Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1693: Stefansky

In the office, Stefansky rubbed his temples, looked at the various plans in front of him, and couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, a knock on the door sounded.

Stefansky shouted: "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and the secretary stood by the door and said, "Boss, Qin is here." Then he turned to his side and made a request to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao nodded and walked into the office. Stefansky also stood up, with a smile on his face, greeted Qin Hao enthusiastically, and grabbed Qin Hao's hand: "Haha, you can be regarded as coming." Then, the secretary ordered her to bring her own tea set.

After a while, the secretary took out the tea set and placed it on the coffee table, covered bowls, fair cups, tea cups, tea washes, etc...

"Yo." Qin Hao was a little surprised, "Stefansky, I haven't been here for a few months now, so I have all these things?" Then, he pointed to the tea set and couldn't help teasing, "These things , Do you know how to use it?"

"Of course." Stefanski laughed, waved to let the secretary go out, and started to mess around.

Don't say, there is still a good look.

While making tea, Stefansky explained...

Because Qin Hao likes to drink tea, Stefansky kept tea leaves in the office. Originally it was just a simple tea bag, but later it was replaced with tea. Then Stefansky started to drink tea himself and entertained guests with tea. .

Later, he didn't know where he saw it. It turned out that Huaxia had a whole set of tools for making tea, and there were many types of tea.

For example, what Pu'er, Jin Junmei, Tieguanyin...

This attracted Stefansky's interest and was attracted by Chinese tea culture, so he set up a tea set and bought a lot of tea.

Sure enough, after using a whole set of tea sets and learning the tea ceremony, Stefansky felt that the matter of drinking tea instantly became taller, and there was an indescribable sense of ritual when used to entertain guests, as if it was an instant. Just sublimated.

This is the buff blessing of Huaxia Millennium Tea Culture!

"Fuck, you still know this, okay." Qin Hao was taken aback when he watched Stefansky's skillful operation, and wondered if I was considered cultural output?

"Hehe, I'm just learning, and I know a little bit." Stefansky said modestly, and gave Qin Hao a bitter look.

This is the first time Qin Hao has come to his office since he got this tea set.

That's not to blame Qin Hao.

After enjoying the sweetness, Stefansky all day longed to get some secret investment news from Qin Hao, such as which stocks will rise, what funds can make a lot of money, etc., so that Qin Hao takes the trouble, usually nothing. They all hide far away.

"Please." Stefansky made tea, divided the cups, and handed it to Qin Hao with both hands.

Qin Hao took a sip and praised, "This Jin Jun eyebrow is not bad. You can't blindly blind your tea set."

Stefansky suddenly laughed, and he took his teacup and drank slowly. After the drink was over, he began to cut into the subject: "Qin, I asked you to come here today to ask for your opinion. You We also know that the free market has been opened, and the contracts of many players in our team will also expire. We have held several meetings and still failed to reach an agreement."

Qin Hao nodded, he knew before he came.

In fact, before the finals, no, to be precise, since the regular season, Qin Hao and Coach Luke discussed this issue.

At that time, he decided to sacrifice himself, reduce playing time, reduce the number of shots, and give players and opportunities to Butler and Xiaoka, not only for the two to grow up as soon as possible to deal with the playoffs, but also to prepare for the problem at this time.

So Qin Hao had thought about it a long time ago, but he didn't rush to express his opinion. Instead, he asked: "What does the management of the team mean first?"

Stefansky said: "The contracts of Iguodala, Mozkov, Thaddeus Young, Delphio and Blakins in the team will expire."

"We have discussed that for Blakins and Delphi, we mean not to renew their contracts and let them become completely free agents."

"But Iguodala, Mozkov, Thaddeus Young, the three of them belong to the team's regular rotation players, and we have disagreements about where they are going."

"Some people think that Mozkov can be kept. As the team's backup center, he performed very well in the rotation time. The team's backup lineup also needs such a high-level center to guard the inside and protect the rebounds."

"If you keep Mozkov, you can't keep Thaddeus Young. After all, there is Speights in the bench."

"As for Iguodala..."

"Some people think that there is no need to keep him. After all, his salary is too high. It is too pressure for our current salary space. But if Iguodala is let go, he will become a completely free agent, our starting lineup. There will be another vacancy. Who should fill his position? This is also a question."

After speaking, Stefansky sighed with a headache.

Qin Hao nodded, expressing understanding.

In fact, the biggest problem is salary space.

Qin Hao and Butler signed a maximum salary contract with the team last season. When the next season, their contract will implement the salary of the first season. Only their two salary accounts for a small half of the team's salary space. , Reached more than 30 million US dollars.

In addition, Sessions' annual salary next season is about 5 million, Lu Wei 6 million, Speights 5 million, Nene 13 million, Xiaoka 3 million, and Xiao Curry 500,000.

Together, these are more than 32 million U.S. dollars.

This is not counting Iguodala, Thaddeus Young, Delphio, Blakins, and Mozkov.

Even if not counting Iguodala, the salary of the 76ers next season will be close to 70 million US dollars.

The next season, the 2014-15 season, the NBA's salary cap is 63.065 million U.S. dollars, and the luxury tax collection line is set at 76.829 million U.S. dollars.

In other words, if you don’t want to pay the luxury tax, the 76ers have only 7 million dollars in operating space, only 7 million dollars. Except for Delphi and Blakins, which the 76ers don’t want, they can only sign. Mozkov.

As for Iguodala and Thaddeus Young, the money is not enough.

And, just a few days ago, the 76ers and Xiaoka completed an early renewal and signed a 4-year $76 million maximum salary contract.

In other words, the 76ers have three maximum-paid players. Next season, the small card will be implemented in the fourth year of the rookie contract. It can wait until the maximum salary contract of the small card in the 15-16 season begins. The team salary will be even more scary.

Whether to retain Iguodala, not only the salary space for the next season, but also the next season.

That's why Stefansky has such a headache.

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