Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1645: East and West Finals

"The next East and West finals will be interesting."

"Yes, especially in the East, the 76ers vs. the Bulls, they were in the Eastern Conference finals last season. Hey, I don't know what will happen this time?"

"Yeah, I don't know if we can win over there this time. Although the 76ers are strong, the Bulls are not weak. The Heat have been killed by them. Oh, just think about it and look forward to it."

At the end of the second round of the East and West playoffs, people began to look forward to the East and West finals, especially the Eastern Conference finals, which is the focus of the battle.

And soon, the East and West finals also kicked off.

Oklahoma, home to the Thunder.

A game is about to begin, the Western Conference finals, Thunder vs. Clippers.

The game has not yet started, the Thunder players are still preparing in the locker room, do not know how to mention the 76ers and Bulls.

"Hey, this round of the 76ers can't be so easy. The Bulls took down the Heat and avenged the original revenge. At this time, it is the time when morale is high and the momentum is like a rainbow. Maybe they can really kill. What about the 76ers."

"It would be great fun if it was that way. Isn't the 76ers also known as the "Big Three"? As a result, the Big Three of the Heat and the Big Three of Philadelphia were all killed by the Bulls, haha..."

"Don't laugh. If the Bulls kill the Heat and 76ers in succession, we won't be easy when we meet the Bulls in the finals."

"Uh, this is also..."

"In fact, to be honest, whether it is the 76ers or the Bulls, they are very strong. But now that the two teams meet and consume each other, no matter who kills who, it is actually good for us. When we kill the Clippers, they The winner is not necessarily divided. In case there is another tie-break, how much strength does the remaining team have when it comes to the finals?"

A group of people talked, but they didn't pay attention to the current game.

Because the Thunder played so well this season, the league's first record, and the first and second rounds of the playoffs were relatively easy. They only see the 76ers or the Bulls as opponents.

And their opponents, the Clippers, are obviously incomparable with the 76ers and Bulls in terms of overall strength and star lineup. Therefore, the Thunder are confident to beat the Clippers. They even think 4:0, at most 4. :1 Get rid of the Clippers, and then wait for the winning team in the Eastern Conference in the Finals.

At this time, one person opened the door and came in, telling them it was time to go out.

At 7:30 in the evening, both players are ready and the game officially begins.

It's just that the confident Thunder before the game didn't expect that they fell into a disadvantage after only one quarter of the game...



Tomorrow is the first game of the Eastern Conference Finals, but the 76ers are still training. When the training is over in the afternoon, Qin Hao, Butler and Xiaoka will stay for additional training as usual.

After the extra training, Butler took out his cell phone, searched for today's NBA consultation, and smiled happily when he saw it.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin Hao asked.

"Haha." Butler laughed: "Isn't today the first game of the Western Conference Finals, guess what? The Thunder lost, the first game was lost."

Qin Hao raised his brows, Xiao Ka was also taken aback, turned his head to look at Butler, and asked, "Why did you lose?"

In terms of strength, the Thunder are stronger. No one on the Clippers can match Durant at the 3rd position. It is difficult to limit this point.

It stands to reason that the Thunder should win this game.

"I don't know about this." Butler shrugged and added: "But from a data point of view, the Thunder lost a lot of rebounds, which is far behind the Clippers, and the team's shooting percentage is also lower than that of the fast. ferry."

"It seems that the preparation is insufficient." Qin Hao guessed.

The fact is indeed the case.

Because the Thunder underestimated the enemy, the preparations were a bit inadequate, and it turned out that the Clippers were far more prepared than they were in the game. There were gaps in the targeted tactics, overall strategy, and players' competitive state.

As a result, even though the Thunder had an advantage in the strength of the lineup, they could not win the game. After all, there was no crushing advantage in the lineup.

Thinking of the look of the Thunder losing the game, Butler couldn't help but laugh.

Of course, there is another reason. Butler hopes that when they reach the finals, they will encounter the Clippers, not the Thunder.


At night, Wachovia Center Arena.

The first game of the Eastern Conference finals kicked off, and the 76ers sat at home to meet the challenge of the Bulls.

The players from both sides came to the court, and Qin Hao and Rose looked at each other as their opponents, and nodded to each other without much communication.


First it jumped the ball, Nei shot the ball first, and shot the ball to the backcourt. Qin Hao controlled the basketball to advance quickly and soon reached the frontcourt.

Rose greeted him, opened his hands, and stood in front of Qin Hao with a serious expression.

"Pick and roll."

Qin Hao made a gesture, Nene came up for a pick-and-roll, Qin Hao accelerated, got rid of Rose, and glanced at Noah who was delayed, which was a breakthrough immediately.

One step forward, Noah was thrown away, Qin Hao turned his head and glanced behind him, Rose did not have time to chase him, and immediately made a layup.

The ball is scored, 2:0.

The Bulls fought back.

Rose came to the front court, Qin Hao stepped forward, swinging his hands back and forth, exerting pressure on Rose.

At the same time, the defense of the other players of the 76ers is also full of pressure, the action is very fierce, constantly creating physical confrontation.

Seeing this situation, Rose frowned slightly, gestured to his teammates, asked for a pick-and-roll, and then broke through, but the 76ers made up quickly, and Qin Hao quickly bypassed the pick-and-roll and chased him up again. Rose didn't take a shot and passed the ball.

Another two or three passes were given to Redick. Redick made a three-pointer but failed to make a hit.

In the next few rounds, the 76ers were very aggressive on the defensive end, constantly looking for physical confrontations.

On the offensive end, the 76ers have a fast offense, a fast counterattack, a fast pass, a fast shot...

In a blink of an eye, just a few minutes later, the 76ers have the upper hand, leading the Bulls by 4 points.

Qin Hao looked at the sidelines, exchanged glances with Coach Luke, and the two smiled tacitly.

Leading by 4 points is actually nothing. The key is that they have verified a little bit from these few minutes. After seven games with the Heat, the Bulls' physical fitness has indeed not recovered.

In the past few minutes, Qin Hao has actually been testing, speeding up the rhythm of offense and defense, and exerting physical confrontation and pressure on the Bulls...All these are to test the Bulls and see how their physical fitness recovers.

Compared with the 76ers' easy promotion in the previous two rounds, the Bulls' promotion path is much more difficult, especially the second round against the Heat, which is extremely tragic.

Seven fights, each of which is an all-out effort. Needless to say, the Bulls' consumption is only two days off. Can they recover?

Judging from the current situation, the answer is no!

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