Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1696: Pig teammate

On the phone, Stefansky's voice came, like a sad young woman: "Qin, what shall we do now?"

what to do?

Cold dressing.

Qin Hao called "I say" in his heart, and he never thought that this group of people could pull their hips to this point, and they wouldn't be able to handle big things, just your brains?

Or do you want to save 30 million just to please the boss and change the way to save money for the boss? Or is it that Iguodala doesn't want to leave, bullying honest people, and thinking that the team should be able to win the championship?

Iguodala doesn't want to leave because he has feelings for the team. It's not that no one wants to be good, or else the Warriors dare to spend 53 million in 4 years?

"Gan." Qin Hao cursed again, and said coldly: "I have already signed a contract and have a hammer. I don't care. By the way, whose idea was the $28.5 million in 3 years?"

"It's Mike's idea, he said it can..." Stefansky sold the little partner immediately.

On one side is a cash cow, and on the other is his own little brother, who can't offend him is still clear.

Qin Hao didn't talk nonsense with him. He wrote down the name. Mike also knew him. A director of the team's operations department, who was in his forties and became the head of the operations department at this age, is also very young and capable.

But this time he was too capable.

"Hang up." Qin Hao was about to hang up, and didn't bother to say a word to Stefansky, a pig teammate.

"Don't." Stefansky hurriedly called, "Qin, the investment project that I said last time..."


Before he could finish speaking, Qin Hao had hung up the phone.

Ma Dan, I'm embarrassed to mention investment projects when things are done like this. I'm so polite if I didn't greet you and the whole family.

On the other side of the phone, Stefansky sat slumped in the boss chair. He knew that he had really messed up this time, offended Qin Hao, and lost his money.


Stefansky was also very angry. He picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Hello, Mike? You come here, right, right away."


at the same time.

On Qin Hao's side, he said a few words to the director, asking everyone to wait a while, then came to a quiet place and called the team owner Prokhorov.

After the call was dialed, Qin Hao expressed his dissatisfaction with this matter, and then threw a name-Mike, the head of operations.

On the other end of the phone, Prokhorov was also very hot. He didn’t say anything, but after he finished the phone call with Qin Hao, he immediately called the person in charge: “You tell Mike, yes, it’s the Mike in the operation department. Fired."

"Huh?" The person in charge of personnel opened his mouth.

In fact, even if something happened, the team management group did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

It's just that Iguodala is missing, and it is not traded away. They are free agents and have the right to choose. It is their own decision to go to the Warriors.

What's this?

What's more, even without Iguodala, the team still has a group of outstanding players such as Qin Hao, Butler, Xiaoka, Nene, and Lu Wei, who still have the qualifications of a championship team.

Originally, some people thought that Iguodala, Thaddeus-Young, and Mozkov had too much appetite, and they would cost tens of millions of annual salary at every turn.

Now just in time, the team's salary space has been cleared.

Until he saw Mike's ugly face and a frustrated appearance coming out of Stefansky's office, some people remembered.

In the past less than half an hour, a message was notified that Mike, the head of the team's operations department, was fired.

It's so fast.

"This...this dismissed Mike? Isn't Iguodala signed by the Warriors, as for?"

"Who meant that a supervisor was fired like this? Stefansky meant? He has such a big right?"

"No, it was the boss who spoke directly. And I heard that it was Qin who called the boss and called Mike's name, so..."


A group of people were discussing that at first there was someone complaining about the microphone, but after hearing it, they began to breathe in air-conditioning.

"Poor Mike."

"At that time, I did not approve of 28.5 million in three years, or 30 million, or more than 1.5 million. Iguodala was Qin who said he would keep it, so let’s do it, it angered Qin. , Mike was fired just like that."

A group of people whispered, silently making up their minds, and they must not provoke Qin Hao in the future.


Here, after Qin Hao hung up, he called Iguodala again.

On the phone, Iguodala was also a little embarrassed. After all, he told Qin Hao before that he wanted to stay in the 76ers, but now he signed with the Warriors.

Qin Hao would naturally not blame Iguodala.

Firstly, the Warriors did give too much. Secondly, the three-year 28.5 million for the 76ers is really disrespectful of people, no wonder they are.

Knowing that Qin Hao didn't blame himself, Iguodala also felt better. Although he was dissatisfied with the team, he and Qin Hao were still brothers.

"Andre." Qin Hao took a deep breath and smiled: "Curry and Clay are both very good people. I believe you will have a good time with the Warriors. But when you meet us next season, you will be your opponents. Hehe, I don’t know how to release water."

"Haha, I won't, anyway, it's not waterproof and can't beat you." Iguodala said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two hung up the phone.

Iguodala still went to the Warriors, perhaps this is fate, Qin Hao shook his head, the matter is here, there is nothing left to figure out.

For the 76ers, this is certainly not a good thing, but for Iguodala, for the Warriors, for Curry and Clay, it is a happy event.

"The 3.0 version of Curry has arrived ahead of schedule. Clay's improvement is fast, and Green has also made the starting lineup. Now that the first brother joins, only Coach Cole is left." Qin Hao muttered to himself, but looked forward to it, "I don't know. What will become of the Warriors next season."


After the day’s commercial was filmed, Qin Hao returned home and called Coach Luke again.

It was still Iguodala signing with the Warriors.

Coach Luke also got the news and made a fire at Stefansky, but the matter is now, how to face the next season.

Without Iguodala, the team's starting lineup is missing a link. What should they do next season? Should they continue to play "big and four small" or adjust their tactics?

If you continue to play "one big and four small", then who should fill the position of Iguodala?

These are all problems.

Qin Hao and Coach Luke discussed these issues for more than half an hour. In the end, the two of them couldn’t help but yell at the management as "teammate pigs". Isn't it cheating?

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