Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1698: Development of Tomorrow Star Sports Company

After returning to the Shanghai stock market, Qin Hao did not go to the Beicang training base for the first time. He still had some things to deal with.

The first is the "Rising Star Sports Company" matter.

It was almost half a year in the blink of an eye, and Qin Hao has only come back now. During this period, the company's affairs were only learned through video conferences and some emails.

He will hold a video conference every once in a while, and the main participants in the conference are the company's general manager Zhang Mingyang, the vice president of the Ministry of Commerce Cheng Hongsheng, and Zhang Jiayi, who is actually in charge of the "pilot plan" with the position of assistant to the president.

In addition to regular video conferences, they will also approach Qin Hao for important matters and let Qin Hao decide.

And Zhang Jiayi will report to Qin Hao every three to five, sometimes reporting on the operation of some companies, the battle between Zhang Mingyang and Chen Hongsheng, etc...

Qin Hao didn't ask her to do this, but Xiao Nizi's answer was that she was obliged to help Qin Hao pay attention to some things in the company while hanging up the position of "President Assistant".

Over time, Qin Hao followed her.

With such a "eyeliner" to help him pay attention to some things in the company, Qin Hao can also feel more at ease.

Today, all employees of Tomorrow Star Sports Company are full of energy. Before leaving get off work yesterday, Zhang Mingyang issued a notice that the big boss is coming tomorrow, and all departments are prepared to meet the big boss before leaving work.

For example, clean up one's own work area, so as not to appear too messy and leave a bad impression on the big boss; organize the reports for the most recent year and submit them to the general manager's office; all departments are prepared to be inquired, big boss What do the bosses need to know when they come, they have to be ready at any time...

Until the evening, all staff worked overtime, and they were barely prepared.

In fact, they started counting and sorting out performance reports a month ago, because they knew that the NBA season was over and the big boss would definitely be back.

However, Qin Hao only informed them of the specific time of his return two days in advance, so many things still seemed rushed.

Early this morning, Zhang Mingyang and Chen Hongsheng came to the company even earlier, and went through the corresponding affairs again, lest there be any mistakes.

As for Zhang Jiayi, she went to pick up Qin Hao with the company driver.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Qin Hao came to the company.

"Mr Qin."

"Mr Qin."

Zhang Mingyang and Chen Hongsheng stepped forward together, with enthusiastic smiles on their faces.

Qin Hao was also smiling, first shook hands with Zhang Mingyang, then shook hands with Chen Hongsheng, and several people walked into the meeting room.

In the conference room, in addition to Qin Hao, Zhang Mingyang, Chen Hongsheng, and Zhang Jiayi, there were also several company executives.

Qin Hao sat on the head and smiled gently: "Don't be so nervous, I just come to take a look, understand the situation this year, and relax."

Everyone also laughed, but there was no way to relax in their hearts.

Even Zhang Mingyang and Chen Hongsheng, the two bosses, are the same. The two have been fighting secretly and competing with each other, and they don't want to be crushed by each other in front of the big boss.

Putting everyone's expressions into his eyes, Qin Hao smiled and looked at Zhang Jiayi: "Assistant Zhang, let's talk about the ‘pilot plan’ first."

"Okay." On the contrary, Zhang Jiayi seems more natural. She can be said to be half of Qin Hao's "confidante". At least she thinks so. She is serious about her work and has never thought about fighting with anyone, so she is extremely relaxed and talkative. Tan, "The'pilot program' has gained some gains in the past six months."

"First of all, our cooperation with Yuyang No. 7 Middle School is going very smoothly. Now Yuyang No. 7 Middle School has become a benchmark school. As long as Yuyang No. 7 Middle School can win the national championship next year, the name of the famous basketball school will also be It started."

"I have learned with the principal and Coach Jiang that with the current strength of Yuyang No. 7 Middle School, there is still a lot of confidence in winning the championship next year."

"In addition, we have reached a cooperation agreement with two other schools, but you still need to decide on the specific cooperation."

"Also." After a pause, Zhang Jiayi said again: "Mr Qin, although our in-depth cooperation with Yuyang No. 7 Middle School is difficult to transfer to other schools, I think we can use the quota of the'Rising Stars Training Camp'. Promotion. It is to give some schools free places for the "Rising Stars Training Camp", just like Yuyang No. 7 Middle School. Although there is no in-depth cooperation, these places will definitely be able to play a role if they are put down."

Hearing this, Qin Hao nodded and praised: "You have a good idea. There is no hurry to cooperate with other schools in depth. After all, there are too few schools like Yuyang No. 7 Middle School that have sufficient conditions. Let's take it slowly. But this quota Promotion is okay."

After receiving Qin Hao's compliment, Zhang Jiayi laughed happily, and quickly promised: "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I will do it."

Qin Hao nodded, then looked at Chen Hongsheng: "Ms. Chen."

Chen Hongsheng sat down right away, picked up the prepared materials, and began to report: "In the past six months, we have attracted more advertisers during the winter training camp. In addition, we also organized an amateur competition with some brands, called'Tomorrow. The “Star Basketball Challenge” is divided into eight divisions, covering the whole country, and the response has been very good."

"In addition, because of the expansion of the training camp this summer, our Ministry of Commerce also carried out regional investment promotion, introduced different advertisers, separated the three training camps, and further expanded the commercial effect... ."

After reporting, Qin Hao nodded secretly.

This Chen Hongsheng still has a few brushes.

For example, this "Stars of Tomorrow Basketball Challenge" is very good, and there are also training camp divisions to attract investment. If you change this trick to Zhang Mingyang, you will definitely not think of it.

Immediately, Qin Hao praised the Ministry of Commerce, and promised that the Ministry of Commerce will double the year-end award this year and continue to work harder next year.

Finally, it was Zhang Mingyang's turn.

"Cough cough." Zhang Mingyang gave a light cough, glanced at Chen Hongsheng faintly, and then said: "The company has been operating very well in the past six months and has developed rapidly. It mainly includes three aspects. The first is the pilot project that Assistant Zhang is in charge of. The'Plan' has created such a benchmark for Yuyang No. 7 Middle School, deepened our cooperation with universities, and at the same time expanded the influence of our tomorrow's star training camp among students, with outstanding results."

As he said, he smiled at Zhang Jiayi, and soon returned to seriousness: "The second is the Ministry of Commerce, which is in charge of President Chen. Through the efforts of the Ministry of Commerce this past six months, the company has achieved excessive profits."

However, Zhang Mingyang only said one sentence for the generalization of the Ministry of Commerce. Compared with the praise of the "pilot plan", the difference is obvious.

As the company's general manager, Qin Hao was the leader when he was away. Zhang Mingyang's report must be comprehensive. Strictly speaking, the "pilot plan", the Ministry of Commerce, and the Rising Stars training camp are all under his jurisdiction.

However, it is not difficult to feel from his words that he and Chen Hongsheng are not on the right track.

Opposite, Chen Hongsheng frowned slightly.

Qin Hao also noticed these details, but didn't say anything, just signaled Zhang Mingyang to continue reporting.

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