Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1663: Isn’t it just scoring? Just have a hand!

With five minutes left in the first quarter, the rest of the 76ers ran quickly to pull them away, but the Thunder obviously hadn’t realized what they were doing. Only Westbrook stayed in front of Qin Hao. People go up to help defend.

Looking at the defense on the court, Qin Hao immediately made a breakthrough. His left shoulder sank, but instead of breaking to the left, he changed direction and broke to the right.

Wei Shao hurriedly moved horizontally, trying to get stuck, but Qin Hao paused abruptly, pushing Wei Shao with his body.

A vigorous attack caused Wei Shao to stagnate.

Physical confrontation is Wei Shao's strength, but Qin Hao's current physical confrontation ability is not inferior to Wei Shao.

After all, where is Qin Hao's height and weight.

What's more, his physical fitness has far surpassed the average NBA player, and may be even close to James, but he is definitely not inferior to Westbrook.

Taking advantage of this, Qin Hao speeded up again, and immediately shook off Wei Shao, and after reaching the inside line, he scored with a low layup.

After only ten seconds passed, Qin Hao passed the ball out, then called for a three-point tactic, moved quickly, caught the screen of his teammates and kicked off Westbrook, and came to outside the left three-point line. Pass the ball.

Qin Hao took the ball and shot it, and with a "swish", the three-pointer made a hollow hit.

In the next few rounds, Qin Hao was full of aggressiveness on the offensive end, constantly attacking the Thunder's basket. Westbrook obviously couldn't help it, allowing Qin Hao to score again and again. The 76ers also led by Qin Hao to overtake. Scored.


The Thunder called a timeout.

Coach Brooks's face is a bit ugly. He has long warned that we must pay attention to defense and guard against the opposing star players, but the result?

He looked at Wei Shao and shook his head helplessly. Wei Shao is a typical offensive strong and weak defensive. He is not good at defensive and cannot prevent Qin Hao.

"Substitution." Coach Brooks began to substitute, gradually replacing the main players and replacing them with substitute players.

On the 76ers side, Coach Luke also began to replace Qin Hao, Iguodala, and Nene, and replaced them with substitute players. Only a small card was left for several starting players. Let him take a few. A substitute player played together.

On the bench lineup, the Thunder has Jeremy Lamb, Nick Collison, Caron Butler, Steven Adams, Reggie Jackson, Andre Robertson and many other good players. The bench lineup should not be underestimated.

However, compared with the 76ers' Mozkov, Speights, Kaka, Lu Wei, and Sessions, it is still inferior.

In the last few minutes of the first quarter, the 76ers had the upper hand and opened up the difference.

By the end of the first quarter, the 76ers led by 5 points.

This score made Coach Brooks very upset. In the second quarter, he emphasized defense while encouraging Reggie Jackson to let him go and score more.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the 76ers were Mozkov, Thaddeus Young, Butler, Lu Wei, and Sessions. Butler was replaced with a substitute lineup.

On the field.

Butler took the ball and signaled the others to pull away. Then there was a singles, two steps forward, to the low post, and then a turn over jumper hit.

But when he turned around, Reggie broke through with a very fast speed. After reaching the inside line, he made a dodge in the air, avoided Mozkov's block, and scored a layup.

After a period of time, the two sides of you came to me, and they were in equal agreement.

With Reggie’s outstanding performance, and Collison, Lamb, Caron Butler, Adams, etc. all played well, the Thunder did not lose to the 76ers, making Butler a little unhappy, and he failed to lead the team. It's a shame to have played the opponent's bench.


At this time, Coach Luke called a timeout and began to replace Qin Hao and Nei Nei, replacing Mozkov and Sessions.

At the same time, the Thunder also replaced Ibaka and Durant. Without Westbrook, Reggie played very well during this period. Coach Brooks plans to give him more time.

When the timeout was over and back on the court, Durant took the ball as a singles, made a tentative step on the right three-point line, and then changed direction in advance.

At this time, it was Butler who was confronting Durant. Durant was tall and long in arms. This kind of frontal change was very large. If he was not careful, he would pass it. Butler couldn't help but jump in his heart, subconsciously. Take a step back.

But at this moment, Durant pulled the ball back and shot it directly from the three-point line.


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

After a while, Durant was a pick-and-roll breakthrough. He grabbed the ball and rushed to the inside line to lift it high. Nene struggled to block, but his height was about the same as Durant, and it was not easy to block. Du Rand played a board in the air, and then made a steady hit.

After this timeout ended, Durant came up and even scored and helped the Thunder recover their decline.


Seeing this situation, Coach Brooks nodded secretly, saying that although Durant was a bit nonsense outside the court, he was still very reliable on the court. He was incomprehensible on the offensive end and could be called an offensive killer.

At this time, Coach Luke made another substitution and replaced the small card.

And coach Brooks also brought Westbrook and Sefrosa up, both sides replaced the main lineup, after all, there are few minutes left in the second quarter.


With a muffled sound, the 76ers hit the iron here. Durant took the rebound on his own and didn't pass it to Westbrook. He advanced to the frontcourt one by one, changed direction and accelerated, and went straight after two steps forward.


Go back in!

This time the Thunder directly overtook the score.

Butler frowned and looked at Qin Hao. Xiaoka, Iguodala and others also looked at Qin Hao. Qin Hao made a gesture at them, and everyone knew it.

When Qin Hao came to the front court, the others pulled away together. Except for Nei Nei, the other three were standing outside the three-point line, as if waiting to shoot a three-pointer.

Seeing this situation, coach Brooks raised his brows and hurriedly yelled on the court to remind the players to take precautions.

The next moment, Qin Hao started, and facing Westbrook was a breakthrough, first took a step to the right, then suddenly dribbled the ball from behind, changed direction, and accelerated past Westbrook.

Seeing Qin Hao's breakthrough, Durant immediately rushed over, but at this moment, Qin Hao hugged the ball and tried to pass it to Butler. Durant was an anti-Butler, so he couldn't scream. He stopped immediately and reached out to cut the ball.

But when he stretched out his hand, he reacted, and he was fooled.

"It's not a pass." Durant gave a grumpy heart.

Sure enough, Qin Hao was just a pass fake, the purpose was to confuse Durant, and did not pass to Butler, quickly retracted the pass, the man also reached the basket, leaning on Ibaka, a relaxed left hand to the basket .


The ball is scored.

Qin Hao turned around, ran past Durant, and dropped a sentence lightly, isn't it just a score? Just have hands.

PS: This chapter makes up a chapter that was updated a few days ago!

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