Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1686: Counterattack? The fight of the trapped beasts!

At the end of the first half in a blink of an eye, the 76ers had a 17-point lead.

A 17-point lead in the half, this was the first time this finals appeared. In the previous five games, both sides played more anxiously. The score difference was always small. At the most, it was just over a dozen points, but today it appeared. A score difference of 17 points.

"Damn it, 17 points behind halftime, how do you play this? Will you be able to catch it back in the second half?"

"How did it happen, how did Qin score so many points? It's only in the first half, and he already got 30+. How did you defend it?"

"Hey, Qin was too terrible today. He couldn't stop it at all. He scored too hard, even better than Durant. Maybe, there really is no chance."

There are many Thunder fans in the audience. Many of them came from far away, such as flying from Oklahoma to Philadelphia, just to cheer for the Thunder, hoping that the Thunder will win the next game. The final dragged into the tie-break.

But seeing this situation at this time, seeing the first half of the game, their hearts sank to the bottom.

Qin Hao hit 30+ in the first half, and Durant on the Thunder team only scored 19 points, Westbrook only had 14 points, and Reggie had 11 points, which was far worse than Qin Hao.

"Qin Zhen is too good."

"Of course, he is an mvp, a superstar. Do you remember? There was a game in the regular season, and it was the 76ers vs. Thunder. Durant scored 48 points in that game, and Qin even scored 50 points. . To score, Qin will not lose to Durant."

"That is, Qin was just to make Butler and Leonard grow better, so he sacrificed himself in the regular season. If he only scores like Durant, averaging 30+ per game is definitely not a problem. The scoring leader is still I don’t know who owns it."

This is a 76ers fan.

At the moment they are very excited, although the game is not over, but the half-time lead by 17 points, the 76ers have occupied a huge advantage.

If nothing goes wrong in the second half, this game should be won.

Winning this game is equivalent to winning the championship.


The second half started soon.

During the intermission, in addition to cheering the players, Coach Brooks also gave some advice, with only one theme-limiting Qin Hao's scoring.

So after entering the second half, the Thunder still doubled Qin Hao.

Of course, it was proved in the first half that double-teaming Qin Hao would miss the other players of the 76ers and give them a better chance of scoring.

But this is a multiple-choice question, either limiting Qin Hao's score, or limiting the scores of Butler, Xiaoka and others.

In the end, Coach Brooks chose the former. He was betting that other 76ers might not have the same scoring efficiency as Qin Hao.


With a muffled sound, Xiaoka hit the iron three-pointer.

Coach Brooks let out a sigh of relief, and his mood was a little better. He was right. After entering the second half, the offensive efficiency of the other 76ers' players decreased, the shooting rate dropped, and the 76ers' offensive became sluggish.

For the defense of the other players of the 76ers, coach Brooks chose to bet on three-pointers instead of throwing a sudden.

After all, even though Leonard, Butler, and Iguodala can also shoot three-pointers, their three-point ability is far worse than Qin Hao's.

It is precisely because of this that Coach Brooks dare to gamble on his luck, what if they are inaccurate?

Fortunately, good luck.

"Fight back."

The Thunder took down the rebound and immediately launched a counterattack. Westbrook made a breakthrough after reaching the frontcourt and passed it to Durant. Durant took the ball and made a change. After passing the small card, he went inside. By virtue of his height Arm length scored.

In the next few rounds, the Thunder launched a counterattack.

On the defensive end, due to the 76ers' misalignment of three points, the Thunder seized the opportunity to grab the rebound and counterattack. As long as the counterattack can be scored, the point difference can be reduced.

After a few minutes, the Thunder played a 10:2 shock wave, narrowing the difference to only 9 points.

"Not so good."

"There are only 9 points left. What happened during this time?"

"Come on for the Thunder, catch up to the score, go over the score..."

In the audience, people were talking and shouting. There were 76ers fans and Oklahoma City fans.

At the back of the 76ers rest area, Liu Jiarong and his wife clenched their hands together, sweat oozing nervously on their foreheads.

Jiang Xue and Qin Hao's parents were also very nervous.

"Coach, call a timeout?" Assistant Harry suggested.

"Wait." Coach Luke said. He had been staring at the court, but Qin Hao didn't give him a sign. Out of trust in Qin Hao, he decided to wait.

On the field.

Qin Hao squinted his eyes, his pupils contracted, his eyes gleamed with cold light, and he muttered to himself in a low voice, "A counterattack? It's just a fight between the trapped beasts."

Coming to the frontcourt, Qin Hao rushed over as soon as Westbrook passed the midline, and Reggie quickly moved closer to this side, double-teaming again.

Qin Hao sneered and passed the ball to Iguodala, and at the same time gave Iguodala a look. Iguodala understood, and when Qin Hao made a circle, he quickly passed the ball to Qin Hao.

After taking the ball, Qin Hao didn't hesitate, and immediately broke through without giving the opponent a chance to double-team again. He reached the free throw line in two steps. He stopped and lifted the ball.

"Not good." Wei Shao chased after Qin Hao, jumped up when he saw it, and flew towards Qin Hao.

However, he found that Qin Hao didn't jump at all. Instead, he flew too hard and flew past him, losing his defensive position.

"And me."

Fortunately, Ibaka reacted quickly, took a step forward, and then jumped up, Qin Hao swayed Westbrook, but he was still there.

However, Ibaka's face changed, and Qin Hao still didn't make a move.

"Is it vain again?" Ibaka's heart shook, and then he reacted, and couldn't help but sneer to himself, "I didn't lose my defensive position. See how you shoot?"

Ibaka did not fly directly like Wei Shao, because he just moved forward and still stopped in front of Qin Hao, almost touching Qin Hao's body.

In this case, there is basically no way to shoot.

But the next moment, Qin Hao jumped up and Ibaka was shocked. However, he had just landed. Qin Hao caught the time difference. At this time, Qin Hao couldn't jump up immediately and didn't dare to jump because the two of them almost posted. Together, he would foul every time he jumped.

He didn't even dare to move his hand, he could only raise it straight, not daring to press down, fearing that Qin Hao would commit a foul.

However, Ibaka really underestimated Qin Hao this time. Qin Hao didn't want to commit a foul. Qin Hao jumped up, leaned back a little, and opened enough space for his shot, and then the whole person seemed to pause in the air. For that moment.

The next moment, Qin Hao held the basketball in his right hand, flicked his wrist, and threw the ball...

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