Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1682: Believe me

The whole game is over.

At this moment, the huge arena fell into silence, and people all stared at the still shaking Nets. After two seconds of sluggishness, people came back to their senses.


The Thunder fans shouted in excitement. They stood up, yelled, and cheered.

This three-pointer hit, the Thunder rewritten the score to 111:110, a successful overtake score-this is a priceless three-pointer.

On the court.

Reggie also froze for a moment, and then jumped up excitedly, yelling, tearing his jersey while yelling, but embarrassingly, it was not able to pull it apart after two or three stunned, but it seemed that someone was pulling. Tugged **** his collar.

Then the teammates rushed forward and surrounded Reggie to resolve Reggie's embarrassment. A group of people gathered around him and celebrated with excitement.

There is no doubt that this is the brightest moment in Reggie's career so far.

In the fifth game of the finals, the Thunder fell behind 1:3. As long as they lose one game, they will be eliminated...and at the last moment, it was Reggie who stood up and scored a lore three-pointer. Help the team win this game and rewrite the big score to 2:3.

Even if Reggie's score is not as good as Durant and Westbrook, the previous three quarters were not as good as doubles, but with this one goal, Reggie today is the hero of the Thunder!

It took a while for the Thunder players to release Reggie.

At this time, after the initial excitement and excitement, Reggie suddenly wetted his eyes and shed tears, shouting in his heart: "I have proven myself, this is me."

After Harden left, Reggie became Harden's replacement.

But seeing Harden as the Rockets, the bigger the better, to become the team's star and become an All-Star player, people will always sigh and say that if the Thunder didn't let Harden go.

Every time I heard such words, it always made Reggie uncomfortable.

He feels that he is not worse than anyone, even Harden, when Harden was in the Thunder, the data was not much better than himself. The reason why he is now an All-Star is only because he is now the head of the Rockets. Resources you don't have.

If you give yourself a chance, you will definitely not be worse than anyone else.

However, Reggie was still only the sixth person, and even when people mentioned the "Three Thunders" again, they insisted on making up the number, and it was Ibaka, not Reggie.

Until today, until this moment, Reggie finally had a feeling of being able to see the moon and the moon, and he proved himself.

At this moment, he wanted to yell at everyone, see if it was not Durant, not Westbrook, it was Reggie who killed the 76ers.

It's just that Reggie would not have thought that the gap between him and Harden would not be narrowed, and he would still not be able to become one of the "Three Thunder" in the future...

In the dressing room.

The 76ers players have returned to the locker room. The noise outside belongs to the Thunder and has nothing to do with them.

Everyone bowed their heads, and the atmosphere seemed depressing.

This was supposed to be their battle to win the championship. They should have won the championship trophy and defended their title, but they were killed in the last 5 seconds.

Moreover, the lore was not Durant, not Westbrook, but Reggie, the sixth man of the Thunder.

This is like the 76ers playing against other teams, until the last few seconds, the opponent will be psychologically prepared, perhaps by Qin Hao, or Butler, Xiaoka.

But in the end, the lore was Lu Wei.

This is more depressing and uncomfortable than being killed by the three of Qin Hao.

"Brothers." Qin Hao clapped his hands, and when everyone saw it, he said in a deep voice: "If you lose, you lose. We didn't make a mistake. We have done a good job. It's just that the game is like this. It changes quickly, and there is always something unexpected. Something outside happened."

"It's the Thunder that can't afford to lose, not us."

"It's a pity to lose this game, but it doesn't matter, there is the next one." As he said, Qin Hao paused, his eyes became sharp, his tone of voice filled with strong confidence, "The next game will definitely be won. we."

Everyone looked at Qin Hao, with some changes in their eyes.

Qin Hao took a deep breath and said again: "Trust me."

The phrase "trust me" made the players feel Qin Hao's determination and his self-confidence, and everyone's eyes regained their spirits.

"Well, if you lose, you lose, and you can win the next game."

"Can they be so lucky in the next game and stage a lore? The next game will be the last game of the Thunder."

"Yes, they are lucky this time, but not necessarily the next time. Moreover, the next game will return to our home court. It is better to win the championship at home..."

Everyone spoke one after another, and the dull atmosphere was swept away and became active again.

At this time, coach Luke led Harry to push the door and walked in. He wanted to comfort the players, but he saw this situation as soon as he came in. The players' eyes were bright and fighting spirits made him stunned.

Immediately coach Luke reacted, looked at Qin Hao, and nodded approvingly at Qin Hao. With Qin Hao present, his coach is really relieved.

That night, the 76ers boarded the plane and returned to Philadelphia.

On the plane, Coach Luke found Qin Hao and chatted with him for a while. What surprised him was that Qin Hao was full of confidence in the sixth game in words. This is a little different from before. Qin Hao was right before. This series is also full of confidence, but it is far less obvious and determined than it is now.

He didn't know that Qin Hao's mid-range shooting had transformed and his strength had become stronger.

Even with the current strength of the 76ers, he has a slight advantage against the Thunder, but now that Qin Hao is stronger, he is naturally confident in the next game.


At the same time, the outside world is talking about the fifth game of the finals.

"Sure enough, the Thunder are not so easy to be killed. Although they are 1:3 behind, they will definitely burst into unprecedented energy when they are in desperation. Wouldn't this be a win?"

"This time the Thunder played really well. Durant scored 42 points and Westbrook scored 26 points. Although Reggie did not score as many points as they did, the final three-pointer was extremely important and valuable. Liancheng."

"Now the series score has been rewritten to 2:3, and the Thunder are only one behind. It is still very promising. As long as they win the sixth game and drag the series into the tiebreaker, everything will be different. When the time comes, Maybe the Thunder can make a comeback and win the championship."

"I think there is a lot of hope. The Thunder adjusted their starting lineup this time, and the effect was very good. The next game should be the same. As long as Durant, Westbrook, and Reggie perform well enough, the Thunder will do it. Can win."

After the Thunder won Game 5, people had confidence in the Thunder again...

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