Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 805: Lack of fighting spirit, still behind!

After a warm-up, the players from both sides returned to the sidelines.

Seeing his players listless and lacking in fighting spirit, Coach Luke frowned, but he could only smile wryly. A few words alone were useless. He tried.

He even scolded him, hoping to stimulate the players' fighting spirit with the aggressive method, but the result was still a failure.

Regardless of the method, after all, it must be based on reality. If the gap between the two parties is not too big, encouragement or radicalization can achieve good results.

But when the gap between the two sides is too big, these will not work.

"Okay, let's go." Coach Luke made a simple arrangement and motioned the players to play.

The playoffs are a series of games. In this mode, both sides have to play at least 4 games. There is enough time to understand each other, analyze each other's tactics, and then respond accordingly.

So in the playoffs, maybe one or two games will have tactics to influence the game, but in most cases, after a few games, they already know enough about each other, and all the tricks and tactics that can be used have come out.

There are no secrets, the game can only rely on hard power.

This also guarantees the gold content of the playoffs to a certain extent. There will be no saying that a team will win the series because of good luck, or a particular game, or a surprising tactical victory.

So after three games, coach Luke has used everything he can use. The gap between the two sides is the difference in strength, and he is also helpless.


The game officially started.

The Sixers are still Nene, Speights, Brand, Iverson and Qin Hao.

The Bulls are still their regular season starters, Noah, Boozer, Roll Deng, Bogans, Rose.

First jumped the ball, the Bulls got the ball, Rose held the ball and advanced to the front court and saw Qin Hao greet him. The two eyes collided, Rose couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a little surprised: "So many players on the 76ers have lost their fighting spirit , I didn't expect you to give up yet."

This made Ross' impression of Qin Hao even better.

But at this time, he is on the field, as opponents, he will not let go.

I saw Ross nodded to Qin Hao, and then ordered a pick-and-roll. After getting rid of Qin Hao, he broke through, defending inside and defending quickly. But apart from Qin Hao, Iverson, and Nene on the 76ers' side, Speights and Brand are not high in fighting spirit, and naturally they are not very good defensively.


Rose scored the ball and passed it to Roll Deng. Roll Deng took a look at Brand. Seeing that Brand didn't jump up at the first time, he chuckled and jumped directly.


With the ball in, the Bulls get the first win.

Brand didn't defend the ball well and was not positive. Qin Hao frowned. Coach Luke on the sidelines was also a little unhappy. It's one thing to prevent it, but it's another to not be guarded.

In fact, since entering the playoffs, Brand's performance has not been very good, and his performance in the regular season is simply different, not on the same level.

In the regular season, Brand played very well, averaging 16 points per game.

But in the playoffs, after the three playoff games, Brand averaged only 9.4 points per game, less than 10 points, the data directly shrank by a half, let alone other aspects.

Such as defense.

Rolle Deng, who played against Brand, averaged 21.4 points per game in these three games. Of course, Rolle Deng's strength is excellent, but Brand can't shirk the blame for getting so many points.

After that, Qin Hao broke through and smashed the inside line, causing Boozer's foul. Although the ball failed to score, Qin Hao went to the free throw line and made two free throws and scored two points.

It's just that Qin Hao didn't feel happy, but frowned.

"It seems that the Bulls really want to lock Qin, rather than let him score a foul."

"Yes. After three games, only Qin played the best. The Bulls are not stupid. They will definitely target Qin. They know that as long as Qin is restricted, the 76ers will be over."

In the audience, the fans were discussing.

The 76ers fans are worried, even they can see the Bulls' intentions, but the 76ers have nothing to do, they can't defend it defensively, and no one can stand up offensively.



With a soft sound, Roll Deng scored again.

Or Brand's defense is not in place. He played only four minutes in the first quarter. He has allowed Rolle Deng to score 6 points, which is simply a loophole.

"Substitution." Coach Luke asked for a substitution with a dark face, replacing Brand and replacing him with Thaddeus Young.

Coach Luke thought that Brand was playing the playoffs for the first time, so it was inevitable that he was nervous and needed time to adapt. But as a result, after two games and three games, Brand not only failed to adapt to the playoffs and recovered his state, on the contrary, he played worse and worse.

This really shouldn't.

Now he is not even active in defense.

Since you are not active and focused, you don't need to fight.

"Anyway, the big deal is to lose." Coach Luke is also very straightforward, anyway, in this situation, there is no big difference between whether you have Brand and you are not used to you.

Brand was replaced, sitting muffled on the bench, his eyes were a little hollow, he actually didn't want to play well, but he didn't know what was going on, he felt very uncomfortable playing in the playoffs.

Some players do have this situation. They played well in the regular season and the stats are very good, but they won't work in the playoffs.

On the field.

The game continues...

The Bulls are still double-teaming Qin Hao, limiting Qin Hao crazily, even if they give the 76ers other players some opportunities.

For the 76ers, this should have been a point that could be used, but the reality is that Qin Hao is restricted, without his scoring drive, without his organization and coordination, and other players are also misfired.

Unknowingly, half of the first quarter, the 76ers trailed by 8 points.

Seeing this, many fans couldn't help sighing.

This seems to be a replica of the previous three games. The 76ers are always at a disadvantage. It seems that the 8-point difference is not very exaggerated. After all, this is only the first quarter. However, when there is a large gap between the strengths of the two sides, for the weaker side, the hole will only become bigger and bigger, and it will be impossible to fill it in the end.


Coach Luke called a timeout and said: "Qin, you come down to rest and put on..."

"Coach." Qin Hao said hurriedly, with firm eyes, "I want to continue fighting."

The teammates looked at Qin Hao together. Coach Luke frowned, pondered, and finally nodded: "Well, you continue to fight. Speights, Iverson, you two come down to rest. Mozkov, Lu Wei Come on, you guys, pay attention to protecting your rebounds, Lu Wei, you have to attack more and be more active.

After some arrangement, the game continued.

Qin Hao walked onto the court and looked at the opposite basket. He took a deep breath, clenched and loosened his fists, and muttered to himself, "I can only gamble."

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