose did not pass the ball. Instead, he threw the ball forward, passing between Qin Hao and Iverson, followed by him, and jumped forward, actually being narrow between Qin Hao and Iverson. He jumped through the gap, grabbed the basketball, bent his legs, and jumped up.

This series of movements was like a rabbit's ups and downs, and people couldn't react quickly. The fans in the auditorium opened their eyes wide, leaving only exclamations.

"It's over." Qin Hao sighed and turned around quickly.

He saw Ross flying and jumping up, as if getting rid of gravity, there was Mozkov in front of him, but he didn't care, and he buckled through Mozkov.


There was a blast.

There was a frying pan in the auditorium, and screams came and went one after another.

"Oh my God, dunks every other person, this is a dunk dunk every other person!"

"This dunk is so amazing, it even dunked Mozkov..."

People exclaimed and slapped their tongues.

Rose landed, jumped in excitement, beat his chest, and roared upwards.

Suddenly, the fans became more and more crazy, and people stood up and shouted at the court: "mvp, mvp..."

This dunk was really amazing. Even Qin Hao had to slap Mozkov after dunking, lamenting Rose's madness. He even dared to do this so that he was not afraid of dunking or being injured?


Of course I am afraid.

No one is a body of steel, but in order to win, one has to be afraid.

"It's time for us." Qin Hao took a deep breath and took the ball from the backcourt. After coming to the frontcourt, Qin Hao waited for the double-team, passed the ball to Iverson, and then started to move.

After going around the inside line, Qin Hao returned to the three-point line, but he still couldn't get rid of the defense. At this time, the Bulls paid more attention to his defense and did not dare to let it go.

Qin Hao glanced at the basket, raised his hand, and gestured to Iverson. Iverson's face changed slightly and hesitated, but Qin Hao had already acted, and he could only grit his teeth and do it.

Iverson pushed with both hands and threw the ball to the basket.


"What is Iverson doing? There is no free opportunity for the inside line."

People are surprised.

At this time, the inside 76ers did not have a chance. Nene was low on the left. Although Mozkov was inside, he was behind Noaka. With his bounce, it was impossible for him to pass Noah to complete the air pick.

Is Iverson stupid?

No, of course not.

Just when people were inexplicable, a figure suddenly flashed, with an astonishing speed, quickly rushed into the inside, and flew up.

"Not good." Rose's face changed drastically. He was surprised just now. In the blink of an eye, he found that Qin Hao beside him was gone. He hurriedly shouted, "Be careful."

"An empty pick?" Noah was taken aback, "Where did the empty pick come from?"

The next moment, Noah felt a strong wind hit, and then the top of his head went dark, he raised his head subconsciously, and saw a skin-changed arm appearing on top of his head. He suddenly understood, but he had already Too late to stop, I could only watch that arm grab the basketball in the air and dunk it towards the hoop.


There was a blast.

The Noah was below, and he staggered for two steps before he stood firmly. He turned his head and looked at Qin Hao falling from the sky, his face was ugly and extremely annoyed.

I have been deducted!

This was an empty dunk, and the Bulls fans in the auditorium were still silent through Noah. They looked at Qin Hao and then at Rose, only shocked.

Everyone has a slam dunk, and they are all so crazy.

This is a duel between the stars of the two sides, a collision of talents, which shocked the fans.

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