Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1690: Treat us as beggars!

This is a high-end coffee shop with a special reception room. Martin and the people from BMW have made an appointment here to discuss the renewal of the contract.

The contract between Qin Hao and BMW was also signed for 11 years. The three-year contract expired before the start of the finals. At that time, BMW also approached Qin Hao, hoping to renew the contract with Qin Hao, and gave a good offer. .

Of course, this so-called "good" is not so sincere at this moment.

"Morgan, hello." Qin Hao opened his hands and hugged a BMW vice president.

"Qin." Morgan hugged Qin Hao with a warm smile, and said, "Congratulations on winning the championship. I happened to have an important meeting that day. I was in Europe and couldn't go to the scene to cheer you on. It's a shame. Up."

Just listen to this kind of scenes.

Qin Hao was also a man for two generations, how could he believe it?

Even if this is true, Qin Hao should be considered false.

Don't be serious, you will lose if you are serious.

In addition to Qin Hao and Martin, Qin Hao also has Martin's assistant part-time secretary, a blonde beauty named Lina.

On the side of BMW, there are Vice President Morgan and several colleagues, including Morgan’s assistants, corporate legal affairs, etc...

The reason why it is called legal affairs is that if Qin Hao has any dissatisfaction that needs to be modified when the contract is negotiated, it can be used immediately.

Seeing that Qin Hao didn't bring legal staff here, Morgan actually already knew in his heart, knowing that there must be no way to win the contract today.

Of course, he would definitely not put dissatisfaction on his face.

And it’s normal if you can’t get it today. This kind of negotiation can’t be negotiated in one go. It often takes a long time to negotiate.

It's just that Qin Hao didn't bring legal staff, and Morgan felt that the other party didn't give him enough respect, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

A few people sat down.

Morgan first talked with Qin Hao about basketball for a while. In fact, he was not a fan. He was just making up lessons temporarily. He didn't know anything about it. Anyway, he didn't need to understand it. He just changed his way around the finals and flattered Qin Hao.

To this, Qin Hao responded with a polite smile, always acting very friendly. As for what he talked about, he didn't care about a word, nor was he in a hurry.

If the other party does not get into the subject, he can keep talking.


In the end, Morgan couldn't help but began to cut into the subject: "Qin, today I asked you to talk about the renewal of the contract. From the 11th year we signed the contract to the present, we have been cooperating very happily for three years. We are at BMW. The idea is to continue to cooperate with you for mutual benefit and common progress."

Can be pulled down.

Qin Hao complained in his heart that you build cars and I play basketball, so we can make progress together.

However, Qin Hao kept a smile on his face and said, "I also hope that we can continue to cooperate to create a better tomorrow."

Martin feels embarrassed when listening to this kind of scenes. He still "makes progress together" and "creates a better tomorrow together." Why don't you talk about world peace?

Martin let out a dry cough, and simply got to the point: "Mr. Morgan, let's talk about the specific cooperation agreement."

"Oh, yes, yes." Morgan said to the assistant beside him. The assistant came up with a cooperation agreement. Morgan said: "This is an agreement. You can see if there is any dissatisfaction you can discuss, and our legal affairs can be amended immediately. "

Qin Hao nodded, and began to look at Martin.

Qin Hao only looked at it roughly, and Martin looked at it carefully.

BMW has already issued a contract to Martin before, but not this one. This one has been modified on the original basis.

The biggest change is the contract amount. Previously, BMW gave a four-year contract of 30 million U.S. dollars, with an average of 7.5 million per year.

Compared with Anta's, it is naturally a lot worse.

But BMW is a car company, not a sporting goods company. The dividends from signing Qin Hao are not as big as Anta, so the contract amount will be smaller.

It's not just BMW, including Coca-Cola, Omega, Mobil Petroleum and other companies and Qin Hao's contract amount is much smaller than that of Anta.

The same reason.

Now, BMW has changed the contract amount to 32 million U.S. dollars for four years.

"An average of 8 million U.S. dollars a year." Qin Hao said in his heart, and casually threw the contract back on the table.

Seeing Qin Hao's movement, Morgan's eyelids twitched.

After a while, Martin also dropped the contract.

Morgan tentatively asked, "Two, what do you think of this contract?"

Qin Hao and Martin looked at each other and smiled: "Oh, this contract is okay, there is no problem, it's good."

Morgan was taken aback. He just saw that Qin Hao dropped the contract without looking at it for a while. He thought that Qin Hao was not satisfied with the contract, so he said it was good now.

Immediately, Morgan struck the iron while it was hot and hurriedly said: "If there is no problem, then we can sign a contract now."

Sign up?

Qin Hao sneered in his heart and said lightly: "Don't worry, the contract is good, but we still need to go back and have a meeting to discuss it."

Martin understood it, and stood up immediately: "Mr. Morgan, then so be it. Let's go back and discuss it. Goodbye."

With that, the two turned and left.

Assistant Lina stood up, hesitating whether to put the contract on the table away, because neither Qin Hao nor Martin went to get the contract.

"Lina, let's go." Martin's voice came.

"Oh." Lina responded, did not go to get the contract, nodded to Morgan, and hurriedly followed.

Only a few Morgans remained in the reception room.

Looking at the contract still on the table, Morgan frowned, and Qin Hao's attitude was already obvious.

He knew that he messed up today.


Outside, Qin Hao and Martin got in the car.

Before Qin Hao could speak, Martin scolded uncomfortably: "You have won the championship, and you only gained 2 million US dollars. The average annual endorsement fee is only 500,000 US dollars more. Do you treat us as beggars?"

"Okay." Qin Hao waved his hand and said calmly: "Let's hang them up first, put BMW aside first, aren't there some other auto companies who want to talk to us? Then talk to others first."

"Okay." Martin nodded.

With Qin Hao's influence and commercial value now, he doesn't need to worry at all. It is the advertisers who are worried.

This time, they picked advertisers.

After leaving here, Qin Hao did not go home, because there was still a meal, which was made by Dawson of Coca-Cola Company.

There will be the Basketball World Cup in August, and it is already late June. Qin Hao has limited time. He must deal with matters as soon as possible and return to China to participate in the training of the national team in preparation for the Basketball World Cup in August.

Therefore, seeing two advertisers a day is the least.

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