Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1630: Games that Qin Hao is interested in

Just as the 76ers defeated the Pacers and won the first game of the series. Oklahoma, home of the Thunder, a game also came to an end.

In the second round of the Western Conference playoffs, the Thunder vs. Warriors, the first in the Western Conference and the fourth in the Western Conference.

In this game, the Thunder have the upper hand from the beginning. Their lineup configuration is even better. The main lineup includes Westbrook, Sefrosa, Durant, Ibaka, Perkins, and Harden’s on the bench. The replacement is Reggie Jackson.

The Thunder have an advantage on the inside and on the front line, and even the back line has Westbrook, who doesn't fall short against Curry.

Westbrook at this stage is not at the peak, nor is Curry. The two have very different styles. Westbrook is good at breakthroughs, Curry is good at shooting, Curry can't defend Westbrook, and Westbrook can hardly defend Curry. .

Of course, the most important thing is in position 3.

Durant's point was incomprehensible, and Barnes couldn't prevent him at all.

In the second half, the Warriors tried to use Clay to defend Durant, but the result was still the same, they couldn't prevent Durant at all.

After all, Durant this season is a scoring madman. Although he lost to Qin Hao and failed to win the "Regular Season MVP", his scoring ability was useless to question. The average 32 points per game in the regular season is no joke.

The Thunder took the lead in the first half, and it was the same in the second half.

Until the fourth quarter, Curry began to throw three-pointers frantically, throwing unreasonably, throwing without warning, three consecutive three-pointers, so that the Warriors saw the hope of a reversal.

Unfortunately, the Thunder soon stabilized the situation and contained the Warriors' counterattack.

After three three-pointers, the Thunder further strengthened their defense against Curry. Westbrook continued to challenge Curry and made Curry's three-point shooting rate drop. Without Curry's crazy three-pointer, the Warriors fell short again.

In the end, four quarters of the game, the Warriors lost 108:117 to the Thunder.

Qin Hao also learned the news after returning to the locker room, and he was not surprised by the result.

Today's Warriors can only be regarded as just emerging, the Splash Brothers have not yet reached their personal peak, and the team's lineup is not stable enough.

Although coach Jackson has learned from the 76ers to play "one big and four small" this season, he is still a little conservative in the formation.

Also, the Warriors are not 76ers.

The reason why the Sixers' "one big and four small" is so sharp is that, in addition to the "three young people in Philadelphia", they are all about two meters tall, capable of offense and defense.

On the other hand, the Warriors’ four minors are not as good as the 76ers’ four minors on offense, and their defensive abilities are also inferior to those of Qin Hao.

So it’s not surprising that Qin Hao could not beat the Thunder. It was already expected that although the Warriors made the playoffs this time, they probably stopped there.

Compared to the Thunder vs. Warriors.

In fact, Qin Hao is more interested in another matchup between the Clippers and the Blazers in the West.

The Clippers are still the Clippers, but the pioneers today are different from what Qin Hao remembered in his last life.

Last summer, the Trail Blazers signed Howard to further strengthen the inside line, forming a two-tower combination of Howard + Aldridge. Batum on the front line performed very well, and Lillard + Matthews on the back line was also remarkable. Can be ordered.

It can be said that this lineup of the Trail Blazers is very gorgeous.

In this season, the Trail Blazers also played a regular season third record in the Western Conference, but the first round of the playoffs did not go well.

Qin Hao is very curious about the Clippers in the second round. What will the current Blazers do with the Clippers?


On the second day, the second round of the NBA playoffs played against the other two groups, namely the Bulls vs. Heat, Clippers vs. Trail Blazers.

The 76ers did not play. After Qin Hao had finished training in the arena, he went to the locker room to watch the game with Butler, Xiaoka, Barry, Wood, and Sneek.

The locker room also has a large-screen TV.

"Qin, why do you want to watch the Clippers vs. Trail Blazers?" Butler asked strangely: "Should we not pay attention to the Bulls and Heat games?"

"Right." Xiaoka also looked at Qin Hao.

They are all very interested in the Bulls vs. Heat, and the battle between the two rival teams will definitely not be plain.

What's more, one of these two teams will be the opponent they will meet in the next round.

What, you said this round is not over yet?

It seems that it is not over, but the 76ers are full of confidence in beating the Pacers.

"We know the Heat and the Bulls very well. They don't fight once or twice. After all, it depends on how well the other side can win." Qin Hao laughed and said, "In comparison, I am against the West. This one is more interesting."

"Okay." Butler shrugged, still not getting Qin Hao's interest.

On the big screen TV, the game has already begun.

A few minutes have passed since the first quarter, and the Clippers had the upper hand, leading the Pacers by 5 points.

On the inside, the Trail Blazers have Howard + Aldridge, and the Clippers also have Jordan + Griffin. The two sides have fought equally in the past few minutes.

However, on the outside, Lillard and Paul fell into a disadvantage.

"It seems that Lillard still needs experience." Qin Hao said: "Although Lillard played very well this season, in the playoffs, he still needs to learn a lot to play against a guard of Paul's level. "

"It is inevitable to pay tuition." Butler smiled, a little gloating.

Xiaoka just watched the TV and didn't speak.

But Barry, Wood, and Sneek were discussing enthusiastically. Like Qin Hao, they watched them with relish.


In a blink of an eye, the game has entered the fourth quarter.

After entering the fourth quarter, Lillard tried to stand up to help the team lay the ground for victory, consecutive singles, but the effect was not good, he was overconfident and underestimated Paul's defense.

On the other hand, on the Clippers side, the more he gets to the off-key, the more calm Paul plays, and he is not easy to attack. He is very patient and well balances the organization and personal offense. When he shot, he was always able to score the ball.

"It's so stable." Kazuo said, staring at Paul.

Qin Hao and Butler nodded together. Paul is really steady. He is a master of distance shooting in one hand. He can be called a master of small hits. After a game, both Howard and Aldridge have been trained by Paul a lot. Second-rate.

When the game time is getting less and less, the Trailblazers have less and less hope of a comeback.

In the end, when the game ended, the Clippers defeated the Trail Blazers 114:107, winning the first game of the series.

Paul scored 27 points, plus 6 rebounds and 12 assists. Lillard only scored 18 points, plus 4 rebounds and 5 assists.

Contrast with Paul and make a judgment.

At the same time, another set of duel, the Eastern Conference Bulls vs. Heat quickly came to an end...

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