Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 812: Ten three-pointers in a single game


This is a make-up deduction, as if the gods descend from heaven, Asik is covered.

Exclamations and screams have already sounded in the audience, and people have stood up, yelling, and releasing their excitement.

"It's Qin again!"

"God, why is it him again! This time he won't shoot three-pointers. Instead, he will make up the penalty."

"The ball jumped so high, Asik was stupid. I guessed that Qin would rush from behind, get the ball first, and complete a supplementary dunk directly behind him."

People were talking excitedly.

After this supplement, Qin Hao not only added one more rebound, but also two more points. His personal score has reached 32 points, which is closer to 40+.

In the next few rounds, Qin Hao made another three-pointer, which was still a super-long three-pointer, but failed to make a hit this time, but it also surprised the Bulls players.

Coach Thibodeau took a look at the time, called a timeout, and began to send the main players Qi Qi, five minutes have passed in the fourth quarter, it is time for the full main lineup.

at the same time.

On the 76ers side, coach Luke also replaced, Iverson, Nene, Qi Qi were replaced, he took a look at Brand, and finally replaced Brand and replaced Thaddeus- Yang.

In fact, Brand played pretty well in the past few minutes, at least on the defensive end, but after his performance in the previous three games, at this critical moment, Coach Luke decided to replace him.

"Qin, control the rhythm of the game, how to hit you and act accordingly." Coach Luke didn't plan any more tactics, and handed the game to the players.

In other words, it was handed over to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao nodded heavily, his eyes firm.

At this time the 76ers lead by 6 points, the situation is not bad, but this score is not safe, after all, the opponent is the East's No. 1 Bulls.


The whistle sounded and the timeout ended.

Both sides returned to the court and the Bulls attacked.

After switching to the main lineup, the Bulls' offense has changed more, but the starting point is still Rose, and Rose has a change of direction to accelerate and break through to the left. Qin Hao moved hurriedly, but Ross immediately changed direction again, and his speed did not weaken at all.

"This trick is really..." Qin Hao sighed secretly.

In fact, Qin Hao sometimes uses this trick, but it is still a bit inferior to Ross. Qin Hao relies on speed, and Ross is also explosive in addition to speed.

This is more difficult to prevent than Qin Hao did.

The next moment, Rose scored a layup and scored two more points.

Turning around, the 76ers attacked, Qin Hao advanced to the front court, Rose quickly pounced, and Watson also pounced, and the two double-teamed again.

At this time coach Thibodeau did not send Bogans, but Watson, because Watson was faster.


Qin Hao divided the ball and then started to run.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Hao made a big circle and came to the right to take the ball. Rose was blocked, and Watson had already caught up. Qin Hao shook his head. Watson was not fooled and did not jump up easily.

But at this moment, Qin Hao actually jumped up and shot directly in front of him, as if he had become air.

Watson ignored the irritation, and quickly turned his head to look at the hoop. He saw the basketball hole through the net and another hollow three-pointer.

"Did you make a mistake?" Watson growled angrily.

How can you still get in, this still makes people not live?

Not only Watson, but all the Bulls players were shaking their heads, full of helplessness. Qin Hao's three-pointer was terrifying today.

With 17 shots, 9 hits, a hit rate of more than 50%. When this three-pointer hit, Qin Hao had already scored 35 points.

Crazy, can only be described as crazy!

"It doesn't matter, it's time for us to attack." Rose is also in a responsible mood, feeling depressed and a little admired, but as a team leader, he still has to comfort his teammates and boost morale.

Coming to the frontcourt, Rose played alone, he had to stand up, but this time the 76ers directly started double-teaming, Rose frowned, had to divide the ball and pass it out.

The ball is given to Rolle Deng, who is the most consistent scoring point besides Rose.

Rolle Deng flicked the ball, and then it was a breakthrough, but instead of going to the basket, it took a sudden step and then stopped for a jump shot.


The goal was not scored.

In the next few rounds, the two sides went back and forth. As the game entered the final few minutes, their physical stamina began to decline, and their hit rates dropped.

Quietly, there are only three minutes left in the fourth quarter, and the 76ers are still leading by 7 points.

Coach Thibodeau called another timeout and rearranged the tactics. At this moment, the situation became very unfavorable for them, and the time was running out.

When the timeout came back, Rose stepped forward and rushed to the rim. He was fouled by Nene. He lost his balance in the air, but he threw the ball before it was about to land.



The whistle sounds and the ball is scored.

This is a 2+1, Nei Nei hugged his head depressed.

Rose walked to the free throw line and made a free throw. The difference between the two sides was only 4 points, and the situation seemed to start to fall to the Bulls again.

However, just two rounds later, Qin Hao made another shot. After coming to the front court, he divided the ball and ran by himself, but the defender behind him was chasing very tightly. Qin Hao came to the three-point line and approached the logo area before receiving the ball. He stretched out. Shot, made a move that everyone don't worry, slow down.

But at the next moment, Qin Hao suddenly jumped up and shot a three-pointer.

"Huh? Is this a shot?"

"Look at his gestures, don't you say you can't worry?"

The people were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Rose was also stunned, and didn't jump on the spot for the first time, because he didn't expect Qin Hao to make a sudden move. This is in the logo area. How far is this?

However, Qin Hao didn't take the usual path today. The more difficult the three-pointers were, the more he could make them. He threw a dozen three-pointers and made 9 of them. What else did he dare not to throw?


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

This time the fans in the audience were quiet. People opened their mouths and didn't know what to say because they were already out of words.

If the little fat guy Peng Jun was here, he would definitely say "fuck" appropriately.

Only this word can express the mood of the fans at this time.

With this three-pointer, Qin Hao has already hit ten three-pointers in the field, 10 of 18 three-pointers, and 10 in a single game. Although not enough to break the NBA's single-game three-pointer record, but hitting 10 three-pointers is enough to make fans crazy.

You know, at this time, the NBA player's single-game three-pointer record is only 12, and Qin Hao is only two short of this record.

"Three-pointKing (三分王), Three-pointKing..."

I don't know who first called out Qin Hao's nickname when he was in St. Joseph's High School, which immediately attracted fans to agree and shout.

The huge shouts resounded like thunder and tsunami in the arena.

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